Jiang biehe, with the remaining four powerful gods in the evil sky Pavilion, surrounded Tang Long and them in the middle!

The rest of the more than 30 strong gods of the evil heaven Pavilion also gathered around and completely blocked the retreat route of Tang long!

Tang long, they have nowhere to escape!

Jiang biehe stares at Tang Long and complacently smiles: "Tang long, I know that you are very powerful, and there are several divine beasts. But here, we four gods surround you. I see what you can do to kill us all. After all, none of your subordinates is here!"

Tang Long's eyes, coldly fell on the river crane!

This guy really doesn't know what to do!

"You must kill me?" Tang Long stares at the river biehe and says coldly!

Jiang biehe said with a proud smile: "of course I don't want to kill you, but you should never have done something wrong. You shouldn't have run to my evil sky pavilion to rob people. No one can take away the people I like from the evil sky Pavilion!"


Tang Long slightly pull up the corner of his mouth, showing a sneer, a touch of cold in his eyes!

Although the other side is a God King, he is really difficult to defeat, but this does not mean that he can really be killed by this guy!

Flying snow in the magic dance beside Tang long, seeing the shameless appearance of Jiang biehe, immediately aroused anger in his heart.

She couldn't help but scold: "Jiang biehe, my elder martial brother just saved you. If it wasn't for him, you would have died long ago. You would not have to face it. Now you have to revenge the hand that feeds you!"

"Hey, we didn't let him save us just now!" Jiang biehe shameless smile: "no matter how, you now, is absolutely can't escape!"

"Can't escape?"

Tang Long snorted coldly and suddenly yelled: "come on, kill this bastard who wants to die!"

Hearing Tang Long's sudden order, everyone was baffled!

The people in the evil sky Pavilion thought they saw idiots one by one!

They feel that Tang Long is too stupid. Tang Xiaohu is still surrounded. There is no one around Tang long. Tang Long actually gives such an order. Who will execute this order?

Tang long, who has the ability to kill Jiang biehe?!

At this time, people in the evil sky Pavilion feel that Tang Long is used to giving orders to others? At this time, I'm still dreaming!

Jiang biehe looked at Tang Long and couldn't help laughing: "Tang long, why are you such an idiot? At this time, you still give orders to kill me. Ha ha ha ha ha, who will kill me? Who's going to kill me? "

"I'll kill you!"

Jiang biehe's laughter continues. The space in front of him suddenly appears strange and twisted!

Then a young man in black appeared in front of him!

Then, a dark sword, with extremely fierce wind, has come towards his lightning attack!


Jiang biehe's eyes, suddenly full of fear!

He did not expect that suddenly, in his own side, unexpectedly appeared an enemy, this person when to his eyes, he did not know!

The most important thing is that this man's strength is extremely strong, and he has reached the realm of "God first"!

although Jiang biehe's a God King, he is also very passive in the face of the sudden attack of such a close-up God one strong man.

It was Tang Yang who appeared in front of him!

However, although Tang Yang's strength is strong enough, and his attack speed is fast enough, he is finally escaped from the fatal crisis by Jiang biehe. Jiang biehe gathers his energy and rushes out towards the side like a flash of lightning, with a bloody light on his chest!


Dark sword across the air, and then the sword disappeared, Tang Yang Dynasty Tang Long fly past!

However, at this time, when the warriors of the evil sky Pavilion were all sweating for Jiang biehe, one of the powerful gods in the evil sky Pavilion behind Jiang biehe, a very burly warrior dressed in Xie Tian Pavilion, suddenly attacked Jiang biehe!

This attack, powerful fear!

What's more, it's an attack with the magic weapon!

A golden axe, with a strong sense of famine, directly towards the back of jiangbie crane, and cut it down!

Jiang biehe escaped the attack of Tang Yang. He was in a cold sweat all over his body. He thought his life was safe. He suddenly felt the powerful force behind him!

"Not good!"

Jiang biehe suddenly cried out in his heart that it was too late to escape!

In the shocked eyes of all the people in the evil sky Pavilion, this shining axe, with its incomparable strength, directly and mercilessly chopped on the back of jiangbie crane!



Jiang biehe screamed, his whole back was split, and then the whole person was directly blasted out by the power of the axe!Fly a full dozens of meters, and then, toward the ground above the fall!

It was Li Dahan who attacked jiangbie crane!

Tang Long has always been a very cautious man. He always makes plans and moves later. Usually, he is very cautious, not to mention that at this time, he is going to break into other people's clan, and there are several warriors in this sect!

In this case, how can he not have a careful deployment?!

This time, he also brought Tang Yang and Li Dahan, who had recovered from internal injuries, together with them.

When they arrived here, they explored the situation from a distance, and after knowing what happened to Tang Xiaohu, Tang Long told Tang Yang to hide and let Li Dahan disguise as a warrior in the evil heaven Pavilion. He waited for the opportunity to move. Once something happened, he killed an opponent first!

Now, the successful killing of the river crane, and before the waste flowers all over the sky!

There are only three gods left here!

The most important thing is that at this time, these people in the evil heaven pavilion have been awed by Tang Long's means!

Tang Long's arrangement of appearing and disappearing is really frightening. Who knows if there is any arrangement of Tang Long around him. If Tang Long orders again, if he doesn't know which God King, he may be killed again!

These warriors, one by one, stare at Tang Long with vigilance, and there is no more arrogance before.

Feixue is also watching Tang long.

At this time, her eyes are full of infinite brilliance.

This man, always can give her unexpected surprise, she felt that she could not help but want to rush to hold him, let him take advantage of his own, she now, but do not mind Tang long to take advantage of her!

It's just, there are so many people here, but she is also embarrassed to do so.

Li Dahan put an end to a God King, his heart is also extremely happy!

The mind moved and collected the Pan Gu axe, and then flew to Tang Long: "boss, I'm not bad!"

"It's OK!" Tang long light road.

He turned to look at the magic snow: "come with me."

"Yes." Magic dancing snow nodded obediently. Now, even if Tang long drives her away, she will never go. She has decided to follow him, follow him, and make sure to get rid of him!

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