Looking at the way these people flattered him, Tang long felt a little speechless.

Isn't it just a little bit more spiritual? As for such a big wedding? This Zhao Wang Ba is also good enough to drag words, he actually made a "double happiness"!

Of course, Tang long will show an increasingly complacent look.

Even, I've been carried away!

Hehe, smiling, her face was full of energy, and she even hugged Dongfang bing'er next to her and chewed it beautifully!

Dongfang bing'er was speechless at once!

she blushed, but didn't say much.

Next, the atmosphere of the banquet hall was very warm. Everyone ate and drank happily.

Time in a hurry, blink of an eye is already late at night.

After they came to Tang long to say goodbye, they all turned to leave the Zhao mansion one by one. Tang Long also pretended to send these people out.

But quietly walked to the south palace Ao side, in the public did not pay attention to the case, gave Nangong Ao a small box.

In this box, there are three quenched blood magic pills.

At this time, Nangong Ao's strength is still very limited, taking this blood demon pill can just improve the strength.

Tang Long also hopes that Nangong Ao's strength will become stronger. He finds that Nangong Ao has not been overlooked by Beigong Xingyuan. This guy is obviously a very good talent and has a bright future.

Tang Long plans to promote Nangong Ao.

Nangong Ao received the box secretly given by Tang long. Naturally, he was full of expectation in his heart, but the surface did not show up at all. He left Zhao's house with all the people.

Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er, after seeing them off, also pretended to leave.

Tang Long knows that Zhao wangba will not let him go!

He now pretends to have completely forgotten about the bloody knife, but he knows that the more he is like this, the more he will take the initiative to mention it.

This is the result he wants!

moreover, today, he has shown that he has improved his mental strength, which is just to make Zhao wangba and Zhao Wugui more confident that he can get the bloody knife.

He can actually improve his mental strength. This will make Zhao wangba and Zhao Wugui feel that Tang long will be more valued and trusted by lie Qingtian. Then, Tang Long's chances of getting blood drinking knife will be greatly increased!

Of course, they all want to get the sealed spirit in the bloody knife.

Tang long did not expect it!

Tang Long took Dongfang bing'er's hand and was making the appearance of turning back. Zhao wangba had already walked over quickly: "brother Tang, let's talk about something else tonight."

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

The king of Zhao laughed, looked around him, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously, "my father is waiting for you in our study."


Tang Long nodded.

He knew that in Zhao Wugui's study, there was definitely a barrier, and outsiders would not hear the voice of the people inside.

Holding Dongfang binger together, he followed Zhao wangba back to Zhaofu and soon met Zhao Wugui.

Zhao Wugui stood up and made a polite gesture with Tang long. Several people took their seats. Zhao Wugui went straight to the theme and said, "Lord Tang, do you remember the blood drinking knife you told me?"

"Bloody knife?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, and then, is immediately nodded, eyes showed a thick surprise: "how, you found the whereabouts of the bloody knife?"

"No!" Zhao Wugui shook his head.

Tang Long immediately expressed his displeasure and said, "I thought you found it. It's mysterious!"

Zhao Wugui even said: "the bloody knife is not so easy to find. I have inquired about it from many aspects. I have learned that it seems to have involved a period of gratitude and resentment of the overlord ten thousand years ago. The overlord attached great importance to the blood drinking knife."

"That's it Tang Long frowned and said, "so the overlord also knows the secret of blood drinking knife?"

"Not necessarily!" Zhao Wugui said quickly: "according to my investigation, the overlord just hated the former owner of the bloody knife. He didn't know that there were three spirits in the bloody knife!"

"As you say, we still have hope!" Tang Long made a happy look, looked at Zhao Wugui and asked, "are you sure you can find the bloody knife?"

"Now, it's 80% sure!" Zhao Wugui is full of confidence.

"80%!" Tang Long is very happy in his heart!

The fact that Zhao Wugui can say this is enough to show that this guy has investigated the whereabouts of the bloody knife.

He knew that Zhao Wugui was not far away from finding the whereabouts of the bloody knife.

He looked at Zhao Wugui, nodded his head and praised him: "master Zhao, you really have a lot of skills. In this case, it's up to you to find the blood drinking knife. As for the way to get the blood drinking knife, it's up to me. I believe that the overlord will pay more attention to me.""I think so too!" Zhao Wugui said: "your spiritual strength can be improved. Even if you put it in the headquarters of the blood temple, it will certainly be highly valued by the upper level. The overlord will certainly attach great importance to you. At that time, even if you ask the overlord to drink the blood knife, the overlord will probably reward you!"

Tang Long nodded, but said: "we should be careful about this matter. We'd better not mention it directly to the overlord. After all, it's not a joke. What's more, we can't let more people know about the sealed spirit in the blood drinking knife. It's the best that we can get the blood drink knife quietly! "

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhao Wugui nodded: "I think so."

Now, he has taken Tang Long seriously.

You should know that Tang Long is already the eighth grade Dandi, and Zhao Wugui already knows that even Jiang Yuanding, who doesn't like to deal with others, is trying his best to win over Tang long.

Under such circumstances, is it not easy for Tang long to get some news?!

Even Zhao Wugui is a little lucky!

If Tang long had to look for the blood drinking knife himself, with Tang Long's current influence, I'm afraid it would not be much more difficult to find the whereabouts of the blood drinking knife. He could be kicked away!

At last, he was a little relieved, because he could see that Tang Long was not as keen on blood drinking knife as he was.

And he also felt that Tang long had no brain at all and did not know how to look for a bloody knife.

"Lord Tang, it's up to me to find the blood drinking sword. In the future, we've got the spirit of the blood drinking sword. Let's improve our strength and go to the headquarters of the blood god hall. At that time, we'll form a powerful force. You'll be the leader. I'll give my full support." Zhao Wugui road.

Tang Long ha ha smile: "I only like to play, in addition, ha ha!" Tang Long has a look at Dongfang bing'er.

Dongfang bing'er gives Tang long a hard look.

Tang Long stopped talking.

When Zhao Wugui saw Tang Long like this, he immediately understood the meaning of Tang long.

Of course he won't tell Tang long that meaning!

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