"As long as people can live, those buildings are destroyed and can be rebuilt again!"

Dengfeng Yutang breathed a long breath.

A warrior of Dengfeng family nearby said nervously, "will those witches kill the city?"

After listening to the words of the warrior, the eyes of the remaining warriors of Dengfeng family all showed a touch of tension.

Dengfeng jade hall is also nervous.

They can see that the blood red guys are very vicious!

Of course, Tang Long also thought of this problem, otherwise, he would not tell Qin Zi to wait until lingtiancheng, and not directly arrive at the Tianxing market. This is because Tang long thought that the Tianxing market would probably have a terrible change!

He looked at Dengfeng jade hall and asked, "what special means of contact do you have? By the way, I'm going to contact you in the market

"I'll go back with you!" Dengfeng jade hall even busy road.

Tang Long couldn't help frowning.

This Dengfeng jade hall is not afraid of death. Doesn't he know that his life is precious now?!

How can Tang Long let Dengfeng Yutang go back with him? If there is an accident in Dengfeng jade hall, will the cold spring be ruined?!

The most important thing is that going to Tianxing market in Dengfeng jade hall is not good for Dengfeng family.

He looked at Dengfeng jade hall and said, "those witches all know you. If they find you in the star market, do you think they will let you go? Now they are looking for you wholeheartedly. They should not take too drastic measures in the star market for the time being. But if they find you appear in the star market and run away again, they will surely be furious, and then the people in the star market will really suffer. "

Dengfeng Yutang knew that Tang Long's words were reasonable, but he was worried about the safety of his family.

For a moment, he was sad and sighed.

Tang long looked at him like this, thought for a while, had to say: "well, I go back to see the situation, and then help you contact the people of Dengfeng family, if possible, I will cover them to come to you!"

"Please Dengfeng Yutang sighed.

He knew that it would be very dangerous for him to go back at this time, and it could be a bad thing.

He can most rely on Tang long.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the snow leaf Moon: "I will leave the golden winged Kunpeng. In case of danger, you will run away immediately!" After that, he turned to look at the jade Hall of Dengfeng: "your Dengfeng family is in the Tianxing market, and there must be a lot of property. Where should I go to find someone? What's more, do you have any keepsakes? "

"Take this." Dengfeng jade hall hands, more than a glittering jade card!

Tang Long took the jade card and asked, "what is this?"

"This is my Dengfeng family's master token. When people of Dengfeng family see this token, they will believe what you say."


Tang Long put away the token.

Dengfeng Yutang said: "my Dengfeng family has been in the Tianxing market for many years, and there are many properties. The most important property is a large auction house, which is a very important place for my Dengfeng family."

he told Tang Long about the address of the auction house in detail.

Tang long no longer said much, agglomerates the vitality, flies directly into the sky, returns to the star market again.

He is going to see the situation of star market at this time.

If those warriors of tianwuzong really went to kill the people in Tianxing market, he would not stand idly by. After all, he had certain ability to save such a catastrophe.

All the way in a hurry, to the star market, the situation is not out of control temporarily!

One by one the peak demons disappear by Sutra!

The sorcerers have restrained the power of blood demons and become ordinary people. They are looking for something around the ruins of Dengfeng family residence, and they are constantly asking passers-by.

At present, they are not taking any drastic measures.

Obviously, these wizards don't want more people to know about their existence.

Tang Long knows that these witches must still be looking for information about the cold spring, and they must also be trying to find the people of Dengfeng family.

Only by finding the people of Dengfeng family can they get more information about the cold spring of Dengfeng family. At least, they can get a chance to get the hiding place of Dengfeng jade hall.

Their ultimate goal is to find and seize Dengfeng jade hall, devour the soul of Dengfeng jade hall, get all the secrets of Dengfeng family, so as to occupy the cold spring of the land and practice in it.

Tang Long was careful all the way to avoid meeting with the witches.

Before long, he arrived at the door of an auction house.

This auction house is one of the properties of the Dengfeng family, but outsiders don't know it. This auction house is run by the Dengfeng family.

Go to the door, looking at a warrior way: "I want to see your boss!"The warrior stares at Tang Long warily: "who are you?"

Tang Long took out the jade card given to him by Dengfeng jade Hall: "this is the token of the master of Dengfeng family. You should know it!"

Seeing the token, the warrior's eyes suddenly showed a touch of tension: "did you see our master?"

"Yes, of course. I saved your master!" Tang Long's voice dropped, followed closely: "those Yin corpse clan people, should not have found here? They don't know that the auction house belongs to the Dengfeng family, do they? "

"They really don't know, but they've been searching around the star market!"

Tang long thought for a moment and asked, "did those people of Yin corpse sect control the transmission Hall of Tianxing market by economy?"

"They did control the transmission hall, but they didn't take any drastic measures. They arranged a lot of people around the transmission hall. As long as someone in the star market wanted to leave the transmission array, they would immediately go to interrogate them. They don't care about the people who come in from outside, and those who go out are basically stopped! "


Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

He knew that the witches obviously didn't want to make things too big.

Whether it's for the sake of the cold spring or the wizard's special identity, they obviously don't want to be noticed by more people.

The identity of their witches, apparently, did not want to be made public.

Tang Long speculates that in this world, the wizard power should not be too strong, they still have scruples, so they would not like to be more people know their existence.

Tang long understood the situation and felt relieved.

He knows that as long as these people are not willing to expose their identities, they should not take drastic measures in the star market under normal circumstances, so that the star market, at least for the time being, will not undergo drastic changes.

Tang long looked at the warrior in front of him and said, "take me to see your steward here!"


The warrior agreed, and took Tang Long through a long corridor to the backyard, into the magnificent hall, and then from an underground passage to a very spacious courtyard.

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