People looked at Tang Xiaohu's sharp eyes, looked at him calm and calm, not a trace of timid appearance, but also looked imposing, each heart a bit beat the drum!

Tang Xiaohu is so calm, which makes them have a kind of foreboding!

After all, they really don't understand the Tang clan in front of them, they don't understand at all!

They don't know the details of Tangmen!

So at this time, none of them spoke again!

Songyang Changgang saw that these people were frightened by Tang Xiaohu's look and was awed by Tang Xiaohu's momentum. He immediately despised these people.

After all, his strength is very strong, and he is not afraid of Tang Xiaohu.

In his opinion, the strength of the six realms of the emperor of heaven, in the case of so many people, at least will not be in danger of life.

A little thought gave him an idea.

He decided to light the flame in the hearts of these people sitting here!

Looking at Tang Xiaohu, he said with a firm face: "master of Tang clan, you can see that all the people sitting here are absolutely unwilling to join the Tang clan. This has already been confirmed. I advise you not to blindly annex us. You are still young. Young people should do everything according to their ability. Otherwise, with so many people together, your Tangmen will be destroyed here!"


Tang Xiaohu's eyes fell on the body of Songyang Changgang, and his face showed a touch of cold!

At this time, his voice was also fierce: "Suoyang master, are you sure you are talking to me? Do you think you are qualified to let the Tang clan be destroyed? Is that right? "

Looking at Tang Xiaohu's murderous appearance and the fierce killing intention in his eyes, Songyang Changgang's heart was even a little scared.

But at this time, he knew that he could not shrink back!

But he was already timid and nervous, and he stopped talking at this time, and only snorted heavily.

The leaders of the powerful forces who were sitting there saw that Suoyang Changgang was obviously timid, and they were more and more silent.

They don't want to get ahead, but now someone has.

They have to wait for the opportunity, hoping to get the maximum benefit in today's affairs. Of course, they are absolutely not willing to join Tangmen.

However, the Tang clan's methods were too cruel last night, and they were still afraid!

Half an hour to kill the gods and ghosts, half an hour to kill the demons, this is not a joke!

Tang Xiaohu always had a cold face. He had stood up and was full of murderous spirit. He looked at Suoyang Changgang and said in a deep voice: "if you don't want to join the Tangmen, there will be only one, that is, death!"

This sentence comes out, the expression on the face of sitting is stiff!

Songyang Changgang frowned fiercely, and his eyes were ferocious!

He has become a tiger in the present situation!

Moreover, he was extremely angry. Tang Xiaohu's strength was only five levels of heaven emperor, which was obviously much weaker than him. He was so arrogant in front of him and showed his decision to kill him in front of so many Force leaders!

Can Tang Xiaohu really have such great ability?!

Not to mention, there are so many powerful people in front of us. We can't fight alone. Can't we attack in groups?!

He gritted his teeth and stared at Tang Xiaohu, but he also showed a murderous look: "the head of Tangmen is very big. We have so many powerful people here. We don't want to join the Tang clan. Are you going to kill us all?"

Now, he's going to make everybody angry.

And he's looking for allies right now!

At this time, his eyes are not on the other side of the body.

"Master Zhao, you don't want to be annexed by Tangmen, do you?" He stared at the warrior and snorted, "I think you should say something at this time."

The leader of the Zhao clan is the head of Tieer gate.

Tieermen is also very powerful among the forces of all sizes in the big market of heaven and earth, and the strength of the master of Zhao is also very strong.

He is also the strength of the six realms of the emperor of heaven!

Of course, he didn't want to join Tangmen.

However, he didn't want to directly conflict with the Tang clan. He didn't want to think about it. Then he looked at Tang Xiaohu and said: "the leader of Tang clan, we are not people in the big market of heaven and earth. We come here only for our own interests and join the Tangmen. I think the leader of Tangmen should make another plan. Don't make people difficult here!"

His words clearly showed that he did not want to join the Tang clan, but his tone was much softer than that of Songyang Changgang.

Songyang Changgang looked at another person: "Wang Tiegu, how about you?"

"Of course I don't want to join Tangmen!" Wang Tiegu's face was fierce and full of beard. He had a head that was twice as big as the average, and it was a dark head!

He opened his mouth wide when he spoke, and his teeth were black!

His eyebrows are white!

White brow and iron bone, this is his name here.White eyebrow and iron bone is a famous ferocious man with super strength, reaching the level of five levels of the emperor of heaven.

Moreover, this guy has a lot of powerful means, even in the face of the emperor's six levels of martial arts, is also able to fight one of them!

Songyang Changgang was very satisfied with this reaction.

His eyes fell on Tang Xiaohu again, and said angrily: "master of Tangmen, you can see that we are not willing to join the Tang clan. According to what you said, you will kill us all now. I think you have the strength!"


Tang Xiaohu stares at Songyang Changgang, the cold voice falls down, and then the hand suddenly swings!


At the moment of Tang Xiaohu waving his hand, behind the Songyang Changgang, a space suddenly has a strange twist. In this twisted space, a lacquer sword has stabbed at his back heart!

It's very fast!

However, this Songyang Changgang has been on guard for a long time!

In the battle between Tangmen and those clans last night, Songyang Changgang was also watching from a distance. He also saw the means of Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng. He knew that Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng could use the power of space to attack.

In front of him, all the people he knew were in Tangmen. Only Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng were not there.

So Songyang Changgang heart has always been very cautious, has been on guard!

He knows that Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng are likely to exert their power of space and hide somewhere.

At this time, he felt the powerful energy suddenly rising behind him. He also had a flash of disdain in his eyes. He knew that his guess in his heart was correct. Tangmen really wanted to use this method to gain power here.

However, he is fully prepared, and his strength is much stronger than Tang Yang and Lin Ximeng. How can he be afraid of such an attack at this time?!

The dark energy burst out suddenly and turned into an energy mask to protect yourself.

At this time, he was also a little proud.

He knew that as long as the attacker behind him could not kill him, Tangmen would immediately fall into absolute passivity, and he would become the guide of this war!

The next step is to get the most out of it.

Even at this time, he was a little proud.

He's looking forward to a great war and a great harvest here.


Behind him, the dark sword stabbed on the dark energy mask. The energy shield was intact. Behind the Songyang Changgang, in that twisted space, Tang Yang had already appeared.

The dark sword has been broken and turned into strong Qi. It has not caused any damage to Songyang Changgang!

Songyang Changgang's heart is very proud!

The martial arts of the major forces in the seat saw Tang Yang lose his hand, and all of a sudden the tension on their faces was relaxed.

They also felt that Tang Yang's failure would make Tangmen passive.

If Tang Xiaohu can't deal with Songyang Changgang, what are they afraid of?!

You know, in addition to Suoyang Changgang, there are white eyebrows and iron bones, as well as the iron ear door master Zhao Tieer!

In addition, there are many warriors in Tiandi realm here!

However, these people were just relieved. When they thought that Tangmen would be frustrated, they immediately showed a touch of shock and fear in their eyes!

This shock and fear come from Tang Yang's side! , the fastest update of the webnovel!