
Flowers all over the sky a scream, the body, has been pierced a big hole by the seven color light!

The colorful light stab on huamantian suddenly exploded and directly turned into the powerful colorful light energy, which bombarded huamantian severely!

Flowers all over the sky, the whole person, by the powerful energy contained in the colorful light, directly flew out!

Fly out of the full 50 or 60 meters, and then, toward the ground above, randomly fell down.


Tang Xiaohu's body, the sound of roar rang out again!

Colorful light from his body, is extremely fierce burst out, the light, mercilessly bombarded in the seal of the aperture above!

In the aperture, there are countless cracks!

The force of the seal is breaking!

"Suppress it for me!"

There's a blast from the sky!

The flaming golden flame directly covered the sky and filled the air of 100 meters!

The golden flame swept across the tumbling room, and turned into energy fire dragons. The energy Fire Dragon flew towards Tang Xiaohu below.

This energy dragon will directly wrap Tang Xiaohu in it!

Then, the zhentianding in the sky was suppressed, and Tang Xiaohu was completely covered in the zhentianding!

at this time, the magic flying snow was also flying towards the distance, avoiding the seal range of zhentianding, but holding the jiuxuanqin, always pay attention to the surrounding movement, to prevent the people from evil heaven pavilion from sneaking into Tang Xiaohu!

At this time, who dares to attack Tang Xiaohu?!

Hua man Tian is so powerful. Just a moment ago, he was seriously injured by the power of stars. At this time, Hua man Tian fell to the ground and fainted!

Even, on the field of elixir with flowers all over the sky, a big hole was blown out by the power of stars!

As early as four or five evil heaven pavilion's Dan Shi, hurriedly toward the flowers all over the sky in the past, one by one saw the injury of flowers all over the sky, and their eyes were full of obvious fear!

Although the flowers all over the sky did not die, although with some rare healing elixir, this flower all over the sky certainly can't die, but this guy has no elixir field!

His Dantian, was blown out of a big hole!

At this time, all the meridians around the flower covered elixir field were all necrotic. Even if they could continue to live in the future, they could no longer cultivate their vitality, and even could not be a normal person.

All his life, he was at most a weak patient.

All the people in the evil sky Pavilion, seeing the miserable appearance of flowers all over the sky, showed fear in their eyes!

They now wish Tang Xiaohu was sealed.

Above the sky, the seal power in the Zhentian tripod swept down more and more powerful. At this time, strange runes flew out of Tang Xiaohu's body!

These runes, together with the force of the seal in the Zhentian tripod, actually merge together. Finally, these energies merge with the aura runes of the golden flame surrounding Tang Xiaohu, and gradually shrink!

One by one, the rune aperture became smaller and smaller, and soon it was integrated into Tang Xiaohu's body and disappeared!

On Tang Xiaohu, the strange runes that spread out before are just the seal power planted on Tang Xiaohu before Tang Long!

This is a powerful array seal technique learned by Tang Long ten thousand years ago!

As early as Tang Long saw Tang Xiaohu and accepted him as his apprentice, Tang long had applied this seal technique to Tang Xiaohu in order to worry about Tang Xiaohu's current situation.

Finally, Tang Long came in time. Otherwise, a little later, when Tang Xiaohu's soul and the star Troll are fully integrated, even if there is seal power, there is no way to change the situation!

"It's close!"

Tang Long also took a long breath.

He came all day and night to worry that Tang Xiaohu would break into the evil heaven Pavilion and rescue the magic dancing snow. But I didn't expect that it happened!

But in the end, it didn't make a big mistake!

By this time, Tang Xiaohu had recovered his mind.

Slowly opened his eyes and recalled the situation he had just had. Tang Xiaohu stood up and flew towards Tang long. His eyes were full of gloom: "master, I --"

"I don't blame you, I'm also wrong this time!" Tang Long breathed a long breath.

This time, he also blamed himself.

Before he brought Tang Xiaohu here, he didn't consider it very thoughtful. He left Tang Xiaohu alone here and left him in a hurry. This will create the present situation.

He knew that Tang Xiaohu must have had some shadows in his mind just now.

He now, of course, can't talk about him!

"It's amazing that you can save the snow!" Tang Long raised his hand and patted Tang Xiaohu's head: "as for the power of the stars, you can rest assured that I can suppress it, so you don't need to worry about it at all!"He said this in order to comfort Tang Xiaohu and let him not have any negative emotions or heavy burden.

Tang Xiaohu just now, the heart is really very uncomfortable.

He was worried that he would disappoint Tang long, and even worried that his identity as a disaster star would disgust Tang Long and abandon him.

He was nervous, depressed, and even frightened!

However, seeing Tang long at this time, he obviously didn't blame him at all, and obviously he still loved him so much. He felt much better in his heart and no longer worried.

Fantasy flying snow flew over, looking at Tang Xiaohu: "thank you!"

At this time, she didn't care much about the disaster star. She thought that Tang long could control the disaster star.

After all, this is what she saw with her own eyes.

Tang Xiaohu, in the face of magic flying snow, said nothing.

He didn't care at all about the thanks from Feixue. He just worried that Tang long would be angry or disappointed.

In this world, the only family member and even the only hope in his heart is Tang long.

In Tang Long's mind, he also made a decision.

In the future, if we don't have to, we can't leave Tang Xiaohu alone in this dangerous place. Otherwise, a bad one will make a big mistake!

In his heart, he also secretly breathed a breath.

But at this time, around, a figure toward this side of the rapid flying over!

These people, however, are the warriors of the evil heaven Pavilion.

These warriors saw that Tang Xiaohu was no longer in danger, and before exploring, Tang Long's strength was obviously not very strong. All of a sudden, one by one, they started the idea of xuanlingwu again!

In their opinion, as long as Tang Xiaohu is not a threat, they can destroy Tang Long and them.

Even, they thought that they could kill Tang Long easily, and then they captured the magic dance flying snow alive, gave them medicine, and then they could go to Yiqi Lingyun sect to ask for credit. They said that the magic dance flying snow was captured by Tang Long and saved by them!

Then, their plot plan, can continue to carry out!

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