Tang long heard lingshuang Qianlong's words, and suddenly he was at a loss: "do you need to sing and dance when you usually invite parties?"

Said, turn to look at Gao Tianye: "elder brother Gao, this my Tang mansion does not have really!"

Gao Tianye said with a smile: "if there is no song and dance, there will be something missing in our family banquet. In this way, I will send someone to my house and send some people to come here. You have all kinds of musical instruments here. When I give you this house, these things are not lacking!"

"There is no shortage of them!" Tang Longlian was busy.

Those musical instruments are all in the banquet hall of Tang Fu. Tang Long has never been to the banquet hall several times, and has never touched these instruments.

Gao Tianye has stood up and walked out.

Of course, he brought a runner, and more than one.

Of course, it was impossible for the errands he brought with him to enter the hall of Tang mansion. They were all waiting in the side hall outside. At this time, the side hall was very lively. All the errands brought by the childe of each family were here.

There are people here who are in charge. It's Zhao Dafu.

These childe around with the errand, one by one in the big family status is not low.

Zhao Dafu will not be upset if Zhao Dafu entertains them. After all, it is very useful to know these people in the city of genius.

Gao Tianye tells his men to go back to Gaofu to dispatch people.

Back in the living room, they chatted for a while. Gongsun Mo'er came back from the outside. When he saw Gongsun Mo'er, they all stood up again and were polite.

At this time, it was already late in the evening.

At this time, Tang jiao'er came in and looked at Tang Long and said, "brother, let the guests go to the banquet hall. They are all ready there."


Tang long stood up immediately.

It's not a problem that so many people are sitting in the living room. Moreover, there are still people coming, so Tang Long takes all the people to the banquet hall of Tang mansion.

Wine and vegetables will not be served at this time, some prepared fruits and melons are served.

These are specially arranged by Tang Jiaoer today. Of course, Zhong Li Xueyan is also indispensable. After all, Tang Jiaoer has never experienced such a family dinner before, and has no experience. She does not know some rules and regulations.

They all sat down in the banquet hall, regardless of their status. They sat down casually, ate fruits and chatted at will.

Gongsun Mo'er sits beside Tang long.

On the other side of Tang Long sits Zhongli Xueyan, and Dongfang binger and Youye all sit beside Zhongli Xueyan.

The four girls, one by one, are more beautiful than the other. They are all extremely envious of Tang Long's luck, and those envious of part-time jobs want to commit suicide.

Moreover, thinking of the influence of Zhongli family and Gongsun family, these childlike brothers also pay more and more attention to Tang long.

At this time, the most proud person, of course, is Gao Tianye.

After all, everyone can see that he has the best relationship with Tang long.

Gongsun family, Zhongli family, together with the dantai family and Gaofu, are the four gate valves of the blood temple. Because of a Tang dragon, they are so connected!

This situation makes some people feel a little uncomfortable.

On the surface, everyone was very happy.

The crowd chatted for a while, and the food and wine were served.

At this time, the time is not early, night has fallen, the girls who are good at singing and dancing in Gaofu have already arrived at Tang Fu.

There are more than 30 girls, all young and beautiful.

In addition, the Gaofu sent musicians specially.

The feast has begun.

"Dong Ding Yo When... "

The moving music sounded, and the girl danced. But at this time, there was a thunderous roar outside:


Then, the roaring voice suddenly sounded: "Tang long, get out of here, I'll kill you!"

When the voice of the earth shaking falls, people feel that the powerful momentum is coming towards this side rapidly. The strength of this momentum is incomparable and powerful, reaching the level of God King's first level!


Gao Tianye's face sank and stood up.

Permanganate and potassium permanganate flashed into two blood lights and appeared in front of Tang long.

Song and dance girls, are towards both sides of the rapid spread!

A blood red light belt, with a fierce and extremely strong spirit, suddenly swept over, in a twinkling of an eye, has reached the Tang Long ten meters in front of, appeared in the banquet hall, but stopped!

It's strong Qingtian!

Strong Qingtian is determined to kill Tang long.

Today, he suddenly broke in to kill Tang long when he was proud.

Even if Tang Long was prepared, he felt that he would surely be able to do it.He knew that there was no one better than him!

However, at this time, he was completely subdued. He did not expect that there were two stronger than him in front of him: permanganate and potassium permanganate!

Even, there are so many noble sons in the blood temple!

Such a situation, is strong Qingtian completely did not expect.

Originally, strong Qingtian thought that, with his own strength, he could immediately lock the breath of Tang Long outside the Tang mansion, so as to find the position of Tang long. Then he directly broke into the Tang mansion and killed Tang Long with the speed of thunder. After that, even if Gao Tianye came to trouble him, he had already thought of some words to kill Gao Tianye.

Tang Long people are dead, what can Gao Tianye do?!

Even if Gao Tianye is angry enough to deal with him, he can resist it. After all, he is the overlord of the evil Lord palace.

The most important thing is that during this period of time, strong giant is not inactive.

With the help of Ying Tianhe, he has already had some relationships at the top of the blood temple. Although he can't compete with Gao Tianye, he has been able to make Gao Tianye afraid!

He is going to join Mr. Gao Yang!

However, at this time, he saw that among the childe entertained by the Tang mansion, there was master Ling Shuang, which made him a little confused!

Moreover, permanganate and potassium permanganate are all here!

he knew immediately that he must have come for nothing today.

And such a thing happened. If he wanted to kill Tang long in the next few days, I'm afraid he would have to kill Tang long by assassinating him. If he killed him clearly, he would probably not have spared him, especially Gao Tianye!

Gao Tianye, with a face of iron and green, suddenly stood up and glared at the fierce giant and said angrily, "strong giant, what do you want to do?"

Strong giant fiercely bit his teeth, and his face was gloomy: "Tang Long went to my demon lord's Palace today, violating our previous agreement. Mr. Gao, do you remember the agreement I made with Tang long before?"

Gao Tianye turns his head and looks at Tang long.

Tang Long frowned at the fierce Qingtian: "overlord, when did I go to the demon lord palace?"

"Noon today!" Strong Qingtian bite teeth, voice down, he knew things to be bad.

Through Ying Tianhe, he has known that Tang Long has a very strange ability to return to his woman in a very short time.

But how can he say that?!

Even if he said it, can these people in front of him believe it?!

Lie Qingtian can see at a glance that the banquet in front of him is obviously the layout of Tang long in advance, which is totally to deal with him!

Gao Tianye glared at strong Qingtian: "you said Tang Long went to the demon lord Palace at noon? Strong Qingtian, you can really make up a lie. All of us can prove that Tang Long was in Tang mansion all day and didn't go anywhere! "

"Yes, Tang Long is practicing at noon. In the afternoon, he will accompany Mr. Gao with them." Zhong Li Xueyan also stood up and said, "he has no time to look at the moon city at all!"

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