Zhao Wugui laughed, looked at Tang Long and said: "don't worry, we can get what we want and how much we want. As long as we get the blood drinking knife successfully, even if you don't care about anything in the future, I Zhao Wugui will support you and help you to fulfill all your wishes."

"Good, good!" "From now on, we will be a family," Tang Long said with a smile

"That is, that is!" Zhao Wugui nodded repeatedly.

Tang Long turned his words and said, "you investigate the matter of blood drinking knife, tell me about it?"

Zhao Wugui said triumphantly: "I used all my strength in my hand. I have investigated that the bloody knife was sealed in a very secret place by the overlord, and some powerful arrays were arranged!"

"A mysterious place? Where is this place? "

"I'm still investigating. I've already found out that the overlord has many secrets. Moreover, there are several powerful subordinates secretly. The bloody knife is guarded by those people!"

Tang Long said curiously: "it's just a knife. The overlord doesn't know the secret of the sword. Why do you find so many people to guard it?"

Zhao Wugui said: "I heard that the overlord always thought that someone would come to rob this knife!"

"Dizzy!" Tang long looked very speechless and said, "the overlord is too careful." However, he said with a smile: "however, as long as we find out where the bloody knife is, we are sure to get it!"

Zhao Wugui said with a smile: "Lord Tang, I am not only investigating the whereabouts of the bloody sword hidden by the overlord, but also the strength of those martial artists behind the overlord, and what those people like. We can do it after all the investigation is clear!"

"Not bad, not bad!" Tang Long nodded and praised, "you are still considerate!"

Zhao Wugui even said: "I can do all the things about looking for blood drinking knife in front of me, but in the end, it still needs Lord Tang's help. After all, I can't get close to those people behind the overlord. Those people are at least three-star masters, and they don't deal with me at all!"

"If you find the bloody knife, you can leave the rest to me!" Tang Long confidently said: "at that time, we will get the sealed soul in the bloody knife together!" Said, turn to look at Zhao wangba: "you also have share!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The king of Zhao nodded his head with joy.

Next, the three had a brief chat for a while, and then Tang Long and Dongfang bing'er left.

At this time, Tang Long was very happy.

In any case, the search for blood drinking knife has finally got a little bit of an eye. This is a big step forward for Tang long to come to the blood temple.

Go back to have a rest with Dongfang binger. It's the next morning in a twinkling of an eye.

After getting up, Li Niuer came to find Tang long.

Tang long looked at Li Niuer and asked, "is the overlord looking for me?"

"Yes Li Niu Er said: "the overlord just went out of the pass, and immediately let me come to you!" Said, approached Tang Long some, a face apologetic, voice lowered a lot, way: "Tang Zongzhu, there is a thing, really sorry!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked curiously. What does Li Niuer mean? Why don't you apologize to me for nothing? I didn't hit him again

Li Niuer said: "the two beautiful girls I told you before, I don't know what happened. They ran away!"

"Run away?"

Tang Long immediately frowned, a very unhappy look, but secretly proud.

Of course, he knows how the two girls escaped. That's what he arranged. He asked Nangong Ao to find an opportunity to save the two girls!

Tang Long made a very angry look, looked at Li Niuer and said: "Li Niuer, this matter has always been in my mind. I finally came back from the outside. I was thinking of having nothing to do these days. How can you let them escape?"

"It was really my oversight for a moment. I didn't expect that the two girls would run away boldly. What's more, I sent three people to guard them, but they didn't keep them!"

"You are not reliable in doing things!" Tang Long glared at Li Niuer: "OK, let's go to see the overlord."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Niuer nodded and walked along with Tang long, but he said with a smile: "Lord Tang, you don't have to be upset. I've found another girl to come here. I still live in that inn. Although there is only one girl, I promise that she will be more beautiful than the two girls before!"

After listening to Li Niuer's words, Tang Long was depressed. He wanted to slap him twice!

This son of a bitch, it's a mess for him!

On the surface, you have to look happy!

He looked at Li Niuer and laughed: "you boy, you really know how to handle affairs." However, he said seriously: "although you have done a good job in this matter, I may not like the beautiful girl you think. In this way, you can bring her to show me some other day. Otherwise, if I go there, I will look down upon it, and I won't go there for nothing!""It's easy. I'll bring her here in two days!" Li Niu Er Lian was busy.

Tang Long glared at Li Niuer: "you long dim sum, don't mention it in front of bing'er, and it's better to mention this matter when I have nothing to do!"

"Don't worry, I know, I know!" Li Niuer nodded.

Tang Long didn't say any more. He was already quite dissatisfied with Li Niuer.

Isn't there any serious business every day? Can't you give him something nice? Send some money, send some medicine, this is OK ah, every day I want to find those girls for him!

"We have to find a way to let Nangong Ao kill this bastard, or he will be so noisy that I will show my flaws sooner or later."

Tang long thought secretly.

He must get rid of such a disaster as soon as possible.

Moreover, this kind of brain is full of harm to girls, he is also absolutely can not let it go.

It's hard for such people to stay!

Of course, Li Niuer doesn't know that Tang Long has killed him. He is still secretly proud that he has the means in this respect. With a smile, he takes Tang long, and soon sees lie Qingtian.

Strong Qingtian see Tang Long arrived, it is waved, let Li Niu Er leave, take Tang long into a study.

He pointed to a chair in front of him: "sit down."

"Yes Tang Long responded respectfully and sat down on the chair.

Lie Qingtian sits opposite Tang long, looks at Tang long, and asks, "listen to the Black Ghost bear, this time you go to the city of genius is very unsatisfactory, what is the matter?"

Tang Long said angrily: "that Gao Tianye is just playing with me. I went to do the task. When the task was completed, he dumped me!"

"Dumped?" Strong giant tiny frown: "what meaning?"

"My task has been completed, and the reward is to go to the Zhoutian Grottoes for cultivation. But in the end, all the people who worked with me went to the grottoes. Only Bing ER and I didn't go. Our quota was actually replaced!"

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