Of course, Tuoba mausoleum chuidian can't ask Tang long to help relieve his brothers from the danger of being possessed by demons.

According to tuobaling chuixian, he must show some performance. Only then can Tang Long give him corresponding rewards and help him to relieve the danger of being possessed by demons.

How much to pay, how much to ask others to return, this rule, especially in the land of ghosts.

Therefore, at this time, Tuoba mausoleum Chutian and Tuoba mausoleum Chudi were directly involved in the Tang clan. Moreover, they wanted to help Tang Long control the general arena of thunderbolt sect in the source of evil spirits as soon as possible.

Tang Long didn't care about the two brothers playing tricks.

The strong men of the thunderbolt sect have fled so much. What storm can the rest of the people set off? Even if Tang Kuo didn't do it, Tang Long himself, relying on his own beast, could destroy the rest of these people!

So he waited here to see how Tuoba mausoleum hammered the sky and Tuoba mausoleum beat the earth.

Tuoba mausoleum hammered the sky and Tuoba mausoleum beat the ground, but it was also very crisp.

In less than an hour, they returned to the square, and the more than 50 warriors they had taken away before also came back together.

Only the seriously injured Wang Zhe did not return.

Wang Zhe didn't go. He was beaten by Tuoba mausoleum and Tuoba mausoleum, and arranged to have a rest.

Tuoba mausoleum chubatian came back with people. He looked at Tang Long and said, "the people of the thunderbolt sect have basically been driven away. The rest are only a few servants and servants, and most of them are people who used to serve me and my brother."

"Good." Tang Long nodded: "now, take me to the hall of thunderbolt clan!"

"Wait a minute." Tuoba Ling chuixian looked at Tang Long: "now, I have to remind you that although you have occupied here, it does not mean that you really control the thunderbolt clan!"

"I know." Tang Long nodded.

Tuoba mausoleum chuixian asked, "let me ask first. The fifteen Dharma protectors sent to Tangmen by Lei Baqian, the leader of thunderbolt sect, are still alive now?"

"It's all destroyed by us." Tang Long's light way.

For this matter, tuobaling chuitung didn't say anything more. He had already guessed the result.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "look at your intention to come here. You have obviously decided to oppose Lei 8000 to the end. Then, are you ready to receive Lei 8000's revenge?"

Tang long looked at Tuoba mausoleum hammer sky to smile: "this matter, I was about to consult!"

Tuoba mausoleum hammered heaven: "these days, thunderbolt patriarch Lei Baqian happened to go to the general altar over there in madiwen City, and took away some of the most powerful warriors, so you can get it easily today."

After a pause, he continued: "there is a stronger one in the thunderbolt clan on the other side of Medivh city. With the people brought by Lei 8000, the comprehensive strength is much stronger than here. If they come together, you people will not be able to resist it."

Tang Long nodded and asked, "who is the strongest one in thunderbolt clan now?"

Tuoba mausoleum hammered heaven: "his name is Fangyun Hengye, which is the great worship of the thunderbolt sect, and is the strength of the Seven Realms of the God King."

"God King seven heavy!" Tang Long frowned and pondered and asked, "how many people have such strength?"

"Just one." Tuoba mausoleum hammered the way of heaven.

"Just one." Tang Long was very confident with a smile: "it seems that I will soon be able to rule the whole thunderbolt clan, but this matter is much faster than I imagined!"

Originally, Tang long thought that it might take many days, even many fierce battles, to win the thunderbolt sect.

Now he knew that it was obviously not so much trouble.

He is now fully prepared to believe that within three days, the most powerful of the thunderbolt sect can be completely eliminated. Then, the next step is to slowly recover the thunderbolt sect and recover the whole source of evil spirits!

Although the thunderbolt clan has some territory in madiven city and even in the whole dark China, Tang Long has no time to take care of more.

He must first control the source of evil spirits.

Just now, he chose to release all those guys of the thunderbolt sect. He also had his own purpose: those people who fled must report to the leader of the thunderbolt sect. The leader of the thunderbolt clan knew the situation here, knew that the number of the enemy was not large, and his strength was not very strong. He would surely bring people back to rob the general arena!

After thinking about it, he looked at Tuoba mausoleum and asked, "what did the thunderbolt patriarch do in madiwen city?"

After listening to Tang Long's question, Tuoba mausoleum chuixian frowned fiercely.

Tuoba Ling smashed the earth and roared: "there was a great chaos in the dark China the other day. Because of robbing a kind of natural treasure, a powerful sect was destroyed. The territory of this clan was divided up. Lei 8000 went to seize those sites, but occupied the place with the most women. At this time, he ran to harm people!"

"Ah Tuoba mausoleum hammered the sky and sighed helplessly.

Obviously, although these two brothers are not good people, they are also very dissatisfied with Lei 8000's behavior.In fact, because of this, they did not follow.

Otherwise, in their capacity, if they want to share a share, Lei 8000 will definitely not oppose it.

Tang Long nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Lei 8000 is in madiwen city. Is there a strong one with a very good relationship?"

"I'm not sure about that. I rarely go to Medivh

"How long will it take Lei 8000 to bring people back?"

"Two days as soon as possible!"


Tang Long nodded and asked no more questions.

He looked at Tuoba mausoleum beating the sky and Tuoba mausoleum beating the ground: "we will rest here. At the same time, you go to see your men and let them not leave here for half a step in these days."

"Good." Tuoba Ling Chutian nodded.

Tang long continued: "are the people around you reliable?"

"The people who stay have a very good relationship with me. They should be reliable."

"That's good."

Tang Long didn't say much. He waved and asked Tuoba mausoleum chubatian to take people with him to busy their affairs. Tang Long asked the warriors of the Tang clan's Shenlong guard to help control the whole thunderbolt sect together.

Feixue and ye Qingling are naturally with Tang long. Tang Yang, Lin Ximeng and Li Dahan have not left.

Feixue looks at Tang Long and asks, "elder martial brother, do you want Tai Shici to come over?"

"Yes Ye Qingling also said: "brother long, I think that thunderbolt clan leader named Lei Baqian will come back soon. Maybe that guy will find some foreign aid at that time, then we will be in danger!"

"I've thought of these for a long time." Tang Long faint smile: "since I dare to let those people go, naturally I am not afraid of Lei 8000 back."

"Lippi, have you got a plan?" the leopard asked

"Not bad!" Tang Long nodded: "I told Tang San to leave and go to Tai Shici just now, taking advantage of the people's ignorance. Tang San has been exploring the movement here before. He is very familiar with the way to madiwen city from here."

Hearing Tang Long say so, everyone is stupefied.

"What do you mean, laipi?" the little leopard asked

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