Tang Long has exerted the power of the small world to the limit.

Moreover, he has taken out the blood drinking knife, and his mind has entered into the state of Dao Dao where man, nature and man are integrated into one. His powerful momentum is surging out.

The power of the divine power, the boundary of the realm, was also exerted to the limit by him.

The surrounding blood red wolf was suppressed by the boundary between his divine power and spiritual power, and his combat power was greatly weakened. But even so, the attack of the blood red wolf was still fierce.

However, the attack speed of blood red wolf is obviously not particularly fast.

The reason why the attack speed of the blood red wolf is slowed down is that Tang long used zhentianding. At this time, the powerful seal power has been swept out of the Zhentian tripod.

The force of this seal greatly limits the movement speed of these blood red wolves.

At this time, the power of the sound wave concussion that broke out from the wolf king in the distance has been swept by madness. Where it passes, the blood red boulder on the ground directly turns into dust, which is swept up by the invisible power, and the blood is red all over the sky.

The blood red and misty energy quickly pushed forward towards Tang Long and their side.

The situation in the rear of the red blood and strong Qi was chaotic, and it was hard to see clearly. However, whether the blood red wolf king had rushed over in the distance, Tang long could still clearly know.

He relied on his ability to explore the sea.

At this time, he has been using the sea to explore the movement of the blood red wolf king in the distance. As long as the blood red wolf king rushes over, he will immediately risk using the eternal star to attack!

"Boom, boom!"

The force of sound wave concussion is like a thunderbolt rolling, sweeping away, the whole world is shaking, space has become distorted.

This twisted space is rapidly spreading towards this side.

"Stop it!"

Tang Long's eyes showed a touch of solemnity.

At this time, the blood red wolf king, still in the distance of the air stop, and did not rush over, so Tang Long's heart, but also a little relieved.

The most important thing is that if you block the attack of the sound wave concussion force, his potential can almost be aroused. Then he can at least create opportunities to let Zhong Li Xue Yan escape and let his beast escape.

Tang Long's beast, as well as the king of the abyss, were all in a hurry to gather energy and prepare to deal with the bombardment of the sonic wave.

However, in this rolling momentum, seeing is to bombard on them, suddenly, such a strong momentum suddenly weakened, and then, unexpectedly, suddenly burst to disperse!

The sudden appearance of the situation, let Tang long, let the king of the abyss, are a little puzzled.

At this time, the surrounding a head of blood red wolf, but immediately rushed back, surrounded Tang Long and they, and then launched a fierce attack on them!

There are also more than a dozen powerful blood red wolf, has been toward the distant wolf king in the past.

"There seems to be something wrong with the wolf king!"

The magic power of the Tang Dynasty in the field of dragon and sea has always been displayed, always focusing on the blood red wolf king in the distance.

At this time, he has explored the blood red wolf king in the distance, and the strong momentum is rapidly weakening.

Obviously, there must be something wrong with the wolf king.

It seems that he has suffered extremely serious internal injury!

"how could such a powerful wolf king, protected by so many blood red giant wolves in such a place, suffer from internal injury? And, since the wolf king was injured internally, why is he attacking us here? "

Tang Long was very puzzled.

Around, a head of blood red wolf attack again.

However, the threat of sound wave concussion has disappeared, and the king of the abyss has been able to completely resist the attack of these blood red wolves.

The most important thing is that at this time, the potential of Tang Long finally burst out.

His fighting power suddenly soared.

At this time, the strength of the original double realm of God and emperor was upgraded to the level of the sixth level of God Emperor. With the blessing of Tianmei wild ancient array and the means he used to enhance his strength, the strength of the God Emperor was improved.

Even though he was a junior strong emperor, he didn't care much about his fighting power at this time!

After all, he has powerful means to suppress the strength of his opponents!

His own crazy increase in combat power, so that the king of the abyss and Su Xiaoman, as well as the death of the demons and the light of the demons, so that their combat power is also crazy.

The battle power of Xuanyuan sky array also soared madly.

The most important thing is that the combat power of 144 purple fire wolves flying out of the wanhun tower soared with each other at this time, reaching the same combat power as Tang long at this time.

A head of purple fire wolf body, are burning the flame of colorful light, in the flame, contains a series of terrible lightning.

"Woo hoo, woo woo..."

The wolf of purple fire roared to the sky. His body was in the flame of colorful light. With the powerful power of stars, he attacked the blood red wolf around him.The king of the abyss's hammer of destruction flew directly into the sky, soaring more than kilometers!

At this time, the huge black hammer seems to be turned into a huge hammer of dark mountains, with mysterious dark runes and colorful light shining on it. It contains powerful and incomparable destructive power and contains the power of stars. It blows at a blood red giant wolf!

the blood refining Tianhe of Xuanyuan sky array has exploded to the limit.

In the fierce and fierce battle, the roar of the supernatural beast shook the sky and moved the world. At this time, the eight mythical beasts of Tang Long were also extremely fierce, fighting with a blood red giant wolf.

At this time, the blood red wolf, under the attack of Tang long, has gradually fallen into the downwind.

Tang Long was relieved to see the war situation in front of him.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan at this time, the original tense mood also relaxed. Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and asked, "dragon, what shall we do next? These blood red wolves seem to have strong defenses! "

Tang Long's eyes showed a sharp look: "the situation here has been stable. Now, I'm going to see the blood red wolf king and see what happened to the wolf king!"

"You, what do you say?"

Hearing Tang Long's words, Zhong Li Xueyan and Gongsun Mo'er are all shocked.

In the face of such a situation, ordinary people do not run away, that is certainly the heart of death skyrocketing, the first is to kill these blood red wolves, wolf king, all to avoid trouble.

Tang Long wants to see the wolf king!

The king of the abyss could not help but stare at Tang Long: "Stinky boy, are you kind-hearted?"

"It's not kindness." Tang Long said in a deep voice: "the blood red wolf king is the highest existence with the same level as the wind and snow wolf king, and the intelligence quotient is absolutely not low. All the blood red giant wolves brought by him are also divine beasts, different from ordinary low-level Warcraft."

"In this jungle, the wolf king has been seriously injured, but he has come to attack us like this, either for some major purpose or for some special reason!"

"Rare animals, especially those of wolf king level, are extremely rare. I want to see the situation first and then make a decision."

After a pause, he continued: "at this time of the war, we are already in the upper hand. In this case, why don't we understand the situation? If there is danger, I will withdraw immediately."

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