Looking at Gongsun Mo'er, Tang Long said straightforwardly, "OK, I don't want to say any more unnecessary words. It's not a short time since I left the magic Lord palace, and there's nothing worth remembering here. So, goodbye!"

Say, pull Oriental ice son is to leave.

Gongsun Mo'er quickly stood up, looked at Tang Long and said, "I said, I will make it up to you. I will find a way to return you justice."

"Justice?" Tang Long snorted coldly. Looking at Gongsun Mo'er, a sneer appeared on his face: "what is your so-called justice? A little favor? I know that your status is noble, and you don't care about us who are of low status. Even though I was in xuehuang mountain and even saved all your lives, in your eyes, I'm still not in the stream after all! "

The voice falls, pull the Oriental ice son to ignore and go, in a twinkling of an eye walked out of the inn.

Dongfang bing'er heard Gongsun Mo'er running after him and calling them to wait. However, he did not stop and left with Tang long.

The transmission Hall of the city of genius is not far away from the place where Tang Long and Tang long lived. They are not in a hurry either. After a long time, they arrived at the transmission Hall of the city of genius.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er, through a transmission array, left the city of genius without hesitation.

The next moment, they arrived at Saint Martin, the city of genius.

From the delivery Hall of St. Martin City, Dongfang bing'er looks at Tang Long and asks, "are we really leaving like this?"

"Of course Tang Long sneered: "this time, I am really very angry, but this matter can only be blamed on Mai Dangxiong. I believe that Mai Dangxiong will soon lead a very uncomfortable life. There is no sense for me to make trouble here. The more angry I show, the more angry Gao Tianye will be!"

Dongfang bing'er didn't say anything more.

She knew that Tang long must be very angry at this time.

"If I have a chance to meet him outside, I will not let him go!" Oriental ice son cold way: "although his strength is very strong, but, I believe we can deal with him!"

"He is nothing in my eyes!" Tang long disdained to snort: "just three levels of Shenzong. Moreover, I don't believe that he can understand the power of the law by going to the Zhoutian grottoes. If it is so easy, isn't everyone in the blood god hall able to use the magic power of the law?"

"I think so." Dongfang bing'er said: "it's so difficult to understand the laws and magic arts, even for some reclusive strongmen. It doesn't look like Mai Dangxiong, and he won't get much in Zhoutian grottoes."

"Even if he has some gains, I can easily deal with him!" Tang Long was very confident: "just a wheat Dangxiong, not in my eyes!"

By this time, they had reached a street in St. Martin's city.

Saint Martin is very prosperous and very big. It is a very grand city in the whole world. However, few people know that this city has been controlled by the blood god for a long time.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er, of course, don't want to stay too much in St. Martin.

At this time, however, it was still early, and Tang long had not had breakfast. He planned to have dinner in St. Martin's city with Dongfang bing'er, and then left together.

Walking along the street, chatting at will and looking at the shops in the surrounding streets.

It took more than 20 minutes to see a breakfast stand.

They walked over together.

Tang Long likes to eat Shao Mai very much. Dongfang bing'er is very casual. After waiting for more than ten minutes, teng'an shao'er is finally served.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er asked for two bowls of rice porridge and cooked them. The taste was quite good. They were eating. In the heart of Dongfang bing'er, Tang Long's voice suddenly rang out: "someone is staring at us!"

Oriental ice son Leng Leng Leng, follow closely, ask in the heart: "what person?"

"I don't know, but it must be from the blood temple." Tang Long said: "pretend not to know, but I want to see who wants to make our idea."

"Well." Dongfang bing'er answered.

She continued to eat, but already, quietly began to pay attention to her surroundings.

Unfortunately, she did not find any abnormalities.

Of course, she will not doubt Tang Long's judgment. She knows that Tang Long is much better than her in this respect.

They finished their breakfast and had a rest. Then they left the breakfast stand together. Then they flew straight into the sky, left St. Martin and flew far away.

Tang Long has been using the sea to explore the movement behind him.

At this time, he had already detected that a group of people were flying up in the air several kilometers behind them, and they were flying towards their side. There were more than 20 of these people!

Moreover, among these people, the strength of the strongest one has reached the level of Shenzong.

"These people obviously want to deal with me. Unfortunately, they only know that my strength at this time is only the seven levels of heaven and God, but they don't know that my real strength has reached the eight levels of the God King. If they come here like this, they are not looking for death!"Tang long in the heart disdain cold hum, in the heart with the East ice son said: "we slow down the speed, let the people behind catch up!"

"Well." Dongfang bing'er agreed.

She and Tang long, at this time, did not summon their own supernatural beasts, just to see who was chasing them and what they wanted.

They were far away from St. Martin.

There is a barren mountain ahead.

This barren mountain is very big. Tang Long and they fly over this piece of barren mountain, and then fly forward to a city, and then they can reach the place leading to the demon lord's palace, which is also a city called moon watching city.

At this time, it still takes a long time for Tang long to return to the demon lord palace.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er seem to be chatting casually. In fact, Tang Long has been paying attention to this group of people behind him.

He has already guessed that these people must know that he has something to do with Gao Tianye, and they are obviously very afraid of Gao Tianye. Otherwise, there is no need to chase him all the way, but they have not started. They obviously want to find a place where no one else can do it.

This is a very suitable place to start!

At this time, Tang Long also felt that those people were speeding up their pursuit of him.

Before long, these people were less than 100 meters away from Tang long, and they were still flying forward rapidly. In a flash, they were close to Tang Long and surrounded them in groups!

Tang Long and Dongfang binger have already stopped in the air.

Among these people, one of the warriors facing Tang Long seems to be in his early 40s.

This guy has a wisp of goatee, a mouse mouth, a hook nose, a pair of eyes like a snake, staring at Tang long, his eyes full of pride: "is Tang Long? Do you think you can leave the city of genius? "

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