Pig Gang hyena also through the Dengfeng family home in the sky!

With a roar, this guy showed his magic skill of golden body and took out a nine tooth harrow. He was afraid that the golden monkey would smash all the buildings, leaving him no chance to play!


Pig Gang hyena a strange cry, nine teeth harrow with a powerful force of thunder, toward a building below hard bang up!

The rake fell on the top of the building, and all of a sudden, the top of the building was directly smashed by the bombardment!

At this time, the red flame lion and the snow wolf king, as well as Tang Long's other supernatural beasts, also flew over. At this time, under the command of Tang long, all the gods and beasts were restored to their original appearance!




the sound of angry roar is earth shaking!

The huge stones, whistling wildly between the heaven and the earth, are sweeping up the stones and smashing them all over the sky!

The powerful people of Dengfeng family ran away in panic when they saw this situation!

Far away in the sky, the blood is rolling and the red clouds are coming quickly!

At this time, Tang Long also flew to the sky of Dengfeng family.

"All the people of Dengfeng family are still waiting to die if they don't run away now!" he yelled

With that, his hands quickly changed his fingerprints, and the words of "explosion" flew out of his hands and bombarded the bottom of his hands. Suddenly, the thundering roar rang out!

On the ground of Dengfeng family, all the crushed stones are flying!

The warriors of the Dengfeng family at the bottom saw the terrible attack from the high altitude and the strength of the terror, which they could not resist at all.

One by one, they dare to stay in the family and run away madly!

Tang Long's goal has been achieved!

In such a chaotic situation, even if those witches came, there was no way to find more Dengfeng family members.

Far away, the sky roars!

A head of top trolls, with scriptures flying towards Tang long, is less than 100 meters away from Tang long. Even some peak trolls attack with blood Demon power.

The power of blood demons all bombarded Tang long hard!

Tang Long knew it was time to go!

The body of the golden flame more crazy swept out, turned into a glittering gold word, in all directions of the explosion!

All of a sudden, gold fire roared between heaven and earth, and the wind was raging!

Golden fire covers the sky!


Tang long in the sky gold fire in a burst of drink!

Then, he escaped the attack of the blood devil and flew directly towards the golden monkey!

At the same time, all his gods and beasts gathered together and returned to the heavenly spirit garden, leaving only the golden monkey!

Golden monkey calls out somersault cloud, with Tang long, a somersault is to fly out of a kilometer away, far away from the Dengfeng family, but also with those witches, completely opened the distance!

Many of the witches and the top demons flew down towards the smashed buildings of the Dengfeng family. They wanted to check the situation below.

When they fell down, they passed through the ruins, and all the people of Dengfeng family fled in a hurry, mixed into the street and disappeared!

Tang Long was taken by golden monkey and flew rapidly in the distance.

He flew in the opposite direction to xuelinyue's escape.

Of course, he doesn't have to worry about not finding xuelinyue.

With Tang long, golden monkey flew out for hundreds of kilometers, and finally stopped. Behind him, there was no trace of those witches and top demons.

Tang Long was a little relieved.

He contacted xuelinyue with huixinmen and asked, "are you all right, my dear girl?"

"It's OK, but we don't dare to stop. We've been running away from the golden winged Kunpeng all the time. We've escaped far away."

Tang long warned, "fly in a different direction!"

"We changed the direction with the classics. Before, we couldn't detect the breath of those guys behind us, so we let the golden winged Kunpeng change the direction of flight, and then changed the direction again!"

"That's good." Tang Long was a little relieved.

He contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart: "Ziyi, let Tang Kuo all come to Tianxing market. Remember, when you arrive at Tianxing market, you must be careful not to ask about anything about Dengfeng family!"

Qin Ziyi's voice sounded in the heart of Tang Long: "what happened there?"

"Something happened!" Tang Long stopped, followed closely in his heart and said: "you let all the people of the Tang clan shenlongwei come here. In addition, let the old ancestor of Beigong Yuanye come here too!"

"I see!"

"Be careful!" Tang Long's voice dropped, and then he said, "forget it, you'd better not come to the star market directly. When you get to lingtiancheng, tell me, I'll see the situation first."Qin Ziyi asked, "what is the route to Tianxing market?"

Tang Long said: "from the world gate of Fengtian City, reach the abyss cave, and then go to the transmission Hall of Mobei city. Through the transmission array of lieguang city to Wangyue City, then you can reach Lingtian city. From the transmission array of Lingtian City, you can reach Tianxing market!"

Tang Long said the route, and then told a while, continued: "I will let Xianer and their past gather, you all come together!"

"Yes Qin Ziyi answered.

Next, Tang Long contacted Beigong Xianer and Youye, and asked them to Fengtian city together, and then they came to Tianxing market with Qin Ziyi.

After finishing his work, Tang Long contacted Ye Qingling, who was in Fantian sect.

This baby girl is still waiting for the Vatican sect, he will not forget this baby girl.

He wants Ye Qingling and Tang Xiaohu, as well as lieyunshang, to go to the cold spring to practice together. This is a rare opportunity!

After telling Ye Qingling, Tang Long contacted Ling Qingyao again, but let Ling Qingyao wait in shengxinzong!

Then, after practicing for more than half an hour, he regained his vitality and didn't feel any dangerous atmosphere around him. Then he contacted Xue Lingyue again: "how are you, little leopard?"

"We've got rid of those guys by Scripture. There's no trace of them!"

"Well, you stop. I'll be there now."



Tang long waited here for about 15 minutes, and then the voice of snow listening to the moon finally rang out again: "laipi, we have stopped by Scripture. In a jungle, we are far away from the star market."

"What about Dengfeng jade hall? Are they around you?"

"They're not here. I'm here."

"That's good!"

Tang long did not say more, summoned out the wisdom heart gate, soon appeared in front of the snow leaf moon.

Then, Tang Long and Xue linyue soon saw Dengfeng Yutang again, as well as several surviving warriors of Dengfeng family. All of these warriors were of good strength, which were the strength of the holy realm.

But there were only five of them!

Dengfeng Yutang and others are stunned when they see Tang Long coming back with xuelingyue.

Their escape direction is very random, and the speed is extremely fast, Tang Long returned to the sky star market before, how could it catch up with them so quickly!

Dengfeng jade hall looked at Tang Long and asked, "did you go to the star market?"

Tang Long nodded.

Dengfeng jade hall quickly asked: "how is my family?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem!" Tang Long said: "I arrived at your family a few minutes earlier than those witches. I destroyed your family and drove out all the warriors of your family."

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