Tang Long and their rest in this ice cave, time is in a hurry, waiting for a long time, but they never wait for the werewolf to attack, and the king of Warcraft is a little anxious at this time.

Tang Long is not in a hurry.

Moreover, he knew that the longer the waiting time, the greater the chance for Ying Tianhe to come in person. Of course, the longer the time, the more fully prepared the opponent will be.

He doesn't care if the opponent is ready to come. He just wants yingtianhe to come, that's OK.

Now it's night.

"There's a situation!"

Suddenly, Tuoba Mei quietly walked to Tang Long from the cave entrance.

Tang Long nodded slightly.

He has also discovered the movement in the distance outside.

He looked at Tuoba Mei and said, "there are three people coming over?"

"Yes." Tuoba Mei nodded: "the strength of these three people is very strong, reaching the level of the peak of the God Emperor, but we can still deal with them!"

"Let them go!" Tang Long said: "their strength, even if they are a little far away, will certainly be able to detect the breath we hide here. Next, they will certainly surround us!"

"Then we'll wait for them to surround us?" Tuoba Mei asked.

"Wait quietly and get ready to do it!" Tang Long nodded and said seriously: "remember what I said before, you must be very careful. Next, it's time for the Lord to come!"

"Good!" Tuoba demon nodded.

In order to be on the safe side, Tang Long also took out some healing elixir and recovery elixir at this time, and prepared a lot for these gods and beasts.

Zombies like Tuoba demon don't need these elixirs.

Zombies have a very special constitution. They can't get hurt, and even if they are injured, they recover very quickly.

The most important thing is, zombies taking elixir have no effect at all.

The best way for zombies to recover quickly is to drink blood!

Blood, of course, is not lacking here!

At this time, in the distance outside the ice cave, there were three people quietly coming. They were obviously afraid of being found. Therefore, they did not approach the ice cave here, but surrounded the ice cave from a distance and searched around it carefully.

Then the three men quietly withdrew and headed for the fortresses in the distance.

They all the way in a hurry, to the Fort Group, and then rushed to report, into one of the largest ice and snow fortress.

At this time, in the main hall of the fortress, a man was sitting.

This man looks very young, although very handsome, but at this time the appearance is a little gloomy.

If Tang Long is here at this time, he can definitely recognize this person and know who he is.

This man is Ying Tianhe!

Ying Tianhe's appearance at this time is basically the same as that in the Tianying empire. Of course, there are some differences. He looks more gloomy, and his eyes are always full of fierce cold.

However, this man is obviously Ying Tianhe.

Ying Tianhe stares at the three people who come in in in a hurry: "what's the situation detected?"

"After the avalanche over there, they dug an ice cave there. They hid in the ice cave, and there were many magical beasts hidden there. There was a person's breath, but his breath was not very strong!"

"Did they find out about you?" Yingtianhe has a deep voice.

"No!" One of the three people who explored the news looked at Yingtian river course with certainty: "we are very careful and we are always far away from them, and we have made a circle in the distance there, and there is no hidden danger around us!"

"Good!" Ying Tianhe nodded with satisfaction.

One of them looked at Ying Tianhe and asked, "circle leader, what should we do next?"

"Kill him, of course!" In the eyes of yingtianhe, there was a chill in his eyes: "there should be a result between me and his resentment."

"You and his grudges?" The warrior was stunned: "with whom?"

"Tang long, of course!" Ying Tianhe's gloomy road.

"You say that man is Tang Long?" The three warriors were all stunned.

"This man is of course Tang Long:" Ying Tianhe snorted: "the two men came to attack here before, I guess these two people have something to do with Tang Long!"

"Why?" The warrior asked curiously.

Yingtian riverway: "now, besides our people, who knows how to use the power of the stars? Moreover, the strong Qingtian overlord has been attacked many times, which has already revealed the characteristics of Tang long. It has long been said that there are many supernatural beasts around him

"So we're going to report the fierce overlord now?" The warrior asked in a hurry.

"No!" Ying Tianhe snorted: "Tang Long's strength has been known for a long time. My combat power at this time is absolutely much stronger than him. He is not my opponent at all in any case!"After a pause, he continued: "we have so many people here. After you have mutated, you will attack in groups. Even if those magical beasts of Tang long are more powerful, they are definitely not rivals. The important thing is that at this time, the strong overlord must be very busy. You can't find where he is at all, but things here can't be delayed. "

The warrior asked, "shall we kill Tang Long now?"

"Of course In Ying Tianhe's eyes, there was a chill: "if it wasn't for him, how could I become what I am now, or even..."

Even what, he didn't say.

He dare not say.

After all, the people here are strong Qingtian people, strong Qingtian control, even he is strong Qingtian control.

Even if he had some thoughts in his mind, he would not dare to express them here.

"Go, send me the best people to kill Tang Long

Ying Tianhe stood up, his eyes showing a touch of extremely cold cold, his fist tightly held, his body burst out with a powerful killing intention.

He had guessed before that the two people who came here to make trouble were probably the instigation of Tang long.

But at that time he was not sure.

Later, the werewolf chased the two men, and finally several werewolves fled back. After he got the report, he was sure that the supernatural beasts and the strange people in front of him were definitely Tang Long's men.

But what he was not sure was whether Tang long had brought a lot of people, or whether Tang Long himself had come. After all, Tang long had never appeared before.

For Tang long, he is also very cautious.

Now he got the report from the three men and knew that Tang Long was coming. He immediately decided to kill Tang Long himself.

Ying Tianhe knows that Tang Long has no idea how powerful his fighting power is at this time. Even, Tang Long probably doesn't know that he is still alive.

But Tang Long's strength is very clear to him.

Even some of Tang Long's means, he knows very well.

"Tang long, even if you know how to arrange the ancient Panlong array, what can you do? How can the gap between you and me be replaced by a mere array?"

"Besides, it's not easy to set up that array. Do you have a chance to set that array against me?"

In the eyes of Ying Tianhe, there is a sharp killing opportunity.

The three soldiers who reported the news had already turned around and rushed out. After a short time, four or five of them came in together.

One of them looked at Ying Tianhe and said respectfully: "circle, ready!"

"Go, kill Tang Long!"

Ying Tianhe's body flash, the moment has appeared in the door, and then suddenly disappeared.

Several warriors rushed to chase out, to a square in the distance. Ying Tianhe was already waiting in the air, while the three warriors who had reported the news were waiting by his side.

What's more, more than a thousand wolves have gathered here!

These more than 1000 wolves are the most powerful collection of the research base.

This time, Ying Tianhe also decided to use absolute advantage to directly surround and kill Tang long. Even if Tang Long is more powerful, even if he will use those extremely mysterious arrays, it will be absolutely useless in the face of absolute strength!

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