Looking at the strange old head, Tang Long said, "master, we bought a lot of good things from you last time. We hope we can buy some more again. After we go back, we have found that the things we buy are obviously just made, so I guess you should be a craftsman!"

"I am a craftsman indeed." The old man nodded and paused, saying, "but I don't have any good things here."

Tang Long said: "master, those things we bought are really made by you!"

"Not bad!" The old man nodded, but then sighed: "in fact, I sold those things to you, just want to put them in your place for a period of time."

"For a while?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng, followed by a guess: "do you have been chased at that time, you know your things can not hold?"

"Not bad!" The strange old man nodded, looked at Tang Long and exclaimed, "I didn't expect that you boy is very clever. You can guess my intention at once!"

After a pause, he went on to say, "what you wear that day, I can see that you are from the LingXiao palace. I think it is safe to put things in your hands at least."

Do you want to take those things back

"Not necessarily." "It's better to be in your hands than to fall into the hands of those people," said the old man

Tang Long curiously said, "master, who do you know those people are?"

"My old man has lived for more than 100000 years. How can he not know who those people are?" The strange old man snorted: "those people are the people who caused the destruction of the world in the world hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

Tang Long asked, "they are still catching you. They say they want to rob you. I don't know what they are going to rob you of?"

The strange old man didn't answer. He looked at Tang Long and said, "boy, you are trying to save me, I'm afraid?"

Tang Long sincerely said: "I want to see the master is indeed an attempt, I think the master is a very powerful instrument master, so I hope that the master can give me some help!"

After a pause, he continued: "since the master has already known the existence of the blood temple, he must also know that, before long, there will be another Holocaust. I'm afraid there is no way to hide this catastrophe!"

"Not bad!" The strange old man sighed: "I didn't expect that the people of the blood demon world came to the whole world again."

After a pause, he looked at Tang Long curiously and said: "boy, you seem to know a lot of things. You actually know all about the blood temple, and it seems that you are not nervous at all!"

Tang Long ha ha smile: "things have happened, what is the use of nervous fear?"

The old man nodded and asked, "in LingXiao palace, did anyone know the coming of the blood temple?"

Tang Lung act rashly and alert the enemy: "there are several people in the temple of the skies who know this. They have only recently known about it. They are secretly investigating the number of blood shrines mixed by the temple of the sky. Now it is a critical period, and they dare not stir up trouble, so as not to cause the blood temple to be in trouble ahead of time."

After a pause, he looked at the strange old head and said, "master, I'll help you to see how your poisoning is?"

"I'm afraid you can't do anything about it." The strange old man sighed, followed his eyes, but there was a look of expectation: "but in LingXiao palace, there may be someone who can detoxify me."

After a pause, he sighed: "it's just that although all the people in the blood temple here have been killed by the senior people of LingXiao palace, there must be many people searching for me in Tianshan City, including around here. My breath can't hide from those powerful guys!"

Tang Long said: "I have a way to let the elder get rid of me. Moreover, I can look at your situation first and see if I can help you detoxify. I think that as long as you recover your strength, it will be no problem to deal with those people in the blood temple!"

"You are young. Even if you have medical skills, you will certainly have limited ability. I'm afraid you have no ability to detoxify me." The old man sighed: "I'm not only a craftsman, but also a Dan master. I'm good at detoxification. I can't do it myself. You can't do it either!"

Tang Long ha ha smile: "younger generation first look at your situation!"

"All right."

The old man nodded.

Tang Long grabs the old man's pulse to explore his condition.

After a long time, his brow is also severely frowned: "master, your situation is afraid to be some serious ah!"

"I know my situation is serious!" The old man sighed, "it's poisonous, it's tricky."

Tang Long said: "this should be a very mysterious mixture of poisons, and the technique is extremely skillful. All kinds of poisons restrain each other, but they won't kill you. But rash detoxification destroys the balance of mixed poisons, and all kinds of poisons will explode together immediately!"

Hearing Tang Long's words, the strange old man looked at Tang Long's eyes, and could not help but be surprised: "young man, you are so young, you know so much about poison!"Tang Long laughs: "I have studied these!"

After a pause, he said: "master, although it is very difficult to remove the mixed poison, it can even be said that only through the person who poisons the poison can he really and safely detoxify, but I can help you detoxify!"


Hearing Tang Long's words, the strange old man's eyes suddenly showed a touch of surprise.

Tang long looked at the strange old head and said, "master, what I want to know is, how can you be targeted by the people in the blood temple?"

The old man sighed, "it's because I've been to a place."


"Esmore of the light."

"What!" Tang long heard the strange old man's words, and his face was surprised: "have you ever been to the wizard's world?"

"You even know that!" The strange old man glared at Tang Long with an unbelievable face.

You know, he also spent a lot of effort to get to esmore through tianmeng mountain in the modern land of the light world. Moreover, he was poisoned by human race!

He would have been killed if they hadn't tried on him.

He is a strong man in the realm of emperor of heaven. When he went there, he was almost killed. How much strength did Tang long have? How do you know it's a wizarding world?!

Esmore is very tightly controlled!

He looked at Tang Long and asked, "how do you know where? Did the people who saved me tell you?"

"No!" Tang Long shook his head, followed closely: "master, I think you have seen the war between the people in the blood temple and the wizard?"

"You know so much? Even the war between the blood temple and the wizard The old man was shocked again: "boy, how do you know these things? Have you been to esmore recently? "

Tang Long ha ha smile: "that esmore land secret, originally is I found out."

"Did you find out?"

The strange old man stares at Tang long in disbelief.

He was a strong man in the realm of heaven. He was seriously injured and almost died when he went there. If he was not very valuable to the blood temple, those people did not kill him but arrested him. If he did not find a chance to escape, he would have been completely controlled in the blood Temple.

Even, it may be dead!

Tang Long has been able to find out so many things, and it is obvious that he is still safe and sound so far!

The old geek is a little unbelievable.

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