Tang Long knocked on the door.

Inside the door came Li Dahan a little unhappy voice: "who is it?"

"I, Tang Long!"

"Young master!"

Inside came the sound of Yu Zhu's exclamation. After a while, the door was opened and Li Dahan appeared in front of Tang long.

I heard that Yuzhu was behind Li Dahan. At this time, her pretty face was obviously with a blush!

In this case, Tang Long doesn't have to guess what's going on!

He quipped his lips and glared at Li Dahan: "Dahan, you are not honest with my sister at home this broad day? You son of a bitch, it's not a fun idea. Why don't you learn more from me? You always bully my sister Yuzhu at home

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Li Dahan laughs with a smile. The face of Yuzhu behind him is red to drip blood. After Li Dahan's back, the slender and jade hand pinches Li Dahan's waist and eyes, bows his head and dares not to lift it up.

Beigong xian'er is a little speechless to Tang long.

Is Tang Long willing to let Li Dahan learn from him? If you really want to learn, isn't it a disaster to Li Dahan, such a good person?!

Looking at Li Dahan, Bei Gong xian'er said, "let's go in and sit down for a while. The bad guys have something to tell you."

"Good, good!"

Li Dahan nodded again and again, which reminded him to get out of the door.

Tang Long took Beigong Xianer and went in and sat down on a chair not far away.

He looked at Yuzhu and said, "Yuzhu, I'm mainly here to look for you. This little boy has nothing to let him go!"

"I'm not going!" With a smile, Li Da sat down beside Yuzhu: "I'm with Yuzhu, and I'm curious. I want to know what you want to say to Yuzhu, young master!"

Tang long looked at Yuzhu and said, "I'm looking for you. I want to give you something!" Said, is to take out a piece of paper: "this you take to have a look!"

Said, the cold force condenses on this piece of paper, the hand slightly shakes, this piece of paper flies toward the rain bamboo which hears people.

After hearing this, Yuzhu caught it and looked at it. He was surprised: "young master, this is..."

"This is a Dan prescription. It's a very valuable prescription. I have studied this prescription for a long time and have basically studied it thoroughly. The next step is to make some attempts and experiments. I don't have much time. So this matter is still for your family to do. I believe we can have an answer soon."

It was namorodan's unilateral prescription that he gave to people who heard of Yuzhu.

When Tang Long was in Gongsun family before, dantai Shuya gave Tang Long an elixir to improve his strength, which was refined by the special prescription of dantai family.

After this period of research, Tang Long only made a general study of this pill.

So, next, he plans to let the people of Wenren family study together.

If the Dan formula of morodan can be studied, it will enable Tangmen to have a kind of Dan prescription to enhance its strength.

Tang long looked at Yu Zhu and said, "you should take time to study this pill. If you succeed, tell me. I can prepare medicinal materials and refine this elixir in large quantities. In this way, your strength can be improved a lot."

"Yes Hearing this, Yuzhu quickly agreed, and her pretty face was full of joy: "young master, I will send an order to let my family members start to study it seriously."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded and stopped, cautiously saying: "this Dan Fang should keep secret as far as possible. You should know how to keep secret?"

"Don't worry, young master. I know what to do."

"That's good."

Tang long stood up satisfied and said, "I should go now." Said, turning to look at Li Dahan: "you boy, continue to harm my sister Yuzhu here, I don't delay you to do bad things!"

Said, and North Palace fairy son to go out together.

Li Da Han Han Han a smile: "boss, then you walk slowly, I will not send you!"

The rain bamboo is completely speechless.

Li Dahan is also true. Isn't it clear that he wants to bully her? Bully me. You can't talk to you like that!

However, she did not say much, knowing that Li Dahan was a person who could not beat around the bush.

Besides, she liked his temper.

In addition, no matter what, Li Dahan is also very good to her, which also makes her very happy.

Tang Long and Beigong Xianer left Danshi league together. At this moment, Tang long had nothing to do. He accompanied Beigong Xianer to stroll in madiwen city and saw the current situation of madiven city.

It's rare for Beigong Xianer to hang out with Tang long. Naturally, he's in a good mood.

Unconsciously, the night has fallen.

They had dinner outside together, and then they returned to the Lord's house of Medivh.

Now there are not many people in the mansion of the city Lord.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty, with the Dragon guards, was expanding madiwen city. The Tuoba mausoleum Chutian and Tuoba mausoleum Chudi were outside day and night supervising the work. Even Tai Shici and them were very busy now.According to Tang Long's plan, Medivh city at this time had to be expanded more than ten times. Moreover, all kinds of defensive formations had to be arranged, and even several grand palaces would be built here.

Even, the people of the city Lord's house will move out immediately, and the city Lord's house will be completely rebuilt.

However, fortunately, at this time, the Tang clan was still very rich. The long-term accumulation of Tang Long also saved a lot of money for the Tang clan. If you squander it here, the Tang clan still has more than enough financial resources.

Therefore, with the money and the appeal of Tangmen, all the powerful warriors around madiwen city can be summoned.

These people come to build the city, naturally very fast!

However, now the city Lord's house is really a little lonely, only Beigong Xianer is here alone.

Of course, she has nothing to do, she has to take charge of the whole situation!

Of course, now that Tang Long is here, she will take time to accompany the villain. At the same time, she hopes that she can accompany her more.

Tang Long didn't plan to leave today, so he stayed with Beigong Xianer at night.

Although Beigong Xianer is completely exhausted by Tang long, she still likes Tang Long's feeling here. She nestles in Tang Long's arms and listens to her bad man's words that make her heart beat faster. From time to time, she also plays coquettish in his arms.

She enjoyed it.

Tang long, of course, enjoys the feeling.

The two play and make trouble. Tang Long tells Beigong xian'er about his work in the blood temple. By the way, he also mentions Gongsun Mo'er, and seems unintentionally to mention Zhong Li Xueyan.

Of course, he only said that now, they have helped him a lot.

Beigong xian'er told Tang long that under the attack of Tang Long's dense sugar coated cannonball and Tang Long's shameless means, Beigong xian'er didn't think much about it, and she didn't have time to think about it now!

Tang long waited for her to rest for a while, and began to fight fiercely again!

It was noon the next day!

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