
All of a sudden, in the filled snow and ice, the earth shaking explosion roared.

In the explosion, a storm of ice and snow, swept by the power of colorful light, roared towards the sky.

In the center of the snowstorm, a figure flew out like lightning.

This man is Tuoba demon!

Next, there is another place in the distance. The explosion of ice storm is produced again. It is also a figure. It flies out of the snow storm!

This is Tuoba Mei.

After that, sikongmin and Sikong guanding also soared to the sky and broke out of the ice and snow from the deep buried ice and snow.

Then, a head of god beast, is also roaring out of the ice and snow!

"Not bad!"

Tang long looked at the animals rushing out, saw Tuoba magic and other rushed out, his heart is also a long sigh of relief.

Although he knew that such an avalanche would not pose a great threat to the powerful Tuoba demons and other gods and beasts, he was still nervous.

At this time, the animals are safe and sound, and he can rest assured.

And then, a man wolf also rushed out of the deep buried avalanche.

Some werewolves were obviously injured, while some were still powerful. However, these werewolves were different from those killed by sikongmin. At least, they knew how to escape.

As soon as the wolf rushed out, they turned and ran away!


Tang Long was far away, spitting out a word.

The king of Warcraft and others directly roared, toward those who rushed out of the avalanche, crazy attack in the past, and immediately launched a violent battle.

Of course, such a battle has been a one-sided situation.

From the ice and snow out of these wolves, is not the king of Warcraft and other opponents.

In a short time, except for three or four escaped wolves, the rest were killed here.

The fighting is over.

The king of Warcraft and others gathered around the Tang dragon.

The king of Warcraft looked at Tang Long and said, "the man wolf in the research base over there doesn't seem to have come to support us any more. What should we do now? Do you want to go over there again? "

Tuoba demon looked at Tang Long and said, "why don't you go back with me?"

"Can't go!" Tang Long shook his head: "just now you went there pretending to have found it by accident. Now it is too obvious to go again. It will let them see that you are going to attract those people out."

"What about that?" Tuoba Mei said: "those people don't come out, we have been waiting here?"

"Wait here, of course." Tang Long said in a deep voice: "you don't forget that there were several wolves who escaped here before. After those wolves go back, they will report the news."

"However, even if those wolves report the news, more wolves may not come over!" Sikongmin road.

Tang Long smile: "they will come!"

"Why?" Tuoba Mei asked curiously.

Tang Long said: "this research base is the secret research place of lie Qingtian. At this time, some magical beasts appear here, and their combat power is still so strong. This will inevitably pose a major security risk to the future of the research base. Can those people not come here and kill them?"

"Yes." Tuoba Mei nodded.

Tang long continued: "now, we are waiting here, waiting for work with ease. Anyway, you are tired from the battle before, so take time to rest at this time."

After a pause, he continued: "if Ying Tianhe is really in this research base, even if he doesn't come out this time, he will surely send stronger people to explore it!"

At this time, Tuoba Mei suddenly looked at Tang Long and said, "young master, do you think we have a chance now?"

"What opportunity?" Tang Long Leng Leng Leng asked.

Tuoba Mei said: "if yingtianhe rushes out with human wolves, the interior of the research base is bound to be empty. We might as well detour past. As long as yingtianhe comes out, we will take the opportunity to attack their research base!"

"Detour!" Tang Long frowned.

His plan is to clean up yingtianhe first, clean up the fierce man wolf, and then go to the research base to make a big noise. This is a strong attack.

In this way, he was always with these animals, which was obviously safer for them.

However, there must be a dangerous aspect, that is, in this research base, how can lie Qingtian not have some layout of transmission array or space wormhole?!

When something big happened here, Ying Tianhe left. In that research base, there must be someone who went to report through the transmission array.

I'm afraid it will be bad if strong giant comes to support us!

He wants to deal with Ying Tianhe in the array. If the divine beast attacks the research base, it will be very dangerous if he encounters strong Optimus, or the interested guy.Tang Long frowned and thought about it, and finally made a decision.

Looking at Tuoba Mei, he said: "your plan is very good, but I'm sure that once yingtianhe is attracted to the landscape Tianmen array, the research base will certainly have some layout, and even someone will go to lie Qingtian to deliver the message!"

"What about that?" Tuoba Mei looks at the Tang dragon road.

Tang Long said in a deep voice, "take a chance!"

"How to take a risk?" Tuoba demon and Tuoba Mei look at the Tang dragon road.

Tang Long said: "when yingtianhe comes with man and wolf, Tuoba demon and Tuoba charm, you will take the beast to the research base. First of all, you must find out whether there is a transmission hall in the research base!"

"Well, that's not difficult!" Tuoba demon Tuoba Mei nodded at the beginning.

Tang long thought for a while and continued: "however, you must pay attention to your safety. In case of a strong breath in the research base, you must evacuate immediately. Moreover, you must evacuate in all directions. The farther you run, the better. Only half a month later will you gather quietly under the snow mountain. Otherwise, there will be great danger."


Tuoba demon and Tuoba spirit nodded together again.

Tang Long was careful to explain for a while, this just said: "I hope that the strong Qingtian is busy outside, so even if there is a way to transmit the message here, in a short period of time, it will not be transmitted to lie Qingtian."

Tang Long knows that the strong giant must be busy now.

After all, the chaos in the research base of the last blood temple was just completed, and then the destruction of huangquan Temple appeared again. Both of these things are related to lie Qingtian.

Now the strong giant sky, I'm afraid is being reprimanded by the upper level of the blood god temple.

And Tang long felt that the upper level of the blood temple would give orders to strong Qingtian, so that he could solve the big problem as soon as possible.

This research base here is lie Qingtian's personal secret research base. People at the top of the blood god temple don't know about it. Therefore, as long as the news here is spread out, even if someone comes to support him, I believe the combat power will not be too strong.

"I hope this operation will go smoothly."

Tang long thought secretly.

Next, Tang long used the Tianmei wild ancient array, and began to arrange defense barriers one by one at the place where the avalanche occurred. These defensive barriers were arranged layer by layer, layer by layer.

He arranged these defensive barriers to guard against one person.

This man, of course, is Ying Tianhe!

Tuoba demon and others all went to inspect the distance to prevent the wolf from coming suddenly. However, it was obvious that there was a long way to go back. It took a long time to go back.

The wolf never attacked.

Tang Long only set up the basic defense border. Although he arranged many layers, there were ghosts in the Tianmei wild ancient array to help, and he also called Xuanyuan sky array to help.

So, in less than two hours, the preparations have been completed.

Then, not far from the rear of these defensive formation, he dug an ice cave, where everyone rested.

At this time, he was also working with the king of Warcraft to study the next specific action plan.

After all, sikongmin and Sikong went to lie Qingtian's research base before they went to the top, and before that, they had made a thorough exploration of the surrounding environment of the research base.

They have a clear understanding of the environment around the research base.

So at this time, they told the king of Warcraft everything they knew about it.

After studying the specific action plan, the king of Warcraft began to seize the time to rest.

Tang Long has been practicing hard.

At the same time, his divinity is also spread out to explore the surrounding.

The sixth sense is also displayed by him.

It was always quiet.

Until the night fell, Tang Long and they finally waited for the movement. However, this was not a big move, but a very small one.

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