"Boy, you make me more and more curious!" The strange old man looked at Tang Long's incredible way.

Tang Long asked, "master, why did you go to esmore?"

The strange old head said: "I found a Dan master who was caught by some people and went to mount Mengshan that day, so I followed him. Who knows how careful I am, I think it's quiet, but I was discovered just after I arrived at tianmeng mountain. Those people pretended not to find me at the beginning. They didn't do it until I got to esmore. Otherwise, I wouldn't be arrested either!"

"I see!" Tang Long nodded and asked, "so, the elder wanted to rescue those Dan masters?"

"Yes." The old man nodded.

Tang Long asked, "are you also a member of the Archean clan?"

"I'm just a casual person. I like to travel around." The strange old head said, "but I want to find out what happened. Later, I found that those people were very suspicious. I followed them and I came to the wizard's world."

After a pause, he continued: "although those Dan masters were captured by witches, everything is under the control of the blood temple. I originally intended to save people, but I did not expect that I was already in danger!"

Tang Long nodded.

At this time, he was relieved of the old man.

Obviously, this strange old man is a nosy expert, but he accidentally breaks a big secret and takes himself into it.

Tang long thought about it and looked at the strange old head and said, "master, I can help you to remove the poison from you. However, your spirit and soul have been seriously damaged. You must be unable to exert your essence and power now. So even if I cure you, you will have to rest for a long time to recover your strength!"

"Are you going to let me go to LingXiao palace?" the old man asked

"No!" Tang Long shook his head: "Lingxiao temple now, also mixed into a lot of blood Temple Martial Arts, after you go, I'm afraid it will also be very dangerous, you such a person missing, the blood temple will certainly do its best to track down, a bad, will stir up a lot of waves!"

"So, you can't go to LingXiao palace!" he said

The old man nodded and asked, "where are you going to let me go? It looks like you already have an idea! "

Tang Long nodded: "I do have some ideas, I want you to go to a very safe place to recuperate." After a pause, he continued, "I'll tell you something slowly."

The strange old man is now in prison, and has no strength. Only when he can burst out momentum, it can only frighten people. If he is not careful, he can show his flaws.

So at this time, if he wants to get rid of danger, he can only trust Tang long.

The most important thing is that Tang Long's identity as a disciple of LingXiao palace is at ease.

In the world, Lingxiao temple is also a super powerful Archean sect, and it is also a praised Archean sect.

As a strong man in the realm of the emperor of heaven, the strange old man also knows something about LingXiao palace.

The strange old man looked at Tang Long and asked, "where are you going to let me go?"

Tang Long said: "there is a mansion in the city near Qiankun market. I will arrange strong array there. As long as you are quiet and recuperate there, you will have no problem. Moreover, it is remote. As long as you go out less, there will be no problem."

Strange old man frowned: "so far away, along the way, can't people from the blood Temple find it?"

"Don't worry, I'm free not to let them find you!" Tang Longdao.

"What can you do?" the old man asked

Tang Long said: "first of all, of course, you need to disguise yourself. Secondly, I believe that the focus of their attention on you must be within the scope of this area, and I will certainly be able to send you away safely from here."

As he said that, his mind moved, and a big and big thing appeared in front of him!

This is his fast fortress!

Fast fortress is really big, but it flies very fast in the air.

It is difficult to catch up with the rapid fortress, even if it is a strong one in the realm of emperor.

Moreover, the strange old man in the fast fortress, the breath will not be emitted. The rapid fortress is equipped with many layers of various defense barriers, which can well isolate all the smell of the strange old man.

What's more, the rapids can fly in the clouds, even high above the clouds.

This kind of concealment ability is also very good.

Of course, the old man has never seen such a big thing.

He looked at the rapid fortress and immediately became curious: "what is this? It seems like a strange thing! "

Tang Long said with a smile: "you are a craftsman. You must be interested in this thing."

He took out the fast fortress. One reason was that he left the strange old man for safety. The other reason was that he wanted to arouse the interest of the old man. After all, his real idea was that he wanted the strange old man to go to Tangmen.Of course, he has to be careful to get to know the old man.

As for the strange old man in front of him, he has already made a preliminary judgment, but he still needs a longer time to understand. These things can be handed over to Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue, and can be handed over to Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng.

Of course, he also hoped that the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman would come to explore the old man.

So he wants to let the strange old man go to the heaven and earth market.

He looked at the strange old head and said, "how about seeing you out of here?"

"With this strange thing?" The strange old man looked at Tang Long and asked.

Tang Long nodded: "use this."

After a pause, he walked towards the mouth of the mountain: "elder, wait for me here first, I will come back when I go."


The old man nodded.

Tang Long walked out of the mountain depression and talked to Huan Wu Fei Xue and Ling Qingyao briefly. Then he went to the distance. He contacted Qin Ziyi in his heart and summoned Hui Xinmen. He appeared in front of Qin Ziyi.

He went to Jiuhuang Tianfu to find the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman.

Now, of course, he has no time to send the old man away. Therefore, he can only ask Su Xiaoman and the king of the abyss to help him. As long as he is far away from this place, he will be safe.

With the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman, I believe it will be very smooth to take the strange old man to Qiankun market.

Tang Long went to Jiuhuang Tianfu and met the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman. He told them about it and asked them to seal the sky flag.

Next, Tang Long summoned the door of Hui Xin who danced with the magic flying snow and returned to this side again.

Of course, he will never let the strange old man find out when he uses huixinmen.

The king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman both like to open a fast fortress. Both of them are a little addicted to the fast fortress. Now they know that they have to open a fast fortress every day these days. They are very happy.

They can have a good time!

Tang Long explained to them, and then opened the door of the fast fort.

The strange old man walked into the fast fortress, and he was curious again. He didn't expect such a big thing to fly into the sky, and it was very stable!

He is also a craftsman, but he can't make such a thing.

He became more and more curious about Tang long.

Tang Long with the magic flying snow and Ling Qingyao, also on the rapid fortress, with the strange old man to explain in detail, and then three people under the rapid fortress.

At the same time, Tang Long is also in the heart of the baby girl Ye Qingling, told her this matter in detail.

And he also let Ye Qingling remember that the wormhole in the space over there is kept secret for the time being. In any case, he can never let the strange old man know.

Naturally, Tang long did not worry that the strange old man would run away.

He has told the strange old man that he can cure the poison of the old man and restore his strength. He is a strong man in the realm of heaven. How can he not hope to recover his strength? !

at this time, the strange old man has a chance to recover his strength. Can he let go of this opportunity?!

What's more, Tang Long saved his life.

In addition, there are the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman beside the strange old man.

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