"Ying Tianhe really practiced the blood shadow skill, and I didn't expect that!"

Strong Qingtian looks at Tang Long and nods with satisfaction.

After thinking about it, he looked at Tang Long and said, "you tell Qianji keel that I will not practice the blood shadow skill, but I may also practice it. Even if I want to practice it, it will take at least one month. You can tell Qianji keel according to my original words!"

Tang long looked very strange. Looking at strong Qingtian, he asked, "overlord, why don't you practice the blood shadow skill?"

He wants to persuade Li Qingtian as much as possible, and let him practice the blood shadow skill.

He looked at Li Qingtian and said: "overlord, the blood shadow magic skill is very powerful. I saw Ying Tianhe perform it. I punched him, and his whole person was directly broken into countless blood spots. After that, he was reunited. It seems that he can't kill at all!"

"I know the blood shadow skill is very powerful, but I have to delay it for at least one month." Strong giant waved: "this matter does not need to say again, you go first, in addition, I want to tell you, this month I am not in the devil owl palace, you have anything to go to the Black Ghost bear, devil owl Palace this period of time, I give the Black Ghost bear full responsibility."

"All right." Tang long promised, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

Li Qingtian is so determined to delay practicing the blood shadow skill for a full month. He even suddenly mentions Ying Tianhe. This makes Tang long think that lie Qingtian is really going to kill Ying Tianhe himself!

And it's likely to start soon!

"A Ying Tianhe, Li Qingtian, actually wants to show up in person. What's so fishy about it?"

Tang Long secretly thought, immediately thought of the key to the matter!

He knew that Ying Tianhe also had a mysterious ancient soul, and this matter, strong Qingtian also knew!

Thinking of this, Tang Long's heart was suddenly a sudden, secretly speculated: "does strong Qingtian want to devour the soul of yingtianhe? In this way, the bastard can not get the memory of Ying Tianhe? Then I can't hide everything from him! "

"Damn it!"

Tang Long cursed fiercely in his heart.

He knew that his time was running out, and he had to find and get the bloody knife before he got the soul of Ying Tianhe, otherwise his previous efforts would be completely abandoned!

But he was a little curious.

Isn't it that Huangji magic pulse can't be devoured? Yingtianhe and lie Qingtian are both of this kind of extremely special imperial magic vein. This is what lieqingtian must know. Then, how can he devour Ying Tianhe's soul?!

"Can souls devour each other with the same pulse? In other words, what strange way has lie Qingtian developed? "

Tang long thought secretly.

He knew that, no matter what, he had to do a lot of things in this month!

Before strong Optimus comes back, he should at least get the bloody knife!

Looking at lie Qingtian, he made a very difficult look and said: "overlord, you delay the time of practicing the blood shadow skill. How can I tell the master of thousand opportunities?"

"Tell him that I will not come back until at least one month after I go out to work. I have to think about whether I will practice the blood shadow skill after I come back." After a pause, he looked at Tang Long and asked, "Tang long, Qianji keel is willing to teach you the blood shadow skill. Has he already trusted you?"

"Yes "Now I know a lot about the experimental base," Tang Long said in a heartless and complacent manner

"Do you really know a lot about the experimental base?" "As far as I know, Qianji keel is studying a kind of secret thing recently. What is this thing? Do you know that too? "

"That thing is called a zombie!" Tang Long said: "that's a very strange thing, but the name of zombie is from me!"

"What are the characteristics of zombies?" Lie Qingtian asked curiously.

Tang Long said: "zombies are not old or dead. If they don't eat, they need to drink blood. Moreover, they have great power. Once they become zombies, they will become very powerful. What Qianji world Master is studying is the way to keep the zombies alive!"

"I see!" Strong giant nodded, looking at Tang long very serious way: "this matter you want to help me stare, as long as he studies some achievements in this respect, you will tell me immediately!"

"Overlord, your order, I will carry out it very seriously!" Tang Long quickly expressed his loyalty: "I dare not delay your instructions at all!"

"This is the best!" Strong giant satisfied nodded.

After a pause, he asked, "by the way, I'll show you at the experimental base whether there is a high-level god beast that has been successfully studied on the thousand aircraft keel. Can you take this matter into consideration?"

"I always take your orders to heart!" Tang Longlian was busy and stopped, but he said helplessly: "just the overlord, you know, after all, I just arrived at the experimental base not long ago. Although the master of the thousand machine world still trusts me, I still can't know many things immediately. The reason why I know about the zombie is that I happened to see it.""Yes." Strong giant nodded: "about the mutation of the beast, you continue to help me stare."

"Yes Tang Long quickly agreed.

At this time, there was a knock at the door: "Dong Dong Dong!"

"Who?" Asked strong giant.

"It's me, moyesha!"

Hearing the name of moyesha, Tang Long's heart was suddenly a sudden change!

Of course, Mo Xie Sha knows who it is. This is the leader of lie Qingtian's skeleton blood guard. The skeleton blood guard is a mysterious organization of lie Qingtian in the demon lord's palace. Everyone in the skeleton blood guard is very powerful!

Strong Optimus way: "come in!"


The voice came in, and then the door opened, and a warrior in a blood robe and a blood red skull mask came in.

Lie Qingtian looks at Tang Long and says: "you go back first!"


Tang long no longer said more, looked at Mo Xie Sha, and then turned to leave.

As he walked out, he thought to himself, "the whereabouts of yingtianhe should be the skeleton blood guard looking for it. Mo Xie Sha is looking for lie Qingtian now. Is it that lie Qingtian is going out?"

Thinking of this, Tang Long became more and more anxious.

Out of the strong Qingtian's study, Tang Long closed the door from the outside, and immediately contacted Qin Ziyi with huixinmen in his heart. He asked, "dear wife, have you found the pots I want?"

"But they found a lot of these things in ouqian'er."

"Well, tell them to clean up those jars!"

"I know. I told them."

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