If you can go to Jiuming Tianhe and be baptized by the water of Tianhe, you will get great benefits immediately!

This is definitely an excellent opportunity to improve the comprehensive combat power of Tangmen!

Tang Long cut off the spiritual connection with Ye Qingling and turned his head to look at Tang que: "go, gather all the people of shenlongwei of Tangmen. At the same time, as long as there are gods and beasts, they will all come here!"

Tang Kuo is also extremely clever.

Hearing Tang Long's order, he immediately guessed the reason and asked happily, "young master, the young lady has already found Jiuming Tianhe, hasn't she?"

Tang Long nodded: "go and do your business!"


Tang Kuo happily agreed, his body flashed, and went out quickly.

Tang Long was not idle at this time.

Finding Jiuming Tianhe is a great event. It can directly improve the comprehensive strength of Tangmen.

This is a very happy thing for Tang long.

Tang Long first went through the Huixin gate with Dongfang bing'er and arrived at Blackstone mountain. Then, he held Dongfang bing'er and chewed it for a long time. Then he said with a smile: "dear wife, give me your beast, even the beast bag!"

Dongfang bing'er's heart fluttered wildly, but he asked curiously, "what do you want my beast to do?"

"Silly girl, of course it's a good thing!" Tang Long said with a smile: "I have found the Jiuming Tianhe. I want to let your god beast go to Jiuming Tianhe to be baptized!"

Listening to Tang long, Dongfang bing'er is very happy and gives his bag to Tang long.

Tang long does not delay time.

He contacted Ling Qingyao, went directly to Ling Qingyao, explained the situation, and took Ling Qingyao's bag with him.

Next, he was also very busy.

After a turn, he took Qin Zi away from them, along with their bags. Then he went to take the eight little Phoenix with him.

Even, the Tangmen ice wolf, as well as the two flaming God wolves, are also taken away!

After receiving all the supernatural beasts of Tang clan, Tang Long contacted Ye Qingling again.

Calling out the Huixin gate between Ye Qingling and Tang long, the next moment, has appeared in front of Ye Qingling.

When ye Qingling saw Tang long, he chuckled with joy and said, "brother dragon, the gods and beasts of our people have already arrived in the nine hell heavenly river. However, after they go down, they never come out again!"

Tang Long nodded.

It will take time for the beast to baptize in Jiuming Tianhe, and the time will be very long, so Tang Long is not worried at this time.

He turned his head and looked around.

Here is not above the ground, but in the air, in the sky, ten thousand meters above the sky, in a very remote place.

In front of Tang Long's eyes, the sky is blue.

In this sky blue, in the air ahead, there is a strange river!

The river is also sky blue. What flows in it is not the river water, but a kind of strange energy water!

"the power of the flood and famine, ha ha, only in the Jiuming Tianhe can there be such a powerful force of flood and famine. No wonder the Jiuming Tianhe has such a strong effect on Warcraft!" Tang long felt the strong sense of famine in the river of nine hell, and directly took out all the bags!

He summoned all the animals in his heavenly garden!

Then, they summoned all the dragons, the black ones of the night, and the wolf of the flame God.

As soon as these animals came out of the bag, they immediately found the Jiuming Tianhe. They also realized that they had brought the powerful flood power in the Jiuming Tianhe. Suddenly, the sound of roaring was heard. All of them turned into real bodies and jumped towards the Jiuming Tianhe!

Tang Long turned his head and looked at Tang Xiaohu beside Ye Qingling: "Xiaohu, where is your colorful dragon?"

"It's already in Jiuming river!" Tang Xiaohu road.

"Good." Tang Long nodded and said, "I hope the colorful dragon will come out of the Jiuming River and grow to the level of a second level god beast."

"I believe it will work!" Tang Xiaohu is looking forward to it.

Tang Long knows that the Jiuming Tianhe has a great effect on all kinds of Warcraft. It only takes about half a month to speed up the growth of these Warcraft. When these mythical beasts come out of the Jiuming Tianhe, their combat power will certainly increase a lot!

He held Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue's slender hands beside him, and his eyes also showed a trace of apology: "you two, this trip is really too hard. Next, you have to stay here for at least 15 days. There is no inn here!"

"We're all ready in advance!" Xuelinyue looks at Tang long, and peach blossom's eyes are full of joy: "laipi, we four are here, chatting to relieve boredom, also won't be very boring, moreover, you can accompany us when you have time, right?"

"Of course." Tang Long agreed.This period of time, he is really not very busy, so he comes to accompany Ye Qingling and xuelinyue, of course, it is OK.

Moreover, in the wasteland temple before, he realized the law magic of the emperor's most amazing Scripture, and at the same time, he also inherited a law magic. Now, he also needs time to study and understand these two kinds of magic skills.

In particular, the emperor is extremely astonishing!

Although Tang Long has already realized the power of the law contained in the imperial Scripture, it still has a long way to go before he can fully understand the magic power of the law.

Accompany Ye Qingling, they chat at will, watching, has arrived at night.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are well prepared. They take out a lot of food from the space ring.

After eating something together, Tang Long sat in the sky with Ye Qingling and Xue linyue in his arms, and looked at the stars under the sky. Moreover, he looked at the misty Jiuming river not far away and chatted softly.

Tang Xiaohu and lie yunshang are sitting not far away, saying something in a low voice.

The night was deep.

Tang Long is preparing to rest with Ye Qingling. Suddenly, the voice of Dongfang bing'er rings out: "dragon, come back quickly. The north wind is cold. I want to see you right away. It's for the blood pill feast!"

"Blood Dan feast? So fast? "

Tang long heard the words of Dongfang bing'er, and his heart "cluttered" was all at once!

He thought that it would be at least a month later to attend the blood pill feast in the blood god temple, but he didn't expect that the north wind cold would come to him so soon!

"Now, I haven't finished my work on the source of evil, and even more, I haven't started my chaotic blood jade plan. How can I go to the blood Temple immediately? It seems that, no matter what, chaos Xueyu's plan must be launched immediately! "

Tang Long also takes the chaotic blood jade plan seriously.

He knew that before he saw the strong giant, chaos blood Jade's plan must be launched, otherwise he would be very dangerous.

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