Tang Long's remaining supernatural beasts, such as pig Gang hyena, are also attacking the surrounding blood red wolf.

Moreover, the death demon and the Holy Light demon are also holding the bloodthirsty sword, toward these blood red wolf crazy incomparably fierce attack in the past.

Xuanyuan sky array attacked a blood red wolf and said to Tang long in a deep voice: "Tang long, we have to leave here immediately. That wolf king is the king of ten thousand wolves in the blood demon world, and has grown to this level. We are not rivals at all!"

"We are able to withstand the wolves in front of us." Tang Long said in a deep voice: "the giant wolf in the distance is so powerful. Why don't you fly here to fight? I think there may be something wrong with it!"

"When is it? You're still thinking about all sorts of questions!" The king of the abyss was speechless. He turned his head and glared at Tang Long: "do you see, your two precious wives have already suffered internal injuries at this time?"

At this time, Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er have indeed suffered internal injuries.

Although their combat power is very strong at this time, even compared with the combat power of level 5 mythical beasts, their defense ability is obviously weaker.

After all, the defense of the beast is very strong.

Before being bombarded by the virtual shadow of the blood red energy giant wolf, although Tang Long and their supernatural beasts were blown away, they did not suffer any internal injury.

Tang long cultivated into a chaotic body. Although he had a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen just now, he suffered a little internal injury, but this internal injury was nothing to him. After taking the healing elixir, he could recover this internal injury quickly.

The king of the abyss and others are all energetic beings. The bombardment just now can't hurt them.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan are different. They have suffered internal injuries just now.

At this time, both of them were pale.

Of course, Tang Long knew that they had suffered internal injuries, but he knew more clearly that the blood red wolf around was not the key, but the blood red wolf king in the air in the distance!

If the wolf king wants to rush over, they can't escape even if they want to.

If the wolf king doesn't rush over and just stays at a distance to attack them, he believes that once his potential is aroused, the situation here will be reversed immediately.

If we reverse the situation, we don't care about the blood red wolf here.

The giant wolf is so far away from here, and it is clearly the wolf king. Seeing these wolves retreating after being attacked, the wolf king is not coming from the distance. Obviously, the situation is not normal!

"If we don't retreat now, at least we can ensure the situation in front of us. If we retreat rashly, the wolf king in the distance will see that the situation is wrong. If the wolf king is not in any situation, he will rush to attack us quickly, so we can't escape!"

"Now we must be calm and calm. At least we must keep the wolf king from rushing."

Tang long thought.

He said in a low voice: "the wolf king's fighting power is too strong, even if we want to escape, we must have someone to restrain the wolf king, otherwise we can't escape at all. Now that wolf king doesn't come, there are only two possibilities!"

"What are the two possibilities?" Asked the king of the abyss.

Tang Long said: "the first possibility is that the wolf king is afraid or unable to come because of some conditions. The other possibility is that the current situation is still under the control of the wolf king, and the wolf king does not need to come over!"

After a pause, Tang Long said in a deep voice: "at present, my potential has not been inspired. There are too many red wolves around. We run away in a hurry. In case of any accident, or infuriate the wolf king in the distance, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"What are you going to do?" Asked the king of the abyss.

"We'll try to resist for a while and wait until my potential is aroused." With that, Tang Long's figure flashed to Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan, who were barely standing up from the ground: "we should make a passive appearance, wait a second!"

"All right."

The king of the abyss thought about it and looked at the wolf king flying in the air in the distance, but he didn't come over. He thought that Tang Long's words were also reasonable.

The momentum of the wolf king is obviously very strong, and has grown to the level of seven level beast.

The fighting power of level seven divine beast, like wolf king, can be defeated even if it is the warrior who faces the emperor's peak strength, let alone them.

If they run away, if the wolf king comes, they will never be able to evacuate.

What's more, they have already felt the roar of the wolf king and the power of the sound wave concussion. Even they can't resist the roar.

The king of the abyss and others came together to protect Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li's snow and smoke.

Tang Long's beast also flew over to form a circle.

At this time, the Tang dragon was also moved. He used the magic weapon zhentianding and wanhun tower to seal the power of zhentianding and the fighting power of the blood red giant wolf around.

Moreover, one hundred and forty-four purple fire wolves formed an encirclement outside to protect Tang Long and them."If the wolf king rushes in, if my potential is stimulated and my combat power is enhanced, I should be able to control the eternal star in the tower of souls with my surging fighting power!"

"With the power of the wolf star, I believe that I can use the power of the eternal to strike the king, and I believe that I will be able to use the power of the eternal to attack."

"However, I have never tried to attack with the eternal star before. The energy contained in the eternal star is too strong..."

"If I make an attack like this, I will definitely suffer serious internal injury!"

"But no matter what, I must be fully prepared. If wolf king rushes, I have only one chance to escape. At least, I want to make sure that Xueyan and Mo'er can escape!"

Tang long thought secretly.

He's already preparing for the worst.

In his worst case, wolf king is now rushing to attack them, but his potential has not been stimulated.

If so, Tang long can only risk his life and try his best to control the eternal star in the soul tower and launch a powerful attack on the wolf king.

After such an attack, Tang Long himself does not know whether he can still live, but he knows that he can at least give Zhong Li Xue Yan and his beast at least three minutes to escape.

At this time, he was very nervous!

He was worried that the wolf king in the distance would suddenly rush over.

Around him, one hundred and forty-four purple fire wolves, as well as his supernatural beasts, were still fighting fiercely against the blood red giant wolves around him.

The blood red wolf is roaring and roaring.

The powerful blood demon's power is surging and whistling between the heaven and the earth, sweeping the tens of thousands of meters of the sky.

Throughout the jungle, the trees were shaken and turned into dust.

The king of the abyss's blood refining Tianhe, at this time, the power of this magic weapon has exploded to the limit. The powerful power of blood demons, containing the power of stars, is constantly sweeping out of the blood refining Tianhe to resist the attack of dense energy wolf claws coming from around.

What's more, his magic weapon is really spiritual apocalypse, which also arranges a mysterious and powerful array in the air, condensing a head of energy fierce demons, attacking the blood wolves around.

Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er have taken the healing elixir.

At this time, they also hope to reduce the injury as much as possible. Once they have the opportunity, they can escape quickly with Tang long.

Although they know, it must be hard and hard.

Time went by, and the fighting continued.

This kind of fierce battle has been going on for almost two minutes.

"In a little while, my potential will be aroused."

Tang long thought secretly.

But at this time, suddenly, the blood red wolf king in the distance suddenly roared, the powerful sound wave concussion force, directly towards this side extremely crazy swept over.

"No, the wolf king seems to be coming!"

Around Tang long, the king of the abyss and others heard the roar and felt the power of the powerful sound wave concussion, and their eyes were full of deep tension.

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