Tang long thought about it and said to Beigong Xianer with huixinmen: "well, you and Tang Kuo will act together, and then you will take the flying snow. If I can go there, I will help you. If I can't get through, I can deal with those tianmiezong guys with jiuxuanqin and Shanshui Tianmen array."

"I see."

Beigong xian'er answered and went to make arrangements.

Tang Long cut off the spiritual contact with Beigong Xianer, and walked quickly towards the hall of the Demon Lord. Soon, he had reached the gate of the hall.

A warrior blocked him: "master of the Tang Kingdom, do you want to come to the demon lord hall?"

"There is an important thing. The master of thousand opportunities asked me to come. I want to see the overlord of strong giant!" Tang Longdao.

"You wait, I'll report."

The warrior said and turned away.

Tang Long is waiting here. He knows that in the demon lord palace, in addition to the Black Ghost bear and other individual people, the rest of the people usually want to see lie Qingtian, but they often can't see it.

The warrior came back soon after he left.

He looked at Tang Long respectfully: "overlord is waiting for you in the study, I will take you there."

"Let's go."


The warrior respectfully leads the way in front of him. Tang Long follows him, and soon he arrives at the door of a room. The leading warrior turns to leave. Inside the door, there is a strong voice: "Tang long, come in."


Tang Long answered outside the door, then opened the door and went in.

This is a study. The study is not very big, but the environment is very good. At this time, strong Qingtian is sitting on a chair in the study, with a book and a pot of tea on the table beside him.

Lie Qingtian looks at Tang Long and points to a chair not far away: "sit down first!"

Tang Long went over and sat down on the chair.

Lie Qingtian asked: "what do you want me to do? I heard that Qianji keel asked you to come here? "

"Yes." Tang Long nodded.

"Go ahead." Strong Qingtian picked up the tea cup on the table and drank a sip of tea: "thousand machine keel let you find me, what's the matter?"

Tang Long said: "the master of thousand opportunities asked me to tell you that the blood pool he cultivated has been successfully cultivated. You can practice the blood shadow skill, and you must practice it tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning?" Strong giant frowned and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

Lie Qingtian has known about the blood shadow skill for a long time.

In the past, when lieying Shenzong took refuge in the blood god temple, Ying Tianhe was the matchmaker. Although lie Qingtian didn't see the people of lieying Shenzong, he also got the news about the blood shadow divine power from Ying Tianhe.

And later, lie Qingtian also got all the secrets about the blood shadow skill.

He wanted to practice the blood shadow skill, so he told Qianji keel to cultivate blood pool in the experimental base!

Even the immortal skeleton of Tang Long is known to lie Qingtian.

There are many things he doesn't know.

Research base on the specific situation of the research on the variation of Warcraft, strong Qingtian is completely unknown. In addition, Qianji keel not long ago got that strange zombie, this thing strong sky also just vaguely know a little bit!

These two things are the biggest secret of Qianji keel's experimental base.

Lie Qingtian looked at Tang Long and frowned: "I'm afraid I don't have time to practice this blood shadow skill now!"

"Why?" Tang Long asked curiously.

"I have other things to do now, and it may take at least a month to delay," he said After a pause, he continued: "well, you can take a message to Qianji keel. I will postpone this matter for at least one month."

"This...!" Tang Long frowned and was a little depressed.

He is ready to get medicine pool and blood pool when lie Qingtian and Qianji keel practice the blood shadow skill. He even wants to make trouble and kill lie Qingtian!

The most important thing is that he should take advantage of this time to get the bloody knife!

I didn't expect that Li Qingtian would delay the cultivation of the blood shadow magic skill, which made Tang Long's plan have to be changed!

"I hope Qianji keel will not be the same as strong Qingtian to change his mind and delay the time of practicing the blood shadow skill!"

Tang long thought secretly.

If Qianji keel temporarily stops practicing the blood shadow magic skill in order to wait for the strong giant, Tang Long doesn't dare to fight the blood pool right away. After all, he is not going to leave the demon lord's palace immediately. He has not found the blood drinking knife yet!

So some things, he must be careful.

He wants to persuade Li Qingtian as much as possible.

Looking at lie Qingtian, he made a very sad look and said: "overlord, the master of thousand opportunities has already taught me the blood shadow skill, and will give me a blood pool to use. I have already seen the blood pool, so I already know that if the blood pool is not used, the medicine will probably dissipate, and it will be impossible to cultivate the blood shadow magic skill. Overlord, do you want to waste this opportunity?"Strong giant determined way: "in any case, this matter I must wait for at least a month!"

The voice fell down, he slightly pause, suddenly looked at Tang Long and asked: "by the way, before you are swallowed up, there are a lot of gratitude and resentment between yingtianhe and you?"

Tang Long listened to the strong Qingtian asked yingtianhe, immediately on his face angry, angry way: "that guy every day want to kill me, bad very!"

Strong Qingtian asked: "how much do you know about Tianhe?"

"I know him well!" Tang Long immediately said, "overlord, why do you suddenly mention yingtianhe? Is that guy dead? "

He said with a smile: "that guy died just good, the best spirit and soul are destroyed, there is no place to die, that is the best!"

Strong giant a little speechless shook his head.

Tang Long is really a man with a very simple mind. Moreover, he can't hide anything in his heart. He can say what he wants, but he can't think about it!

For Tang long this simple, strong Qingtian heart, in fact, still like very much.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "I don't know whether yingtianhe is dead or not. I asked you about him just because I was curious. After all, I learned about the blood shadow skill from Ying Tianhe at the beginning."

Tang Long laughs and looks at strong Qingtian with great pride and shouts: "overlord, I have guessed. I guess what you want to ask me!"

Strong giant is a little funny, looking at Tang Long asked: "tell me, what did you guess?"

Tang Long said triumphantly, "overlord, do you want to ask me if Ying Tianhe has practiced the blood shadow skill? I can tell you clearly that Ying Tianhe has really practiced the blood shadow skill, and he has also successfully practiced it! "


Strong Qing Tian's pupil slightly squints: "are you sure?"

"Of course I am sure!" Tang long continued triumphantly: "Ying Tianhe always wanted to kill me. He used to use that method in front of me. At that time, I didn't know that it was the blood shadow skill, but now I know that he absolutely practiced the blood shadow skill, and he also successfully practiced it!"

He told strong giant these, of course, there is a purpose, he wants to see the reaction of strong Qingtian, and then make a judgment.

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