Tang Xiaohu glanced at all the people present, and then said, "I don't want to see you fighting each other for some valuable things here, and eventually all of you will die. So I decided to set up Tangmen here. You should all join Tangmen and become members of Tangmen!"

After listening to Tang Xiaohu's words, the leaders of these forces in the seat are all immediately angry!

They originally thought that Tang Xiaohu wanted to set up an alliance or something, and then Tang Xiaohu became the leader of the alliance, so that Tang clan could get the most benefits in the heaven and earth market.

Tang Xiaohu became the leader of the alliance. Although they were not convinced, they could barely accept it.

But at present, Tang Xiaohu's goal is obviously not to establish an alliance, but to directly annex all forces here!

Such wishful thinking, also too arrogant!

Although the strength of Tangmen seems very strong at this time, and the explosive fighting power shown last night is really terrible, can it be strong enough to swallow up all the more than 100 forces here?!

The total number of these more than 100 forces here has exceeded 40000!

But there are thousands of leaders of the major forces!

Not to mention, they have their own territory in other places!

There are only more than 100 people in Tangmen. They really think that they are the king of heaven. They are lawless. They want to swallow up so many forces of them!

This arrogant ambition is unimaginable!

A warrior sitting there snorted and looked at Tang Xiaohu with disdain and said, "Xiaowa, although your strength is really strong, I'm afraid your idea is a little too playful. I think you're over fantasy!"

"Fantasy or not, I don't know. I only know what happened today. You have to promise it, and if you don't, you have to agree!" Tang Xiaohu looked domineering, and his eyes were shining fiercely: "I am informing you, not discussing with you!"

He is fully prepared for today!

Although there were only more than 100 people in Tangmen at this time, he was very clear that what he had done before had made these forces feel unpredictable and high!

Next, he continued to be unpredictable!

But, of course, he also needs to have some exhibitions, which he has prepared well in advance.

So at this time, he was not worried. He was quite sure.

At this time, not far from Tang Xiaohu, a middle-aged warrior in his early fifties stood up.

The warrior's body spread out a very strong momentum, the strength is actually very strong, has reached the level of the six levels of the emperor of heaven.

He is one of the most powerful people among the big forces here at this time!

However, he also knows that although Tang Xiaohu's strength is only five levels of heaven, his real combat power will not be weaker than him. Therefore, for Tang Xiaohu, he has a deep fear at this time.

However, at present, there are so many forces here, and his strength is very strong. He thinks that if he stands out, many forces will follow him and jointly oppose Tangmen.

At least they can strive for more interests in today's affairs!

He hopes the end result will be an alliance.

If you don't join the Tangmen, they can at least guarantee their own rights if they form an alliance!

so he stood up.

His name is Suoyang Changgang, and he is the leader of Tianhe Shenzong. Among all the forces of heaven and earth market, Tianhe Shenzong is also extremely powerful.

Especially now, without the TIANYAO Shenzong, the shenscorpion gate and the wild ghost Shenzong, his Tianhe Shenzong's comprehensive strength has been able to rank in the top five!

Songyang Changgang stood up, looked at Tang Xiaohu and snorted. His face was full of discontent: "leader of Tang clan, I know that you Tangmen are very powerful, but it is impossible for you to swallow up so many forces of us!"

With that, he glanced at the people sitting around him and said in a loud voice, "gentlemen, I believe you will not like the decision of Tangmen, and you won't want to be annexed by Tangmen?"

"Of course not. We all have our own forces and territory. Why should we be frightened by such a small number of people?"

"The headquarters of my clan is not here. The strong ones in my clan have not come yet."

"If we form an alliance, we can discuss and join Tangmen. Don't even think about it!"

"Even if I fight to death, I will not join Tangmen!"

"I won't join the Tang clan either!"


All the leaders of the big and small forces who are sitting here are ferocious people who occupy one side. They all attach great importance to their own interests. At this time, the Tang clan wants to move their fundamental interests, and the Tang clan does not seem to be a powerful exaggeration. All of a sudden, they all yell and oppose the decision of Tangmen!

They also hope that with the advantage of many people, with so many people are there, suppress Tang Xiaohu's arrogance!If they can, they even hope to go there together and concentrate all their strength to destroy Tangmen first!

However, they don't want to do it by themselves!

the main reason why they are so noisy now is that it is not dangerous!

But what kind of situation would they face when they first stood up? After all, the wild ghosts and gods were all destroyed by the Tang clan, and the TIANYAO clan was destroyed by the Tang clan!

They don't want to be the next wild ghost sect, or the next TIANYAO sect.

Of course, Songyang Changgang also knows that it is dangerous to be the first to stand up.

But he values interests more.

And so many people from the clan were there. He felt that Tang Xiaohu would not dare to start his work here again.

He was very satisfied to see so many people's words echoing his own.

He hoped that more people here would stand up together and deal with Tangmen together. In this way, not only could the arrogance of Tangmen be suppressed, but also he could get the maximum benefit!

After all, he is leading the opposition to Tangmen!

The most important thing is that if Tangmen is gone, he will become the boss here!

He is willing to take risks in the face of great interests.

Looking at Tang Xiaohu, he became more and more furious: "master of Tangmen, you can see that all of us are not willing to join Tangmen!"

With that, he turned his head and glanced at the people sitting in the room: "do you want to say that you are not willing to?"

"Of course not!"

"My wild cat clan has its own territory, and I live a good life. Why should I join the Tang clan and be disciplined by such young children, I will never agree with it!"

"I don't want to join Tangmen either!"

"My iron shoe clan is also a overlord in the stormy land. How can I obey the orders of a little child? It is absolutely impossible!"

"I don't want to join the Tangmen either!"


The leaders of these forces, who were sitting, immediately echoed the voice of Songyang Changgang and wanted to put pressure on the Tang clan.

Songyang Changgang see more people support themselves, more and more momentum publicity!

He felt that the Tang clan could not do anything today.

Then, in order to avoid embarrassment, Tangmen can only ask for alliance.

If the alliance, he Songyang Changgang at least can be a vice leader!

If the Tang clan insists on annexing these forces, then the crowd of so many forces will attack, and there will be more people and more power. More than 100 people in Tangmen will easily be destroyed by so many of them.

At that time, he Songyang Changgang will be the boss here, Tianhe Shenzong is likely to get the maximum benefit!

His plan is very good.

Even at this time, he was looking forward to a scuffle!

After all, he is likely to be the biggest beneficiary of the scuffle!

His momentum became more and more powerful. Looking at Tang Xiaohu, he said: "master of Tang clan, if you want to swallow up so many forces of our own accord, we will have to resist. If you give up this idea, we can still discuss it!"

Tang Xiaohu looks at Suoyang Changgang like this, the corner of his mouth appears a cold smile.

How can he not see this guy's plan!

His eyes were sharp, his voice was deep, his Majesty was as heavy as a mountain: "at this time, do you all think so? You don't want to join our Tangmen, do you? "

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