Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and asked, "dragon, how do you know that these mountains are made by man?"

Tang Long smiles: "the location of the mountain is arranged according to an ancient array. I have seen this array all over the place. It is a very powerful defensive array, called the sky star Huangyu ancient array. This is the most powerful ancient array!"

"Ancient battle array!"

Hearing that it was an ancient battle, Ling Qingyao and their faces were shocked.

Nearby Tang Yang asked, "young master, isn't the ancient array the highest level?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded.

He was also shocked.

As expected, it is worthy of the ninth emperor's mansion, and indeed the residence of Pangu ancestor god. It is actually able to arrange the ancient array of celestial stars and Huangyu!

The sky star Huangyu ancient array, however, contains cosmic power. It can not only absorb the energy of heaven and earth, but also condense the aura of heaven and earth. Within the scope of the array, there will always be extremely pure aura and extremely pure energy!

Such a place is one of the most suitable places for martial arts practitioners!

The most important thing is, because the array condenses the power of the universe, and even contains the power of some mysterious law in the universe, so the ancient array of Tianxing Huangyu even has its own vitality!

Encounter any enemy, this day star Huangyu ancient array, is able to launch itself!

Fortunately, Tang long already knew how to get into the ancient array of stars and Huangyu. Moreover, he also knew how to get to the center of the array and how to get to the Nine Emperor's Tianfu. After all, he had already inherited the method of entering the Nine Emperor's Tianfu.

"Come with me, don't get lost!"

Tang Long glanced at Ling Qingyao and said, "I'll take you into the Nine Emperor's mansion!"


The crowd nodded.

The five people of Tang Long rode on their respective beasts and continued to fly high into the sky. Then, Tang Long jumped up and jumped onto the back of the golden winged Kunpeng, and made a series of fingerprints with both hands.

These fingerprints are the fingerprints that open the channel of the ancient sky star array.

No one will enter the Imperial Palace easily.

The most important thing is that the ancient sky star array is extremely profound and complicated. After each ancient sky star array is arranged, the way to open the array channel will be completely different.

These channels are set up by the people who set up the array. In addition to those who set up the array and those who have been handed down, there is no way for others to enter the ancient array of the star Huangyu successfully.

If you don't pass the Tianxing Huangyu ancient array, you don't want to go to the Jiuhuang Tianfu

before the Tang dragon opened the map of the Jiuhuang Tianfu, you can inherit the Scriptures.

Therefore, he can go into the imperial palace.

With the continuous change of Tang Long's handprints, strange runes of golden flame flew out of his hands and floated forward. These runes flew towards the 108 mountains in the distance!

Look, these runes, are flying to those mountains, and then, into those mountains!

This process took more than half an hour.

More than half an hour later, Tang long just gently vomited a tone: "well, this day, the channel of star Huangyu ancient array is opened, you come with me!"

When his voice dropped, he stepped forward and stepped out.

Feet fell in the air, but very strange, at his feet, out of thin air emerged a white cloud!

Cloud is like a tray, floating in the air, very mysterious!

At this time, Tang long continued to walk forward. Every time he took a step forward, there would be a cloud under his feet. When he walked 20 steps forward, there were 20 strange clouds floating in the air behind him.

They were all very curious.

One by one, they all gathered up their own animals and stepped on these clouds.

Tang Long turned his head and saw that all the people had stepped on a cloud, so his hands closed together again, and all the redundant clouds disappeared.

This array is extremely magical. Tang Long has got the inheritance of the open array. As many people as he allows in, only so many people can come in.

If anyone comes to the rear, if they break into the range covered by the array, they will be completely lost. They will enter a dreamland for no reason. They will arrive at another place for no reason. They will leave the range of Jiuhuang mountain unconsciously!

If this person attacks rashly, the defensive ability of the array can be activated immediately!

Moreover, the attack power of this array is also very strong.

Tang Long took Ling Qingyao and them along the way. After walking for more than two hours, a huge Valley appeared in front of them!

The valley is full of clouds, birds and flowers. It is a wonderful paradise!"Let's land down. The valley below is where the ninth emperor's palace is located."

Tang Long said, is the first to fall down to the bottom.

After him, Ling Qingyao's four people also followed him and landed from the air.

Soon the crowd fell into the valley below.

According to the law, the ninth emperor's mansion is here, so there should be a lot of tall and grand buildings here. But it's strange that there are no magnificent buildings in the valley at all!

Although the environment in the valley is really excellent, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and clouds and mist, Ling Qingyao even saw several rare precious medicines, and even saw four or five kinds of first-class elixirs. But here, let alone palaces, there is no cave at all.

Ling Qingyao was confused.

Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are also confused.

Xue Ye Yue of course is also very puzzled, turning to look at Tang Long: "laipi, how come there is no palace here? Jiuhuang Tianfu, you should know the name. There should be an extremely grand palace here! "

Tang Long laughed: "of course, there are palaces in the ninth emperor's palace, but this palace is not on the ground!"

"Not on the ground?" The little leopard was stunned: "is it in the sky?"

"Yes, the palace is in the sky!" Tang Long affirmed the way.

After listening to Tang Long's words, all of them looked up at the sky in a hurry. There were white clouds in the sky. What kind of palace was there within the scope of sight and above the sky? Outside the clouds, there was nothing!

Xuelinyue looked at Tang Long and said, "laipi, you lied to me. Where is the palace in the air? What's more, what palace can fly in the air

Tang Long said: "this is the mystery of the sky star Huangyu ancient array!"

Ling Qingyao said curiously, "is this palace also hidden?"

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "this day star Huangyu ancient array, not only has the extremely strong defense ability, but also has the triple hidden ability. The place where we are at this time is the first illusory world!"

"What? Is this a psychedelic world? " Four people hear this sentence, all of a sudden are a dull face!

Everything around here is extremely real, even the fragrance of flowers is clear, and the breeze can make people feel clear. How can it be a psychedelic world?!

Tang Long smile: "this illusory world, not all around this is illusory, just cover up a very important part!"

Ling Qingyao asked, "which part is covered?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!