Magic blood Hao, the owner of the magic blood family, looked at the black flame dragon and asked, "what is Tang Long going to do when he comes back? Didn't he tell you? "

"Tang Long came back yesterday. He said he was very tired and wanted to have a rest. I didn't see him again until this morning. He just said," let me ask you to come over and discuss how to deal with the blood crow tribe. "

After a pause, the black flame dragon helplessly said: "I think Tang Long may not be able to help too much. Even though his strength is pretty good, how can he reveal his identity when he comes back in secret. For his safety, I don't even intend to let him participate in this matter of blood crow tribe."

"Since he asked us to come here, we might as well wait for him to come and listen to him first," he said


The black flaming Dragon nodded.

He called a warrior of the Heiyan family and said, "go and call Tang long."


With a promise, the warrior turned around and left.

Black flame dragon also did not continue to stay in the living room, with the wound parting, manxiao three people, together toward the black flame family of a secret room.

They walked into the secret room and waited for about ten minutes. Outside the door, there was a knock on the door: "Dong Dong Dong Dong!"


the voice of Tang Long was obviously outside the door: "uncle, it's me!"

"Come in!"


Tang Long pushed the door in and said goodbye to the wounded. They met one by one and then sat down at the head of the black flaming dragon.

After a few simple greetings, he looked at Tang Long and asked, "good nephew, you let the Heiyan family find us, but is there anything wrong?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded.

Looking at these people, he said seriously, "I come back for some special reasons. So I hope you can help me keep this secret and not let anyone know. In addition, I have brought back a girl. During this time, I hope you can take good care of it."

"Of course we will not neglect the people you bring back." The injury and departure was quite wheezing, and continued: "and you don't worry, we promise not to say anything about your return!"

At this time, Mo Xuehao looked at Tang Long with a wry smile and said: "take care of the girl you brought back. Even if we have this heart, we are afraid that we have no ability. You should also know that now our black feather tribe is facing a major crisis!"

"I know!" Tang Long nodded and wrote lightly: "is it not a tribe of blood crows? I'll solve the problem! "

"You?" They were all stunned.

Black flame dragon looked at Tang long in doubt: "how do you solve this problem? Didn't you say that you can't leak anything you come back? If you can't show up, how can we solve this crisis of our tribe? "

Tang Long faint smile, hand, suddenly more than a glittering brand!

On this brand, there are several big characters with blood red, and among these big characters, there is also a strong power of blood demons!

Tang Long handed the sign to the black flame Dragon: "look at this!"

The black flame dragon took the sign and looked at it. His eyes were filled with ecstasy: "you, do you know the blood demon General of the blood god temple? Even if you can borrow his ID card? "

Hearing this sentence, several people sitting in the room looked at the ID card in the hand of the black flame dragon. In their eyes, they were shocked!

You know, in the blood temple, the blood demon general's status is not low!

In their small place, the blood demon general is regarded as supreme!

The wounded left and looked at Tang Long with some expectation and asked, "is it because of the blood demon general that you come back this time? He asked you to come back and help him with some things? "

"No!" Tang Long shook his head: "I came back because of a blood demon emperor!"

"Blood demon emperor?" How many people are shocked again!

How high is the blood demon emperor?!

At this time, Tang long had the chance to know the blood demon emperor? That would be great!

If there is the support of the blood demon emperor, as long as the blood demon emperor says, the blood crow tribe will soon disappear, and can no longer bring any threat to the black feather tribe!

"What do you want the black dragon to do

Tang Long smiles and doesn't answer.

The people waited for a while. Seeing that Tang Long didn't answer, they all guessed that this matter must be Tang Long's inconvenience. All of them immediately felt that Tang Long's task must be very confidential and could not be told to others.

None of them asked any more.

At this time, Tang long looked at the black flame dragon and said, "the ID card of the blood demon general I gave you is mine!"


Sitting in a few people, suddenly again surprised!

They didn't expect that Tang Long was so good in the blood god temple. How long did he leave the blood demon world? He became a blood demon general directly!You know, the blood demon general's identity, the vast majority of people can't get mixed up in a lifetime!

Tang Long was so quick that he became a blood demon general!

Knowing Tang Long's identity in the blood temple, all the people sitting there had a surprise in their eyes.

With the support of the blood demon general, what is the blood crow tribe?

It's not a thing at all!

Tang Long glanced at the black flaming dragons, and then said seriously, "although I can suppress those people, I can't help but be on guard. If my ID card can't hold these people down, I'll have to show up, but to do so will certainly be very detrimental to my secret mission! "

After a pause, he said, "I will arrange other ways to solve this matter."

The wounded left and looked at Tang long. At this time, he could not help but pay more respect to Tang Long: "the general of blood demon, don't know what arrangements you have?"

Tang Long smiles and says his plan.

For Tang Long's arrangement, people all have some doubts for a time.

However, they did not say much.

After dealing with the matter here, Tang long will not stay in the blood demon world all the time in the next few days. After all, the effect of taking Lingyun baijiehua has long been gone. If he absorbs the power of blood demon, the power of blood demon will be of great benefit to xuanyuanba.

Tang Long didn't want xuanyuanba to be strong.

Therefore, he left the black feather tribe directly, and only came back when there was a conflict between the black feather tribe and the blood crow tribe.

He did not return to BlackRock.

He used huixinmen to contact Ling Qingyao. He planned to accompany Ling Qingyao and Xue linyue to go to Jiuhuang Tianfu. By the way, he hoped that there would be some unexpected gains along the way.

huixinmen was summoned and Tang Long appeared in front of Ling Qingyao.

Then they went to the Nine Emperor's palace.

In a hurry, a few days later, Tang Long and they finally arrived at their destination: Jiuhuang mountain in Lingfeng continent!

Jiuhuang mountain is a lofty and majestic mountain!

The Jiuhuang mountain is extremely high, and the peaks are soaring into the sky. From a distance, they seem to be like pillars of heaven. There are 108 peaks from far to near, and they are actually in a very strange direction!

Standing on the back of the blue dragon in the sea, xuelinyue looked at the majestic Jiuhuang mountain in front of her, and the mountains that were soaring into the sky in the distance. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "what a wonderful place! These mountains are really like pillars supporting the sky!"

Tang Long smiles: "these mountains are man-made!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the four people around him showed a touch of disbelief in their eyes!

There are so many peaks, every peak is soaring into the sky. Who has the ability to create these peaks?!

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