"It's good for you to keep the bet. From now on, you will not be a member of thunderbolt clan!" Tang long looked at Tuoba mausoleum and said, "I can see that your brother is already possessed. Even if I don't use any means, he won't last long."

Tuoba Ling chuixian did not speak. He knew his brother's affairs clearly in his heart.

Even, not only his younger brother, but also he is in the same situation!

this is because they have some problems in their cultivation of skills, and because they have been in a bad mood in this thunderbolt sect for a long time.

One careless practice is already on the verge of being possessed by the devil!

It is because of this that their temperaments have become more and more unpredictable!

Tang Long is able to cure evil spirits.

What's more, Tuoba mausoleum was possessed by his curse of natural disaster, and he could easily control it!

Looking at Tuoba Ling's hammer heaven, he said, "as long as you act in accordance with our gambling agreement, you will break away from the thunderbolt sect, swear to join our Tangmen, and never betray. I will help your brother cure this crazy obsession, so that he will never have this concern again!"


Hearing Tang Long's words, Tuoba mausoleum hammer in the eye of heaven, it was a surprise.

It's no wonder that he and his brother are worried about being possessed by demons. What's more, in the thunderbolt sect, they are not happy. At this time, Tang Long has no loss, but has a great harvest. How can he not agree to this request? !

he glared at Tang long without blinking: "can you really cure my brother's madness?"

Tang Long arrogantly said: "I Tang Long speak, a word nine Ding!"

"Well, I promise you!" Tuoba Ling said in a deep voice: "as long as you cure my brother's madness, my brother and I will join the Tang clan. We will never be enemies with you any more. We will really turn to you."


Tang Long nodded with satisfaction.

He didn't expect that things would turn around like this!

Tang Long didn't care about the other people of the thunderbolt sect. They were willing to join the Tangmen with Tuoba Ling chuixian. He naturally welcomed them. If he didn't want to follow, he would not force them to do so. Whoever dares to make trouble will be doomed.

It is here that Tuoba mausoleum hammers the sky and Tuoba mausoleum smashes the earth most fiercely.

When you move your mind and spirit, you will be able to use Tiangang magic heart mantra again. Soon you will be able to control Tuoba Ling's beating the ground!

Seeing that Tang Long was able to control Tuoba mausoleum beating the ground so easily, Tuoba mausoleum hammered into the devil. In the eyes of Tuoba mausoleum hammer, there was once again an incredible light, staring at Tang Long and saying, "what means are you doing?"

"In the future, you will know!" Tang Long's light way.

Tuoba mausoleum smashed the ground to recover his mind, so he stopped bombarding. He glared at Tang Long and roared. He was about to rush over again, but suddenly a figure came quickly and grabbed his arm.

He turned his head and saw that it was his brother Tuoba Ling chuixian.

Tuoba mausoleum Chudi looked at Tuoba mausoleum chuiya in doubt: "brother, what do you stop me from doing?"

Tuoba Ling Chutian sighed: "beat the ground, we have lost!"

"Lost?" Tuoba Ling beat the ground unconvinced and said, "how can I possibly lose? If I continue to fight with him, I can definitely tear him up?"

"If I say I lose, I lose." Tuoba Ling Chui Tian said in a deep voice. At this time, his heart was full of frustration. He was stunned. He told Tuoba Ling about the fact that Tuoba mausoleum was possessed by the devil just now.

Just now Tuoba mausoleum beat the ground. I was in a mess. I didn't know what happened.

At this time, after listening to Tuoba Ling Chui Tian, he remembered that he had been confused and even forgot himself. When he thought of the situation just now, he felt cold in his heart. He knew that he was really possessed by the devil just now!

Looking at Tang long, his eyes, full of a thick fear!

Tang long could let him be possessed by the devil, which made him extremely afraid of Tang long. Even if tuobaling chuixian let him go, he did not dare to rush to Tang Long again.

Tuoba mausoleum chubatian really abides by the gambling agreement.

He turned his head and looked at the warriors behind him: "from now on, I will quit the pili sect and join the Tang clan. If you want to leave, you can leave by yourself. If you want to follow me, as long as the leader of the Tang clan is willing, I will treat you well."

These warriors looked at each other, and more than half of them were flying rapidly towards the distance.

The rest of them didn't leave.

Tang long did not stop these people from leaving. He had his own plan in mind.

At this time, he was very happy that this place could be occupied by him. However, he did not intend to let Tai Shici, who were waiting in the distance, come together. Instead, he looked at Tuoba mausoleum and said, "now, let's go to the general altar of thunderbolt sect.""Good!"

Tuoba Ling chuixian nodded.

He took a look at his brother and flew down with the rest of the warriors behind him.

Soon, they landed on the square of the general altar of thunderbolt. All the dragon of Tang clan had been put away. Tang long looked at Tuoba mausoleum and said, "I'm waiting here. You take your people with you. In one hour, you will drive away those who don't want to stay here!"

Tuoba mausoleum was stunned.

At this time, Tuoba mausoleum thumped on the ground. He also felt a little elusive about the command of Tang long.

Tuoba Ling chuixian looked at Tang Long and asked, "before you let those people of the thunderbolt clan behind me, I know it's for my face. Now you have released all the people here. Why are you doing this?"

"One, I don't want to kill too much." Tang long light way: "another, I certainly also have my own purpose."

Tuoba Ling chuixian asked, "what's your purpose?"

"You'll find out then!" Tang Long didn't give much explanation. He looked at Tuoba mausoleum and said, "go and do what I told you. You'd better finish it as soon as possible. I can let all the people go, but no one is allowed to take away anything except himself."


Tuoba Ling chuixian nodded, and his brother looked at each other, and took the people away quickly.

The main reason why they choose to follow Tang Long like this is that they are not comfortable in the thunderbolt clan. What's more, Tang long can be so easily controlled and possessed!

Once the martial arts practitioners who practice vitality are possessed by demons, they will be very dangerous. Although Tuoba mausoleum hammers the sky and Tuoba mausoleum smashes the ground, they are still slightly possessed and have not yet broken out, but they know that their danger will break out sooner or later!

And now, because of the relationship of being possessed by demons, their cultivation has been completely stagnated!

They are hoping that Tang long can cure them of their madness!

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