Strong Qingtian stares at Tang Long and holds his fist tightly. The whole person is angry!

He felt like he was going mad with anger!

Strong Qingtian knew that Tang long had expected that he would be reckless to kill him in advance, so he arranged such a big bureau to wait for him to break in!

In the past, only a few people, such as Gao Tianye, knew that his relationship with Tang long had broken down. Now, with so many princes here, I'm afraid it's not easy to make it clear. After that, it's more difficult for him to kill Tang Long like this!

At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan glared at lie Qingtian and said angrily: "strong overlord, I respect you as the master of blood god hall, so I will give you face again and again. But if you want to be rude to Tang long in the future, don't blame my Zhong Li family for being rude to you!"

After a pause, he continued: "in a few days, my family will send out a post. Tang Long is already a member of my Zhongli family, but also my husband-in-law of Xueyan. If you do something to my husband, I will give everything I can to fight with you to the end!"


Hear the words of the bell from the snow smoke, strong Qingtian eyes, suddenly revealed a touch of shock!

Gao Tianye also said in a deep voice at this time: "strong Qingtian, Tang long, from today on, is the guest of honor of our high mansion, and is the chief imperial Dan master of my high mansion. I don't need to say more about this weight!"


Strong giant glares at Gao Tianye.


Gao Tianye snorted coldly. He was worried that Tang long would refuse this matter. Now he takes advantage of this opportunity to say it out. It's really appropriate. He not only attracts Tang long, but also perfectly lets Tang long have this identity, which firmly binds Tang long to Gao family!

What's more, he helped Tang long out of the Siege!

The most important thing is that Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er are all concerned about Tang long. Even if they have the intention to oppose Tang Long becoming the chief imperial Dan master of the high government, they can only agree for Tang Long!

Tang Long took a look at Gao Tianye, and he was also impressed by his ability to seize the opportunity!

If Gao Tianye said this sentence under normal circumstances, he would really try to get rid of it, but at this time, he obviously can't give up anyway. One is to take care of Gao Tianye's face, and the most important thing is to deal with Li Qingtian!

After all, strong giant is not an ordinary person. He knows how to weigh the advantages and disadvantages!

Seeing so many people facing Tang long, he knew that it was absolutely impossible to kill Tang Long today. Moreover, he knew that in the future, he would not be able to kill Tang Long himself, which would certainly bring him the disaster of killing life!

"Damn it, I don't believe you've been in the city of genius!"

Strong Qingtian heart bite teeth, feel that he is about to be gas explosion, even at this time, his head is smoking!

On his face, there was a smile on his face. Looking at Gao Tianye, he even laughed: "Mr. Gao, I'm only here to make a joke today. How can I kill Tang Long? I'm here to relieve the misunderstanding between me and Tang long."


Gao Tianye's pupils narrowed slightly, and his face didn't believe it.

Of course, he knew that strong giant was pretending at this time, but he was also quite curious about the sudden 360 degree change of this guy.

Before, he and Dan Tai Shuya went to the Demon Lord God's palace, and lieqingtian gritted his teeth against it. Now, in fact, he can turn around and go away. Even if it's not the case, he sends someone to the demon lord's palace to threaten lie Qingtian. It's impossible to kill lie Qingtian for this matter.

But this strong giant, unexpectedly the attitude changes thoroughly!

Gao Tianye's heart is also a little surprised, it is obvious that this strong giant is also an able person!

"In the future, this guy will become a hero in the area!"

Gao Tianye thinks secretly, in the heart to this strong giant sky, also already had vigilance.

He knew that for the sake of Tang long, he and strong Qingtian would eventually become enemies!

Tang long heard the sudden change of strong Qingtian, he suddenly laughed, and looked very happy.

He looked at strong Qingtian, very proud of the way: "overlord, I know that one day you will know that I was wronged, in fact, just now, I can see that you are joking, in fact, you come to my party, right?"

"Yes Strong giant nodded, the smile on his face was even more easygoing: "I really come to the party!"

"Great, great!" Tang Long's smile called a heartless, very naive way: "I and strong overlord finally make friends with the enemy, too good, today's wedding is too much, I and snow smoke in pairs, and the overlord also become a pair of pairs!"

When they heard him say this, they all felt that it was not right.

Tang Long and Zhong Li Xueyan matter, that is a marriage event, and strong Qingtian thing, can put together to say?!

A bunch of Childe shake their heads and smile bitterly!

Gao Tianye looked at strong Qingtian and said with a smile: "since it was just for fun, then we have the right to be a joke. Lie Qingtian, our party has already started, you can find a place to sit casually!""Good, good!"

Strong giant's head is still in the gas smoke, but had to face happy to agree, and then also arched at the crowd, make a look of guilt, let everyone don't blame.

At this time, his heart, of course, is angry!

He came to kill Tang long, but now, he is forced here to make friends with Tang long, and to congratulate Tang Long!

Even if the heart is not willing to 10 million, it can not be shown at this time!

Of course, he felt very cowardly in his heart!

but what can he do now?!

Someone added a position to lie Qingtian not far away. He laughed at Tang Long: "Stinky boy, I used to be proud in the demon lord's palace. Today, when I arrived in the city of genius, I didn't expect that you were still elated. You boy is really a good method!"

His words, seemingly unintentional, actually awaken people, Tang Long is not as safe as the surface.

Of course, Tang Long knows the mind of lie Qingtian.

However, with a smile, he pushed the boat along the river, still extremely proud: "overlord, you don't know that I'm the smartest person in the world. Even elder brother Gao said that I'm very smart. If I wasn't particularly smart, how could I have known so many childe?"

Then he turned his head and looked at Gongsun Mo'er: "Mo'er wife, do you think I'm smart or not?"

Gongsun Mo'er Qiao blushed and glared at Tang Long: "smart, are you satisfied?"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..." Tang Long was extremely proud of the smile, looking at strong Qingtian, proud extraordinary way: "look, Mo'er also said I am smart, Overlord, I am really very smart!"

Strong Qing weather almost spit blood!

His insidious attack in the past, but hit the cloud, there is no focus at all!

People around, are helpless to shake their heads.

Tang Long has no brain. These people have heard of it, and even many people have seen it. They know that if Gao Tianye didn't value the identity of Tang Long Dan master, Tang long would have died by now!

Gao Tianye looked at strong Qingtian and laughed: "strong overlord, since you are here to attend the party, we should be happy and happy. We won't talk about anything else!"

With a wave of his hand, "sing and dance!"

"Yes, sir!"

A girl answered softly.

Then, the sound of moving music sounded again, in this curling music, a very beautiful girl, began to move the dance.

The banquet was very lively, and everyone felt very happy.

Tang's chef's craftsmanship is also very good, moreover, Tang Long is really very enthusiastic, his chaos, his elation, in such an occasion is very useful, gibberish, but let everyone very happy!

Even, Tang Long also specially goes to propose a toast to each childe, even strong Qingtian has not missed!

Li Qingtian endurance is also extremely overbearing!

Although he hated Tang long so much that he couldn't give him a bite, he even made a decision to wait outside the city of genius to kill Tang Long every day, but his face was full of warm smile at this time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!