The craftsman examined carefully for a while, followed closely, looked at Li Shendao, and said with certainty: "this sword comes from the axe city. It's made by a famous blacksmith shop in the ax city. Moreover, this kind of knife is specially used by the lower martial arts of the axe gate!"

"Oh Li Shendao's pupils narrowed slightly: "are you sure?"

"Of course The craftsman said with certainty that he had several old knives in his hand: "although the knives used by each of the five sects here look basically the same, they are all slightly different."

With that, the craftsman went to Li Shendao and put down several old Knives: "master, compare these knives. The length, width, size, and thickness of these knives are slightly larger than ours. Moreover, there is a very inconspicuous mark on the head of the handle. This is the unique mark of the weapon shop in axe head city!"

Li Shendao took the knife and compared it for a while. On his face, he suddenly showed the extreme gloom!

"Axe door, you even want to use me to deal with Hengdao gate. Do you underestimate me, Li Shendao? Am I so easy to be cheated by you?"

At this time, several warriors came in at the door.

These warriors are tracking the murderer, but they all get nothing at this time.

Li Shendao glanced at them and bit his teeth fiercely: "axe gate, how can I be so teased by you? When you attacked Tang clan last time, you were the first to retreat and let Hengdao gate suffer heavy damage. At this time, I fell on my machete door again!"

"Am I such a bully?"

The master said, "master, this Hengdao gate has a good abacus. First of all, we should use the Tang clan to smash Hengdao gate, and then we should be used to attack Hengdao gate!"

Li Shendao snorted coldly: "My Li Shendao, how can I let him do it!"

"What should we do?" asked the craftsman

Li Shendao said in a deep voice: "since his axe door has already started with us, how can we swallow this tone? Surely now, the most hateful axe door should be Hengdao gate. Send someone to see it!"


The craftsman agreed, turned and hurried out of the hall.

Li Shendao is angry here, and Tang long, with his party of Tangmen, has been riding the dragon and flying far away.

They flew directly back to the spirit City, and then back to the Ghost Tower.

Tang long looked at Tang Que and praised: "this is a very beautiful thing. Next, I expect that the machete gate will unite with the Hengdao gate. In addition to your arrangement before, there will be a guillotine gate, a three clan alliance, and the axe gate is not an opponent!"

Tang Kui hesitated and said, "but there is still a kitchen knife door?"

Hey, no matter who is involved in the cooking gate, I will fight for the kitchen knife in the future

The voice fell down, waved his hand and said, "OK, I've been tired for a long time. Go to have a rest."


Tang Kuo should a, with the wind and cloud and a few dragon guards of martial arts, turn around and go together.

Youye looks at Tang Long and asks, "good man, next, do we ignore the affairs of these five sects?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "no matter, let them make trouble for a while. I expect that after a while, some people from the sect will come to us. We just need to show our weakness and keep the chaos of tianhun city. That's enough!"

He doesn't want to get involved in the chaos!

Moreover, the current several zongmen, must think that he and the axe door in cooperation.

The first one to come to Tangmen must be the axe gate. At that time, I'm afraid the ax gate was already in a mess!

Next, Tang Long went to the training room of Tiangui Pagoda with the quiet night and the magic flying snow.

In the previous World War I, the magic flying snow was also inspired by Tang long, which consumed a lot of energy. Therefore, at this time, we also need to recover. Of course, Tang Long also needs to recover the consumed vitality.

Busy finished, it is late at night.

The three go to have a rest. When the day breaks, Tang longcai goes back to Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue.

At this time, he remembered that ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue were missing some people!

He is to let Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang follow Ye Qingling and xuelingyue.

What about them?!

Tang long looked at Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue: "I didn't let Xiaohu and yunshang follow you? Why are you here, and they're gone? "

Ye Qingling was a little speechless and said, "brother long, do you just find that they are missing?"

"They've gone to do things," Xue linyue said

Tang Long was a little curious: "what are they going to do?"

Xue linyue said: "on our way here, just three days ago, we met a group of very vicious guys who said they were going to rob a kind of thing called Ziyang suffocating fruit. It was said that this was a kind of second-class elixir. Xiaohu didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he followed yunshang quietly."Tang Long listens to snow to listen to the month this words, eyebrow immediately fierce frown up.

You know, Tang Xiaohu is a disaster star. In case he meets someone who is more powerful than him, and if he has to use the power of stars, what can he do?!

He is not in front of him, in case Tang Xiaohu unties the seal, who can control it?!

"How can you let him go out alone with yunshang?" Tang long looked at Xue Lingyue and ye Qingling. He could not help but feel angry: "you two are too ignorant. Don't know that there is such a taboo on Xiaohu?"

Seeing Tang Long's angry face, ye Qingling and Xue yingyue immediately lowered their heads.

Ye Qingling whispered: "that he himself must go, we also have no way."

Tang Long said angrily, "won't you go together?"

Ye Qingling said: "we are afraid that we may delay the time of looking for colorful flowers on the other side of the river. Moreover, we heard that the place where the Ziyang suffocating fruit grows is far away, so we think that the soldiers will be divided into two ways, and they all agree that they will come back to us immediately after they get hold of it!"

"How do they find you?" Tang Long frowned fiercely: "this broken dream ends of the world, they have not come at all!"

"He said he had a way," she said

Ye Qingling followed: "brother long, those who go to grab Ziyang suffocating fruit are not very strong. Even lieyunshang can easily defeat them. Xiaohu must be OK!"

"You two, ah!"

Tang Long sighed heavily, at this time, the matter has been like this, what else can he say?!

Ye Qingling sees Tang Long's black face and knows that Tang Long is obviously very angry.

It was the first time that she saw Tang long angry with her. She was a little afraid. She grabbed Tang Long's hand and shook it for a few times. She didn't dare to say anything more.

Snow leaf month also dare not say anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!