Looking at the gloomy warrior with goatee, Tang Long asked in doubt, "who is your excellency? Have I ever offended you? "

"You don't seem to have a good memory." The gloomy warrior gazed at Tang Long and reminded him, "don't you remember Zhou Jiefeng? I tell you, I'm Zhou Tianli, a three-star martial arts master of the Zhou family, and Zhou Jiefeng is the young master of the Zhou family! "

Hearing the name of Zhou Jiefeng, Tang Long immediately knew the purpose of these people.

He didn't care.

Tang Long doesn't know what Zhou family is, but he already knows that the most powerful person in front of him is this guy called Zhou genius.

The strength of this guy is just a realm of Shenzong.

Can Tang long be afraid of him?!

"Good dogs are out of the way!" Tang long disdained to look at Zhou genius, with a touch of arrogance in his eyes: "don't want to end up like Zhou Jiefeng, you'll get out of here right away!"

"Go away? Boy, how dare you say such a thing to me? You're really the old man of longevity. You think you've lived a long time Zhou Tiancai said with a sneer: "if you offend the people of Zhou family, you will be destroyed. Even if you have something to do with Mr. Gao, you will surely be killed here today!"

"If you have the ability, do it!" Tang long disdained the way.

Beside him, Dongfang bing'er, the power of the blood devil combined with the icy cold energy, has already burst out.

However, the strength of her God King's realm was not in Zhou's eyes.

Zhou Tiancai chuckled: "you're lucky. We, Mr. Zhou, have just come back from the headquarters of the blood temple to refine the elixir. We are still resting. That's why we let me kill you. If we have enough rest and you fall into his hands, we'll have to cramp and pick skin and do research!"

"Mr. Zhou!"

When Tang long heard the words of Zhou Tiantian, he suddenly moved in his heart!

He made a good look: "do you master Zhou refine the elixir? Is he a Dan master? "

"Of course Zhou Tianli looked very dignified. With a strange smile, he said triumphantly, "I tell you, we, Mr. Zhou, are No. 1 figures in the city of genius. Even in the blood temple, we are also famous!"

A surprise flashed through Tang Long's eyes.

He thought of one thing!

Looking at this week's genius, Tang Long's mouth slightly pulled up, and there was a hint of irony in his eyes: "Zhou genius, you are really a genius. Catch up with me and kill me directly? Why do you have to disclose such a big secret to me? "

"Secret?" Zhou Tiancai was stunned: "what secret?"

Tang Long said with a smile: "you elder master Zhou, were you taken away by the blood god temple some time ago and went to refine the elixir. Besides, it took more than two months, right?"

"How do you know?" Zhou Tiancai was stunned, but he followed him with pride and said: "our elder master Zhou was not recruited. He was one of the responsible people."

"Really?" Tang Long's heart, more and more happy.

Originally, he thought that he was hopeless, but he didn't expect to be hit by mistake. The man in front of him actually sent him to the door!

It's a rare opportunity!

He looked at Zhou Tiancai with a smile: "originally I wanted to kill you, but now, I can't bear to kill you for the time being!"

"Boy, you're talking like crazy!" Zhou Tiancai stares at Tang long in a gloomy way: "you just said I leaked the secret, what secret did I divulge?"

Tang Long chuckled and was very proud: "if I guess well, your eldest son this week, the success rate of refining the elixir must not be low, right? He must have something extraordinary in this respect, isn't he?"

"Of course Zhou Tiantian suddenly looked arrogant: "although our eldest son of Zhou is only a nine grade Dandi, but the success rate of refining miraculous elixir in the whole blood temple is of great reputation and can definitely rank in the top ten!"

"It's true!" Tang Long nodded with satisfaction: "OK, now you can kill me!"

Zhou Tianli was stunned.

He found that Tang Long was not worried at all and was not nervous at all!

He can't think of it!

Tang Long is surrounded by them, but he seems very relaxed. He stares at Tang Long and thinks: "does this boy want to die? Otherwise, they are all dying. How can they be so relaxed? "

At this moment, he did not show off any more. He wanted to finish the task immediately, so that he could go back to meet Mr. Zhou.

He waved his hand fiercely and yelled at the crowd: "give it to me!"


Around the martial arts, loudly agreed, the body of the blood Demon power, crazy swept out, toward Tang Long and Oriental bing'er, fierce attack to come.

"Beyond my ability!"

Tang Long snorted coldly, his mind moved, and all the eight beasts were summoned out!

We should know that all his eight divine beasts have grown up to the level of level II divine beasts, and all of them have powerful magical skills. Even if they are warriors who face the primary strength of Shenzong, they can be defeated.In front of them, except Zhou Tiancai, there were no Shenzong left. How could they be the opponents of these beasts!

seeing that there were so many supernatural beasts around Tang long, Zhou Tiantian was shocked. However, he was the strength of the Shenzong and did not think that Tang Long's beast could defeat him!


Zhou Tianli roared, his fist toward a god beast in front of him and bombarded him fiercely.

He's on, but it's just pig!

Pig just see this goods so aggressive appearance, in the heart suddenly not happy: "your pig grandfather is here, you unexpectedly still so arrogant!"

The pig is powerful and angry. The black light shining on his body is full of thunder.

At the same time, his fist was like a mountain. With the sound of terrifying thunder, he bombarded Zhou Tian fiercely!


The thundering thunder broke out from the fist of pig.

The space around the fist has been twisted by terror!

the power of this fist of pig Gangji is really terrible. With the force of thunder, the fist directly collides with the fist attacked by Zhou Tiancai!


In the roar of the sky, Zhou Tiancai only felt that his whole body was numb as if he had been bombarded by thunder. He was so powerful that he flew out of the room for more than 20 meters before he barely stopped!

at this time, he felt that suddenly his whole body seemed to be ten times heavier, and even his vitality was running Become sluggish!

Strength, unexpectedly by a very strange energy to suppress a lot!

This is exactly what Tang Long has displayed, which is the imposing momentum of heaven and earth. At this time, Tang Long has already sacrificed Zhentian Ding www.novelhall.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!