Although Beigong Xianer is lazy and doesn't want to move at all, she has to get up.

She has a lot of things to do today!

After finishing the work in a hurry, he went out to eat with Tang long. The northern palace fairy looked at Tang Long and asked, "are you going back to the blood Temple today?"

"Not for the time being." Tang Long said: "the blood god temple, the Tang family has just been set up. There are a lot of messy things. I can't help when I go back. Instead, it's in my way. It's better to let bing'er deal with those things!"

North Palace fairy son charming infinite horizontal Tang long one eye: "you this shake hands shopkeeper, when also really addictive!"

"Hey, hey, hey..." Tang Long was a little proud with a smile. He was about to say something. Suddenly, Ling Qingyao's voice rang out from the bottom of his heart: "long, if you are not busy now, please come here. I have found a very good magic medicine here, but it may be troublesome!"

"Magic medicine!"

When Tang long heard these two words, he was in a state of spirit!

he knew that Ling Qingyao was going to look for a miraculous medicine to recover his soul trauma. He quickly asked, "what kind of magic medicine is it?"

"It's to restore soul power!" Lingqing Yao road.

Hearing Ling Qingyao's words, Tang Long's heart was filled with joy!

He is in urgent need of this kind of thing, did not expect Ling Qingyao to find it, this is simply wonderful.

He couldn't help thinking: "I have to tell Qingcheng the news. Qingcheng knows that Qingyao are trying so hard to help her recover her soul, so she must accept them. It's just a happy thing for everyone. How happy my life will be in the future I hope Mo'er and her can also find such a treasure... "

Tang Long secretly thought, immediately made a decision, the next time to see Mo'er, let Mo'er also try to find this medicine.

As for Zhong Li Xueyan, Tang long thought of her, and felt at a loss.

"Xueyan is also a good girl. However, Tang Long is not a greedy person. So, forget about this girl. I can't have too much to do with her However, she is such a good girl, or don't be harmed by the people in the blood temple. If so, it's better to let me do harm to her. At least I'm better than those people in the blood temple... "

Thinking so, I quickly shook my head.

It's enough to think about it by yourself. You can't put it into action!

He cleaned up the mess in his heart, looked at Beigong Xianer and said, "Xianer wife, I wanted to stay with you for another day, but there are some things in Qingyao. I have to go and have a look at it right away! "

" you go. " Beigong Xianer nodded.

In fact, she has been very satisfied in her heart. From yesterday to now, Tang Long has been with her, and has always been very good to her.

Although Tang Long is greedy for her, what does that matter?!

However, Beigong Xianer still looked at Tang Long and warned: "villain, I don't say much about other things. I know you are a decent person, but I have to remind you again!"

"What's the matter?" Tang Long asked.

Beigong xian'er seriously said: "you can't do anything wrong outside. I won't allow you to bring other girls back. Otherwise, I will be really angry!"

"Don't worry, I've always been honest!" Tang Longlian was busy and complained in his heart.

It's not easy to do!

"In the future, bing'er and ye'er have to help me speak in front of xian'er. Fortunately, ye'er has a very good relationship with xian'er, and ye'er is also very open-minded in this respect. If ye'er helps me speak in front of xian'er, I only need to know enough, and I don't want to like more girls in the future. I believe that xian'er will certainly pass this pass!"

With that in mind, don Longton was relieved.

He hugs Beigong xian'er into his arms and throws a burst of sugar coated cannonballs in the past, and he is soon elated by Tang Long's sweet honey.

After a long time, Tang Long was a little reluctant to part with Beigong Xianer.

He summoned the Huixin gate between lingqingyao and lingqingyao, and went directly to Ling Qingyao.

Ling Qingyao was in an inn at this time.

Of course, Tang Long didn't know where the inn was. Looking at Ling Qingyao, he asked curiously, "Qingyao, where is this?"

Ling Qingyao said, "this is in the light world."

"The light world?" Tang Long was stupefied, and suddenly got a little nervous: "my baby Qingyao, you are too bold. How come you came to the bright world by yourself? Don't you know that esmore, the land of light, has been occupied by witches

Ling Qingyao looked at Tang Long and said seriously, "dragon, this city is under the control of witches now!"

"What?" Tang Long was startled and asked in a hurry, "is this esmore land?"

"Of course not here, but I always feel that there is something to do with esmore, but I'm not sure exactly where it is!"

"I don't want these. I don't want these!" Tang Long hastened to get rid of Ling Qingyao's idea: "for these problems, we don't want at all!"He absolutely does not want Ling Qingyao to think about witches.

Wizard's business is very dangerous. If he is busy with his own affairs, then he can do it. What does his precious wife care about? If this is a little dangerous, then he will not be heartbroken!

Holding Ling Qingyao in her arms, she complained a little unhappily: "you girl, how can you come to such a dangerous place by yourself? It's too careless!"

Looking at Tang Long's nervous appearance, Ling Qingyao's heart is also very sweet and happy.

Her character is calm, secular many things, are not very much on her heart, but on her own this man, her heart is also very much like, is wholehearted love.

Seeing that he cared so much about himself, Ling Qingyao was also very happy.

She let Tang Long embrace, with him, to sit down on the side of the chair.

Tang Long asked, "what is the magic medicine?"

Ling Qingyao said, "it's a coincidence. I was in a hurry a few days ago, looking for a treasure that can restore my soul. But I didn't expect to be watched by some people and surrounded by them."

After listening to Ling Qingyao's words, Tang long felt nervous and held Ling Qingyao tightly.

Ling Qingyao looked at her man, but she was speechless in her heart.

Tang long, she is too nervous!

She looked at Tang Long and said softly, "dragon, although I know that my combat power is not as strong as you are, don't worry about me too much. You also know that my strength is not weak now. It's already the six levels of God and monarch, and I won't encounter any enemies in general."

Tang Long discontented: "you can't have this idea, this world, the powerful people go, if you go to the heaven, the God King strong is nothing, even the God Emperor strong can be seen everywhere!"

"Don't worry. I'll be careful." Ling Qingyao said in a soft voice. After a pause, she continued: "the wizard who surrounded me is not strong. Therefore, I sent them away easily. Their spirits all escaped. I found a letter in their space ring, and I knew that there was a magic medicine here. Besides, I also knew some other news!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!