In such a remote place as Tianying Empire, the powerful people in the realm of the divine king are almost invincible. Therefore, Tang Long also thinks that with the protection of these two gods, ye Mutian's safety should not be in question.

But I didn't expect that ye Mu Tian suddenly appeared so dangerous!

He didn't dare to hesitate. He quickly searched Ye Mu Tian's pulse, and soon he knew the condition of Ye Mu Tian at this time.

Ye Mu Tian is very dangerous at the moment.

His internal organs were broken, and most of his meridians were broken. Obviously, it was very dangerous. Tang Long was shocked by this situation!

Moreover, is also more anxious.

At this time, ye Mu Tian has only one breath left and may die at any time!

Tang Long hastened to gather the needle of huangquan God. He first helped Ye Mutian save his life, and then he took a breath. Only then did he dare to take a xuesui pill. Then, he began treatment in a hurry!

An hour passed.

Ye Mu Tian's face was pale, and finally a little better, although still seriously injured, but also has no big problem.

At this time, ye Mutian's life can at least be saved, which also makes Tang long at ease.

If ye Mutian has anything unexpected, how can he tell Ye Qingling? How can this girl know? How sad and how painful he is!

Ye Mu Tian also wakes up from coma.

Seeing Tang long, he also gently vomited: "finally, I'm not dead yet!"

"Don't talk, you fellow!" Tang long curled his mouth and was about to ask the two martial masters of Tang clan who were responsible for protecting Ye Mutian. How could ye Mutian have such a thing happened? At this time, Tang Long's heart suddenly remembered Ye Qingling's voice: "brother long, where have you been?"

It is obvious that ye Qingling has already woken up in niurenbao.

"I have something to do in Fengtian city. I will go back soon!" Tang Long said to the baby princess in his heart: "if weichi Tiedan and they come to me, you can say that I'm practicing. Don't disturb me."

"I see." Ye Qingling answered and asked, "how long do you want to come back?"

Tang long thought: "before noon!"

"All right." Ye Qingling answered and reminded, "don't forget that the four Castle owners of tianniu God capital will come to you in the afternoon."

"Don't worry, I remember." Tang Long said in his heart, "besides, don't you have to remind me then?"


Ye Qingling should a, and then, cut off the spiritual contact with Tang long.

At this time, Tang longcai looked at the two martial artists in the realm of the God King of Tang clan and asked, "what's going on? How could ye Mu Tian be so seriously injured? "

Among the two warriors in the realm of the divine king, the one in his early thirties looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, we found out this thing all of a sudden. At that time, your majesty had already done this!"

"That's already the case!" Tang Long frowned fiercely: "was he injured in the palace?"

"That's not true." The king shook his head and said, "Your Majesty went out to deal with some things. We followed him. Before we got to the place, it happened!"

"What are you going to deal with?" Tang Long asked.

The God King said: "we found a city in Tianying Empire, there were a large number of madmen. They were all red with blood and killed when they saw people. In just two days, one third of the people in this city were killed. If they were not stopped, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"Kill when you see people. No way!"

Tang long thought about it and immediately remembered one thing!

Blood demon pill!

A long time ago, Tang Long knew that the people in the blood temple had developed a kind of elixir that could do harm to people. This is the blood evil pill.

Even if a very ordinary warrior takes the blood demon pill, they can have the power of blood demon, and their strength can be improved a lot, and even within a year or two, they can continuously and rapidly improve their strength.

However, the consequences are also very serious. After a year or two, they will fall into madness, or even lose consciousness completely and become a killing machine!

"It must be caused by the blood demon pill!"

Tang Long frowned.

He knew that the people in the blood Temple used the blood demon pill two years ago just to do experiments.

Their goal, of course, is not in the realm of Kalan, but in the universe.

The Kalan world is just a testing ground.

As long as the effect of these blood magic pills can satisfy the people in the blood temple, they will use blood magic pills in the Kalan world. Of course, this is certainly before the war starts.

Once a large number of warriors in the whole world have taken the blood demon pill, without the hands of people in the blood demon world, the universe will be in chaos!

Even then, there will be a big internal war!

"How to solve this problem?"

Although Tang Long knew that the problem was serious and even robbed a large number of blood demon pills in the blood god temple, he did not have time to seriously consider it,But at this time, it is obvious that it has to be considered.

Although he robbed a large number of blood demon pills at that time, the blood god hall must still continue to refine blood magic pills. If this matter is not solved, great things will happen in the future!

Tang Long secretly worried, but he also knew that he had to deal with Ye Mu Tian's business.

He looked at the king warrior and asked, "according to what you say, ye Mutian was injured by those who lost their original intention?"

"No!" But the warrior shook his head and explained, "before we got to the place, your Majesty was seriously injured on the way. The warrior with us has gone to the city to solve this problem. We have come back with your majesty."

Tang Long frowned and asked, "who in the end hurt him?"

The warrior said, "we don't know who seriously injured your majesty. It was only in the morning that we got up to see his majesty, and we saw that his Majesty was seriously injured."

Tang Long frowned and asked, "you don't even have a clue about this matter?"

The warrior thought for a moment and was about to say something. The weak Ye Mutian whispered: "Tang long, you don't have to ask them. They really don't know anything. I know it. It's yingtianhe!"


Hearing these three words, Tang Long was stunned!

Yingtianhe? How can it be Ying Tianhe?!

Isn't yingtianhe engulfed by the strong giant? How can you kill Ye Mu Tian?!

Tang Long's heart suddenly had a very heavy sense of crisis. At this time, he suddenly remembered that he had neglected an extremely important thing.

He quickly turned to look at Qin Ziyi: "first close the transmission array leading to Tianying Empire, quick?"

Ye Mutian's voice came to Tang Long's ears, but his voice was still weak: "for a while Don't be nervous... "

Tang Long turned to look at Ye Mutian: "why don't you need to be nervous?"

What he worries about is strong giant!

Ying Tianhe was engulfed by strong Qingtian. Tang Long is almost certain about this. After all, lie Qingtian can't suddenly cultivate into the blood shadow skill.

However, how could yingtianhe appear in the sky Eagle empire of the Jialan kingdom? And how can you attack Ye Mu Tian?!

Even, it left a breath of Ye Mu Tian!

"It should be strong Qingtian disguised as Ying Tianhe to do this thing."

Tang Long secretly thought, he felt that the ultimate goal of strong giant is to use Ye Mu Tian to find him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!