Next, Tang Long with a quiet night and fantasy dancing snow, then began to walk around the soul city on this day!

At this time, the chaos has completely disappeared, and there is no one on the whole street. Everyone is hiding in the house, afraid that they will be killed if they are not careful!

The iron and blood means of Tangmen just now made the whole people in tianhun City fear!

Seeing that tianhun city suddenly became quiet, you were a little uncomfortable. He turned to Tang Long and worried: "good man, although you can control the chaos of tianhun city like this, you dare not come out!"

Fantasy flying snow is a way: "they do not come out of it, save me looking at those people upset!"

Tang Long ha ha smile: "they dare not come out now, because they did not touch my rules clearly. Slowly, these people will change."

Youye asked, "how long do you think these people will change?"

"Soon!" Tang Long confidently said: "within a week, the appearance here will be completely changed!"

You Ye is a little unconvinced: "a week, it's a bit impossible."

Feixue also said: "it was so chaotic here before. Elder martial brother, you want to change the appearance of the city of heavenly soul in a week. I think it is impossible. The bad habits that those guys have developed over the years are hard to change!"

Tang Long is still full of confidence: "in fact, everyone's behavior can be changed according to the change of the environment. Moreover, even in the chaotic place, most people are still good. We killed a group of villains, which has scared many people. Some guys will escape because of fear!"

Tang Long finally understood Tang Ye's idea.

Tang long wanted to use iron and blood to make some bastards fear and run away. Then, on this day, the number of those hateful guys in the soul city will be greatly reduced, and the rest of the people will quickly adapt to the changes in the environment of the city because of the high pressure of Tang Long.

Even many people, in fact, do not need to apply, because without the villain in in charge, most people should live better.

Tang Yang's killing in the morning really produced a very good effect. However, it did not eradicate the chaos in the city of heaven and soul. In the afternoon, some people couldn't help but make mischief again!

However, as long as they come out, people from Tangmen will come to clean them up!

Even Tang Long himself cleaned up three or four such guys.

He wandered around the street with the night girls, and at the same time, he used the magic power of the sea. Within a radius of hundreds of meters, if a bastard was found to be carrying out some crimes secretly, he would immediately go over and kill them!

After a busy day, in the evening, Tang Long returned to Fengtian city with the quiet night and the magic dancing snow.

Of course, he can't stay in the city every day.

So the next morning, he went to see Tai Shici and asked them to dispatch some of their saints and even the powerful ones to go to tianhun city and garrison in the Lord's house of tianhun city!

In addition, hundreds of Tangmen disciples were sent to stroll on the streets of tianhuncheng!

Tang Long has put the management measures previously formulated in Tianying city into force in tianhun city. Tianhun City, regardless of anyone, will be executed directly in violation of Tang clan's regulations, without any mercy!

With such an iron fist, many people in tianhun city can't stand this kind of regulation and leave the city.

The order of tianhun city has changed rapidly!

Three days have passed.

Three days later, tianhun city has gradually regained some vitality. Some restaurants and inns have been opened, and various small businesses have been gradually launched. Moreover, the first auction house of Tangmen in tianhun city has also opened!

Tang Long was also very happy with the change of the city.

He plans to change the spirit city in a week. However, under high pressure, it has changed a lot after only three days!

Of course, now is just the beginning. It will take a long time to completely change the appearance of tianhun city.

It's the fourth day.

This morning, Tang que came to Tang long in a hurry and reported: "young master, we have carried out some destructive activities in the chopper gate and the guillotine gate, and the spearhead is directly aimed at the axe gate. At this time, the martial arts of these two sects have gathered people from the Hengdao gate to argue with the axe gate. I think that their meeting this time will certainly become the prelude to their turn over!"

Tang long heard Tang Kuo say so, his heart suddenly very happy: "are you sure, after they meet this time, both sides will turn over?"

"I'm sure!" Tang lacks a confident way.

Tang Long asked curiously, "tell me, what means did you use?"

Tang Kuo was a little embarrassed. He said with a smile: "I sent someone to rob the machete gate and the guillotine gate."

"Robbery?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng: "what did you rob?"

"The mansions of some gods in the axe gate have been robbed by me. I have robbed all the playgrounds set up by some fellows of Hengdao gate. This time, I made a big move, but all of them left a very obscure mark on the axe gate.""You boy!" Tang Long skimmed his lips: "these two days, income is not bad!"

"Ha ha, the income is indeed quite a lot, robbing tens of billions of gold and stone!" Tang Kuo's smile!

"What, tens of billions of dollars!" Tang Long was shocked by Tang Kuo's words. This boy, where is he going to rob? I'm afraid that the bank vault of axe city and guillotine city has been emptied!

Tang Kuo did it!

In the past few days, he has also made bold efforts to gather together the martial arts of the Dragon Guard of Tang clan. He even asked Tai Shici to send some strong men to him to launch a large-scale operation!

A lot of money was robbed from these clans. They thought it was made by the axe gate. How can we give up?!

Tang long thought for a moment and said, "this is the end of the matter. What you have done is a little too much. If you do it again, it will bring negative effects."

"Yes Tang Kuo nodded quickly.

Tang long thought for a moment and said, "however, something should happen in the city of axe head after the meeting of the several clans this time. Otherwise, it would be too normal. So, if you go to the axe city again, you can directly dress up as the swordsman of the axe head gate. Huo Shengtian of the axe gate will not know the enemy, and he will doubt the three clan gates!"

"Good!" Don nodded.

Tang Longzheng is going to say something more. Ye Qingling's voice suddenly rings out in the heart of Tang long. In this voice, there is a strong joy: "brother long, guess what we found?"

"Have you found Jiuming Tianhe?" Tang Long asked in his heart.

The girl went out to find Jiuming Tianhe. At this time, she was so happy. Tang long thought that the girl had found Jiuming Tianhe.

Sure enough, the little girl giggled and said, "we just found the nine hell Tianhe. This time is really very smooth. Brother long, you should bring all the supernatural beasts here right away!"


Tang Long nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!