Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue also know that the decision to let Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang act alone is a bit rash. Even if they delay a little time, they should go with Tang Xiaohu.

If something happens, Tang Long has to blame them all the time!

In their hearts, they are also a little worried about the safety of Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang.

Tang Long summoned the red flame lion out and looked at Xue Lingyue and ye Qingling: "things are already like this. It's useless to worry. Let's see if we can find colorful flowers on the other side. If we can't find them today, we'll go back and find Xiaohu first. If we find the colorful flowers on the other side, we'll go to Xiaohu immediately."


Ye Qingling and Xue linyue both bowed their heads and answered.

Tang long looked at them like this and sighed helplessly, but he didn't say anything about them.

Thinking about it, I feel that I may be too worried.

Tang Xiaohu was very smart, but also very clear about his own situation, even more Tang Xiaohu and lieyunshang's strength at this time, are not weak, should not be so easy to happen.

"I still have to find a way to solve the problem of Xiaohu as soon as possible." Tang long thought in his heart.

Tang Long also has a way to solve the danger of Tang Xiaohu.

If we can find Shengyao Tiangang and Jiuyan Tianlu, which are two kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, and refine them into nine star magic elixir with the quality of immortal elixir, we can completely solve the harm of Tang Xiaohu's star power, and let Tang Xiaohu freely control the power of the stars, so that his mind will never be affected by the power of the stars.

However, this Shengyao Tiangang and Jiuyan Tianlu are extremely rare things. Where is Tang Long going to find it?!

"Let's find the colorful flowers on the other side first."

Tang Long said helplessly. He grabbed the hand of Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue, and flew directly into the sky. At the same time, he said to the red flame lion beside him: "before you, didn't you say that there are natural materials and earth treasures two thousand meters away? Go and have a look


Red flame lion should a, fly to the front, to the Tang long they lead the way.

The distance of two thousand meters is very close to them, so after a while, they are flying over two thousand meters. At this time, they are also in a dark valley in front of them, and they see a little light colorful light!

What's more, Tang long can also feel a faint aura surging from there, and even contains a sense of vitality!

"It's so easy to find colorful flowers on the other side!"

Tang long looked at the front of the colorful light, the heart is a bit incredible!

This is too smooth!

However, looking at the faint light of the purple light, and did not smell a trace of smell, Tang Long is basically sure that if the purple light is emitted by some kind of plant, then 80% is the colorful other shore flower!

"Go, go and see!"

Tang Long said, a flash of body, is toward the colorful light of the place quickly away.


Just ten meters out of the sky, a thunderous roar was heard. Then, in the low-lying place ahead, a skull more than two meters in diameter was lifted up and appeared in front of Tang Long!

"Let's go!"

Tang Long doesn't want to think about it. He suddenly stops his body, then turns around and flashes to Ye Qingling and xuelinyue.

In his heart, there is also some regret, because Tang Xiaohu's affair, actually forgot to explore whether there is any danger around him, and actually startled a horrible Warcraft!

These two girls are still staring at the terrible head in a daze!

By Tang long holding hands, this just realized the danger, and rushed to fly with Tang Long!


The thunderous roar is already roaring. The skull with a diameter of more than two meters has been chasing them at full speed. Under this head, there is a huge body connected with it!

This body emits colorful light, which is more than 100 meters long!

This is a dragon!

Colorful dragon!

The colorful dragon is a kind of divine beast, and it is extremely rare in the wild!

With Tang Long's strength at this time, how can they resist the attack of wild animals? The only thing they can do at this time is to escape and escape with their lives!

Although the colorful dragon, obviously has not yet grown up, but at this time, the fighting power of the colorful dragon has been extremely terrible!

This colorful dragon has grown up to the level of the first level beast!

The combat power of the first level god beast is already super terror. Even if he is the strong one at the top of the God King, he is not the opponent of this level god beast at all!

Tang long, with Ye Qingling and magic flying snow, flew out less than 200 meters. The colorful dragon chased them directly behind them, roared and opened its mouth. A dazzling purple light energy group was directly condensed out and attacked them fiercely!"Flash!"

Tang long did not dare to look back.

Using the magic skill of the sea field, while exploring the movement of the colorful dragon behind him, he quickly fell down to the bottom and barely dodged the attack of the colorful dragon.

Next to him, ye Qingling and Xue linyue also followed him to fall down rapidly!

Just after landing more than ten meters, a colorful light flew over their heads and flew toward the far sky

Behind them, the colorful dragon roared again!

Tang Long is also aware that his own strength at this time, in the case of not improving his strength, even if he can avoid the first attack of the colorful dragon, he is afraid that it is difficult to avoid the second attack.

Moreover, ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are even more dangerous!

In a hurry, without much thought, he summoned all his divine beasts directly!


Next to him, all kinds of lights burst out, followed by the sound of a thundering dragon!

The voice of the thundering dragon is from Longxuan!

You know, Longxuan is also a dragon, and it is the highest level of Dragon: Nine wing sky dragon!

Jiuyitianlong is the highest level of existence among the dragon family. It is the descendant of the ancient dragon king. Like longying, after the fall of the Dragon King, it is the highest level of existence in the dragon clan!

If the nine winged Tianlong grows to a certain extent and accepts the inheritance of the king of Tianlong, he can become a new generation of Tianlong king!

of course, as a descendant of Tianlong king, longying can also accept the inheritance of Tianlong king.

In other words, Longxuan and longying are both likely to become the Dragon King!

Although the colorful dragon is also among the dragon clan and has a high level of existence, compared with the nine winged Tianlong and nine infants, naturally, it is totally incomparable. Moreover, at this time, the colorful dragon has not yet grown up!

Seeing the appearance of longying and Longxuan, the colorful dragon suddenly disappeared!


The colorful dragon roared, the sound, has completely disappeared, just that fierce!

What's more, the powerful momentum of the colorful dragon also converged. , the fastest update of the webnovel!