Ye Mutian, the emperor of Tang Dynasty, was a big weakness left by Tang long in Tianying empire. After all, because of Ye Qingling's relationship, he could never leave Ye Mutian alone, and ye Mutian at that time insisted on being the emperor!

Before that, Tang Long was not very worried. After all, only Ying Tianhe knew the relationship between Ye Mutian and him in the blood temple at that time. Ying Tianhe's strength at that time was not his opponent at all, and he was no longer trusted by lie Qingtian.

Even, Tang long in Ye Mu Tian side of the arrangement of people should be afraid of Tianhe!

Therefore, this matter was put down by Tang long.

Now something happened to Ye Mutian, and Tang Long immediately realized that the situation was serious, and it was very serious!

He began to think in silence:

"logically speaking, strong Qingtian must have devoured the soul of Ying Tianhe. Then Ying Tianhe may be disguised by lie Qingtian. It is obvious that he did not kill Ye Mutian to attract me out!"

"This is obviously the ultimate goal of strong Optimus, which is also the most favorite, despicable means

"But why does lie Qingtian pretend to be Ying Tianhe? There's no reason for that

Tang Long knows that he must deal with the crisis in front of him first!

He frowned at Ye Mu Tian and said, "are you sure no one is following you here? Are you sure that the teleportation array of Tangfu in Tianying city will not be found by the people who hurt you? "

"I'm sure." Ye Mu Tian Dao.

Tang long road is stunned: "you are all seriously injured, how can you be sure of this matter?"

This time, it was not ye Mutian who answered Tang Long's question, but the warrior who protected Ye Mutian.

The warrior looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, we came back with the escape talisman."

"Escape from emptiness" Tang Long was stunned.

Is there a talisman in Tang clan? Why doesn't he know that?!

Next to Qin Ziyi at this time looking at Tang Long explained: "dragon, this is my arrangement."


Tang Long stares at Qin Ziyi.

Qin Zi said in a soft voice: "do you remember Tu Jiaojiao and he Yiming

"Of course." Tang Longlian was busy.

Qin Ziyi said: "in fact, they still have two empty runes on their bodies. They gave them to me not long ago. They wanted me to give them to you. But I think there are still some problems in the Tianying empire. In addition, you told me that you got some more escape talismans in Lingxiao Palace, so I didn't give them to you for the time being. I made this by myself The arrangement. "

After a pause, she looked at Tang Long's soft voice and explained: "I don't want to hide this matter from you, because Uncle Xuanyuan has gone to the seclusion to refine the escape talisman. I want to tell you about this matter after they have made the escape talisman of Tangmen."

What can Tang Long say after listening to Qin Ziyi's words?!

Can he blame her?!

Obviously, if it wasn't for Qin Ziyi's arrangement, the two emperors would surely take ye Mutian and return to Fengtian city for help through the transmission array of Tang Fu in Tianying city!

Then, strong giant must follow!

What's the result?!

If things develop like this, let alone him, the whole Tangmen will be doomed!

Even, it will involve Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan in the blood temple!

"You are my precious wife. You are so sweet!" Tang Long suddenly took Qin Ziyi into his arms: "Ziyi, how can you be so good? How can I thank you?"

"I I didn't ask you to thank me. I arranged it from you. I wish you didn't get angry Qin Ziyi pretty face flushed, this man, how come to hold himself ah, this is also a lot of people, he is not unaware that she is very shy.

She is still holding with Tang long.

Tang Long took a deep breath with Qin Ziyi in his arms and asked, "you must be in the holy heart sect. Do you have some arrangements?"

"Well." Qin Ziyi nodded: "the holy heart sect is arranged by the master for me. But this time, when the escape talisman is used, the arrangement there will be void, and people will withdraw back without leaving any handle."

"Very well, very well!" Tang Long exclaimed.

This matter, Qin Ziyi did is obviously very correct, and the whole thing is arranged in a perfect way, which is extremely rare.

Next to Tang long, the God King looked at Tang Long and continued: "we found the seriously injured emperor. At that time, his Majesty was not in a coma, but his life was hanging on the line. So we gave us two escape talismans. The three of us went directly to the holy heart sect, went to find the people arranged in the holy heart sect, and smoothly returned to the Tang mansion of Tianying City, and then returned to Fengtian city."

"Finally, this time, I didn't get hold of by strong giant!" Tang Long breathed a long breath.

However, the new problem is like a mountain, pressing on the bottom of Tang Long's heart!

At this time, his mood became extremely heavy again. He gently lifted Qin Ziyi in his arms and said, "strong Qingtian has found my only weakness in the realm of Kalan. If he can't do anything, he will never be reconciled.""What about that?" Qin Ziyi looks at Tang long worried.

Tang long thought for a while and said, "the future of Tianying empire can only be handed over to Xueyan and Mo'er first!"

Then, he looked at Ye Mu Tian Dao: "you can't go back to the sky Eagle Empire again. If you don't go back, I'm less worried."

Ye Mu Tian frowned and said, "what about the eagle empire that day?"

Tang Long said: "you don't have to worry about this matter. I will arrange someone to deal with it. Next, you can stay in the heaven and soul world. I will give you a piece of divine land to manage. It is much bigger than Tianying empire. If you like to be an emperor, you can have a good time with your emperor addiction."

Ye Mutian wryly smiles: "but, where is my father? And my brother Although they... "

"I'll arrange for them to come here!" Tang Long's helpless way.

He didn't want to run over them.

But now he must make these people safe, in order not to let the baby princess sad!

He did not dare to delay time, and immediately contacted Youye in his heart: "goblin wife, are you in madiven city now?"

"Well." The voice of the night sounded in the heart of Tang Long: "good man, what can I do for you?"

Tang Long said: "immediately inform Tang Kuo and the people who take the Dragon Guard to Tianying empire as soon as possible, and bring ye Wulian, ye Sicheng, ye Beiqin, including their wives and children, to me directly. If they don't come, they will be knocked out!"

Hearing Tang Long's command, Youye was shocked: "dragon, what happened?"

Tang Long said in a deep voice: "there's something wrong with Tianying empire. Go and arrange it!"

"I'll arrange it." Busy road in the dark night.

At this time, Tang long had time to look at the two gods in front of him and asked, "how long after you left Tianying City, ye Mu was seriously injured by Ying Tianhe?"

"Five days!" A God King way.

"How long have you been here since you were seriously injured?"

"Two hours!"

After listening to this enchanting reply, Tang Long was relieved: "even if the speed of lieqingtian is faster and you find that you use the escape Rune to escape, it will take at least half a day for him to return to the Empire of the eagle to control other people!"

He looked at Qin Ziyi and said, "how long has Ye Mutian been here?"

Qin Ziyi said, "one hour."

Tang Long frowned: "strong Qingtian speed is very fast, we don't have much time, I have to deal with this matter myself!"

He knows that strong Qingtian's strength is very strong, and his moving speed can't be calculated according to Ye Mutian's speed. That guy must be very angry when he finds Ye Mutian missing. Then, how much time will he have to think about the problem before focusing on Ye Wuyuan and his body?!

"I'm afraid it will not take a moment for yilie Qingtian to put his mind on the rest of these people!"

Tang Long is already very nervous! , the fastest update of the webnovel!