Tang Long followed the black Python emissary and so on, not long ago, he had entered a very magnificent hall in the city of the king of beasts.

The building of this hall is magnificent, even more magnificent than the imperial palace of the eagle empire. Moreover, the stone walls of the hall are carved with various strange runes!

Obviously, this is a hall built by a guy who is good at array.

In the hall, there are seven or eight warriors standing on both sides. Although these warriors are human, they are all Warcraft breath!

This is obviously a head of god beast!

There are ten of them!

When Tang Long saw these animals, he was shocked again!

He didn't expect that there were so many supernatural beasts on the island of fire of death. Although these animals were level three or four, Tang Long was shocked.

The black Python emissary looked at Tang Long: "wait a moment, I'll invite our king of Warcraft."

"Good." Tang Long nodded.

At this time, the two supernatural beasts with the black Python emissary also stood by. The black Python emissary turned around and left. Tang long waited here for about ten minutes. Finally, he saw the real king here: the king of Warcraft.

The king of Warcraft is extremely tall, more than two meters and five meters long, and he is very magnificent!

Tang Long's momentum from this guy can be sure that this is a god beast, and it is also a very strong beast!

This is a level eight beast!

"My God, there are eight level gods in this place, which is too exaggerated!" Tang long felt the strong breath of the king of Warcraft, and was more and more shocked.

However, he also detected that the breath of the king of Warcraft was obviously not right, which was not caused by poisoning!

Moreover, this does not seem to be a sign of poisoning, it seems to be a different situation!

The king of Warcraft looks old.

He sat down slowly on the throne and looked at Tang long. There was an obvious surprise in his eyes: "I didn't expect that I saw such a young Dandi, even more talented than my master!"

"Master?" When Tang long heard the word, he was moved.

He had previously speculated that the king of Warcraft had, probably, lived in human society and probably had a master.

Now it seems that his conjecture is obviously right.

He asked curiously, "I don't know what kind of existence your master is."

In the eyes of the king of Warcraft, there was a trace of nostalgia: "he left me thousands of years ago, and if it wasn't for him, I would have died a thousand years ago."

"What's going on?" Tang Long asked.

The king of Warcraft said: "my master was once a Dan master, and he was also a talented Dan master. I followed my master for more than 7000 years. Unfortunately, I was finally given by a mysterious person -"

what happened next? Although the king of Warcraft stopped talking, Tang long could easily guess.

He knew that the master of the king of Warcraft must have had misfortune afterwards.

Tang long looked at the king of Warcraft and said, "I think your master is not only a Dan master, but also has a very good attainments for various arrays."

"Not bad." The king of Warcraft nodded: "my master is very good to me. He has never regarded me as a Warcraft. He not only takes care of me, but also teaches me a lot of things in various aspects. He taught me the skill of array arrangement."

"I see." Tang Long nodded and thought that the well-trained Warcraft that he had seen outside just now stopped and said, "if I guess well, your master should have been a strong one in a sect before."

"He created a sect of his own, and it developed very strongly." The king of Warcraft said, sighed and said, "it's a pity that we have met the enemy. We have met some very powerful enemies."

"What kind of enemy is this?"

"These people are very ferocious, and the energy they use is extremely evil. They are a kind of energy full of the breath of death and destruction. Even they can summon powerful demons!"

"Can you summon demons? Wizard Tang Long frowned fiercely.

He didn't expect that the king of Warcraft had something to do with the wizard!

"Did you grow to where you are now when you were attacked by those guys?" he asked quickly

"Of course The king of Warcraft nodded his head for sure: "I was a level 8 beast. At that time, I had already grown to the level 8 level beast level, and my master was more powerful. Unfortunately, I still couldn't fight those guys in the end."

Hearing what the king of Warcraft said, Tang Long was deeply shocked!

He knew that the witches he had seen before were nothing at all. The sorcerers that the king of Warcraft had seen before were the most powerful witches. These witches could fight against level 8 gods and beasts!What a powerful force?!

Don't you want to be here before

"Of course I wasn't here before. I came here from another world."

"Which world?"

"The light world!"

"What, there are witches in the light?" Tang Long's pupil, can't help but shrink.

He has been to the light world.

The place to get Pangu axe is the jiutiantaiqing cave in Zhenwu, which is in the light world.

However, Tang long had never seen a wizard in Zhenwu.

The king of Warcraft said: "we met powerful witches. Those witches completely destroyed our clan. My master was chased to death by them. Before my master died, he escorted me out of the encirclement."

"No wonder." Tang Long nodded: "I can see that you have been seriously injured before."

"Not bad." The king of Warcraft nodded: "although I escaped, and even escaped with several supernatural beasts, at that time, I had extremely heavy internal injury, and I have been struggling to support these years."

Tang Long asked curiously, "the beast that escaped with you? Are they all there? "

"That's them. There are a few others who are poisoned. Rest in the back." The king of Warcraft glanced at the animals standing on both sides of the steps and said, "they are some of the miraculous beasts I knew before I escaped. At that time, our continent was very dangerous, so I escaped with them."

Tang Long asked, "what's the name of your continent?"

King of Warcraft: "esmore of the light world."

"It's esmore!" In Tang Long's heart, he couldn't help being shocked.

He had heard the name of this continent as early as ten thousand years ago. This is a very prosperous and powerful land in the light world. Even if it is a medium-sized sect, it is much more powerful than those ancient clans of the Kalan kingdom!

Of course, the light world is still weaker than the divine world or the heaven.

God and heaven, the strong are even more afraid!

Tang long looked at the king of Warcraft and asked, "did the wizard occupy esmore five thousand years ago?"

"Not bad!" The king of Warcraft nodded.

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