Looking at Tang Yun, the girl explained: "they are a group of very mysterious people. The black bear monster just now is a mysterious means for those mysterious people to practice. It's something condensed from energy. It's like the original incarnation of those mysterious people. However, this primordial separation is obviously some special!"

Tang Yun asked, "what was the dark man before that?"

"It's a strange life, and we guess it should have been refined." The girl said, a little worried: "how can these things come here, are those people..."

"What is the origin of those mysterious people?" Tang Yun asked.

The girl shook her head gently: "you may not know that. As far as I know, those are mysterious forces hidden in the blood demon world. They should be as mysterious as another force!"

"The mysterious power in the blood demon world?" Tang Yun asked, "this power does not belong to the blood demon world?"

"I don't know that very well." "The girl said," I just knew it by accident. I only knew that it was an ancient secret, but I didn't know much about the specific situation. "

Pause, looking at Tang Yun care way: "your internal injury is OK?"

"Don't worry, just have a rest." Tang yundao.

"Then sit down and have a rest." The girl said, "wait a minute, you still have a couple of matchmaking contests!"

Tang Yun looked at the girl and asked, "can I ask you, what's your name?"

"My name will soon be known to you." The girl helped Tang Yun to sit down: "you should practice first and recover the internal injury, otherwise you will go out..."

At this point, she stopped talking.

Tang Yun looked at her and thought that she was so beautiful and so exciting to him that the more he looked at him, the more he liked it.

His heart a burst of emotion surging, looking forward to looking at the girl, can not help but ask: "after leaving here, can we see you again?"

"Of course." The girl was very sure: "when we leave here, we will see you again, and..." Her pretty face was red again: "and we will not be separated!"

Listening to the girl's words, Tang Yun's heart suddenly jumped and couldn't help saying: "after going out, I won't attend the meeting, I'll quit directly!"

"How can you quit?" The girl was in a hurry and said in a hurry, "you must attend the meeting."

"But..." Tang Yun looks at the girl.

The girl looked at Tang Yun at this time, and immediately guessed his mind.

With a smile, she said in a soft voice, "well, don't think about it. If you want me, I'll follow you. As for the meeting, you can attend it. I won't be angry."

After listening to the girl's straightforward words, Tang Yun's heart suddenly jumped violently!

This girl is obviously going to marry him!

Can there be such a good thing in the world?!

Tang Yun felt like he was dreaming!

"Practice quickly and recover the internal injury first." The girl said softly.

"All right."

Tang Yun originally wanted to say something, hesitated, and finally did not say more, closed his eyes to practice.

He didn't want to attend the meeting.

He felt that he didn't need to marry her. If he could marry the girl in front of him, he would be satisfied. He didn't have more greedy thoughts.

Weak water 3000, only take a scoop of drink.

"I took part in the contest to discuss some cooperation with Qiuli family. When I left here, I asked Tang Dian to replace me and let Tang Dian go for the next competition. I think Qiuli family should also agree to come here!"

Tang Yun thought secretly and made a decision.

He felt that since he had found a girl he liked, and people obviously intended to follow him, why should he attend such a meeting!

In his heart, he could be with the girl in front of him.

His internal injury is not very serious, and at this time his recovery ability is also very amazing, physical fitness is also very strong, take the girl gave her elixir, practice for a while, the internal injury will be much better.

Slowly open his eyes, see the girl in front of him, Tang Yun's eyes suddenly a burst of intoxication.

The girl looked at him so in the eyes, pretty face is slightly red, but also a burst of inexplicable sweetness in the heart.

She found that she was lucky.

"Let's go. Get out of here." The girl looked at Tang Yun with a smile and stood up and walked forward: "if we don't go far ahead, we can leave here."

"How do you know how to get out of here?" Tang Yun asked curiously.

The girl did not answer, looking at Tang Yun seriously: "Tang Yun, can you promise me one thing?"

"Say it." Tang yundao.The girl said seriously, "no matter what happens in the future, can you guarantee that you won't go to the high-level of the blood temple and hold any noble position?"

"Of course I can guarantee it!" Tang Yunlian was busy.

He didn't want to go to the top of the blood temple and have any power.

Even he knew that even Tang Long didn't want to get much power at the top of the blood temple.

They have their own pursuit, have their own ideal, that is the greater ideal.

The girl stopped, turned her head and looked at Tang Yun. She said seriously, "if Tang Long asked you to go to the high level of the blood temple and get more power, would you refuse it?"

"My master will never let me do this." Tang Yun was very sure: "my young master didn't intend to go to the high-level of the blood temple to have any noble identity. He just wanted to earn some money outside the door of the blood temple, that's all!"

"That's good." The girl nodded gently and went on: "I want to stay away from the blood temple, even our family should stay away from it!"

"Why?" Tang Yun asked, looking at the girl, he had already realized.

The girl said, "we should stay away from the blood Temple because of the things you saw just now."

Tang Yun said: "it seems that there are many secrets hidden in the blood temple."

"Yes." The girl nodded gently: "there are many unknown secrets in the blood temple. Even if there are so many people in the blood temple, even if there are so many big families, there are few people who know the secret. If I know it, I have to stay away from it, or there may be endless trouble!"

Tang Yun thought about it for a while, and then he looked at the girl in front of him: "I understand. No wonder there will be this meeting. No wonder the master of Qiuli will marry his granddaughter with such a heavy dowry. He is going to leave the blood temple!"

"How clever you are The girl turned her head and looked at Tang Yun. She said, "you guessed it!"

After a pause, she gave a slight smile, and her pretty face was full of playfulness, which made her look like a lovely mess. She asked happily, "so Tang Yun, do you want to go to the meeting?"

Tang Yun looks at her this extremely beautiful appearance, in the heart can't help but a burst of jumping, can't help but suddenly grasp her a delicate jade hand, a will she into the arms, mercilessly embrace!

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