Tang Long asked, "after so many years, don't you want to go back to your former world?"

"Yes." The king of Warcraft said: "although I have used many ways to go back to see the situation, but all the channels I know leading to esmore are completely blocked!"

"Oh Don long frowned. "Do you mean that esmore is separated from the rest of the light?"

"Not bad!" The king of Warcraft nodded and said, "as far as I know, it seems that the door of the world and the wormhole of esmore have been destroyed by those guys. They have completely ruled the land, but few people know it!"


"Because, when the situation happened in that continent, almost all the clansmen, almost the most powerful ones, suddenly became witches and could use the power of blood demons to directly control all kinds of channels!"

"Then how did you escape?"

"I was lucky to escape because my master once discovered an ancient site with a world gate in it. We all wanted to escape from it. Unfortunately, he failed in the end."

"What about the door of the world?"


"I see!" Tang Long nodded.

At this time, he also had a basic guess: is the wizard coming from esmore? If so, the wizard and the blood demon world are not a group!

Tang Long knows that the people in the blood demon world came through the dark door!

Isn't there only one dark gate? Is it not to say that the dark gate at this time is completely controlled by the blood temple? But how could a wizard come here?!

"Is there a mysterious channel connecting the blood demon world in esmore? However, in addition to the dark door, is not there anything can be connected with the blood demon world again?! "

after thinking about it, Tang Long still couldn't figure out how these witches arrived in the world with the blood temple on their back, but he no longer thought about it. He planned to wait for the opportunity to investigate the situation in esmore.

He thought to himself, "if you can get to esmore, you may know how the wizard got to the world."

Although in esmore, the former world gate and space wormhole must have been destroyed, but Tang Long believes that there are definitely new world gates and space wormholes leading to the outside world, but only those witches will know!

Tang Long is sure that even if those guys destroy all the gates of the world and the wormholes of space, they will surely create new wormholes and gates of the world that others don't know. Only in this way can those witches take the initiative.

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

"Are you going to check it out?"

Tang long thought secretly, and suddenly had an idea!

"How can I be so stupid? Since I know this place, I don't have to worry about no one to deal with those witches. I just need to find a way to let the people in the blood Temple know the existence of esmore land, which is enough!"

With this idea, Tang Long's heart burst into a burst of pride!

he was not in a hurry to carry out the matter immediately. He looked at the king of Warcraft and said, "you have trained all the Warcraft in the forest of Warcraft into this way. It must be that this means was learned from your previous masters?"

"Not bad." The king of Warcraft nodded: "I do this, in fact, to better protect ourselves."

"Tang Long nodded and asked," are you worried that one day those witches will also appear here? "

"Yes." The king of Warcraft does not deny it.

He worked hard to unite all Warcraft and even trained them. He was worried that one day, this place would become a killing place.

Tang Long smiles and says, "in fact, some people who are more powerful than witches have already arrived here!"

"Oh The eyes of the king of Warcraft were slightly frozen.

Tang Long basically told the story of the blood temple, and then said, "these guys and wizards in the blood Temple seem to have the same origin, but some differences. I don't know the relationship between these guys, but I'm sure that the guys in the blood temple are more difficult to deal with than those witches!"

"The blood demon world 100000 years ago, my God, I didn't expect that the people in the blood demon world appeared again!"

In the eyes of the king of Warcraft, there was an obvious worry.

Obviously, it has heard something about the catastrophe 100000 years ago.

Tang long looked at the king of Warcraft and said, "you can rest assured that even if the outside world is in chaos, you can barely guarantee the safety in this island of fire of death."

The king of Warcraft asked curiously, "why?"

Tang Long smiles and says, "there is a clan gate on the island of fire of death, which is called mingyuezong. You should have heard of this?"

"Not bad." The king of Warcraft nodded: "originally, the death flame island was ruled by a clan named Tangmen. Later, for no reason, the Tang clan suddenly withdrew from the death flame Island, and then the moon sect came out to take over."Tang Long smiles and says, "the leader of mingyuezong is a person from the blood temple, but she is a very good person. She came to rule the death flame Island, which was the request of the Tang clan leader. She wanted her to come forward and protect the death flame island in the name of the blood God Temple!"

"I see!" The king of Warcraft nodded: "as you say, the island of fire of death is under the control of the blood temple on the surface, but in fact, it is a lucky survival in danger?"

"So to speak." Tang Long nodded and paused. Looking at the king of Warcraft, he said, "since the words have been opened, I don't want to delay time. I'm going to make an appointment with you."

"What agreement?"

"Warcraft also needs all kinds of elixirs, and we humans need all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. I hope that in the future, you can be responsible for managing the Warcraft of the death flame island. If you need all kinds of elixirs, you can send someone to the auction house of Hailan city to trade!"

After a pause, Tang long continued: "for the search for medicinal materials, your Warcraft is naturally better than our human beings, but our human Dan Division has the ability that you Warcraft does not have!"

The king of Warcraft was stunned: "do you want to talk about cooperation with Warcraft? Will humans choose to cooperate with Warcraft? "

"Why not?" Tang Long smiles: "Warcraft lives in the jungle, and human beings live in the city. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to play their own strengths? If you and I cooperate, the island of fire of death will become safer and more stable. "

"If you mean it, of course I will!" The king of Warcraft said: "just, can you really help us to refine the elixir of Warcraft?"

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