
The girl was suddenly hugged by Tang Yun, totally unexpected, and suddenly gave a cry of surprise.

She didn't expect that Tang Yun, who looked very shy, had such a domineering side. She came to hold her directly and held her with such force that she could not refuse at all!

When she reacts to come over, she has been hugged in his arms, very tight and tight.

She didn't object to it. She held it as long as he liked it.

In this way, Tang Yun held her arms and felt her strong arms. At this moment, she felt a strong sense of security in her heart.

Her heart throbbed, and a kind of unspeakable sweetness welled up in her heart. She said softly in Tang Yun's arms: "Tang Yun, I know you have guessed my identity. Yes, I am autumn Li Ruoshui."

Said, looked up at Tang Yun, eyes are very serious: "wait a minute to go out, you must defeat the five people of the hundred mile family!"

"Don't worry, I will!" Tang Yun is very firm in his way.


Autumn Li if water gently should a, head buried in his arms, the mood is infinite good.

She never believed in love at first sight.

She didn't think there was a man who really moved her.

But now she believes that.

But at this time, Tang Yun suddenly lifted her from his arms and said nervously, "Oh, we have delayed so much time. Now, I'm afraid that some of the young masters have passed the three passes. We must hurry to leave here, and we must not let others preempt us!"

He remembered how many young masters came into the temple of blood with him before. What if these people had broken through the three passes before him?!

Although Tang Yun is very confident of his own strength, and he has broken through two hurdles in a short time.

But, he too wants to marry autumn Li if water, unavoidably in the heart is nervous.

Qiu Li Ruoshui looked at Tang Yun's tense appearance and easily saw his mind. He couldn't help giggling. A slender jade finger gently poked at Tang Yun's chest: "don't worry, they can't pass any pass. Only you can pass the pass, because of your strength, but also because of..."

With that, she blushed and refused to speak.

Tang Yun, of course, already understood.

He took Qiuli Ruoshui's hand. His eyes were shining with love. His face was red and he was full of courage. He said, "let's leave here first, and then I must marry you. If water, I really like you so much!"

"You man How can you speak so bluntly as you

Autumn Li if water horizontal Tang Yun an eye, heart a burst of random jump, but in the heart is also very sweet.

She can see that Tang Yun obviously likes her.

She also likes Tang Yun very much.

Next, the two continued to walk and chat. After walking forward for a while, Qiuli Ruoshui stopped: "Tang Yun, we are going out now!"


Tang Yun nodded.

Autumn Li if water, hands close, rapid change fingerprints.

Soon, on top of a space in front of her, there appeared a door which was not very big.

"You go, I can't go with you, lest I be seen." Autumn Li Ruoshui looked at Tang Yun and said, "when you win today's contest, I'll meet you."


Tang Yun should a, but some worry, don't worry about autumn Li if the water itself here.

He remembered the danger that had suddenly occurred before.

He is not willing to leave immediately, looking at autumn Li if the water tight open way: "just that dark strange person won't appear again?"

"I don't think so." Qiu liruo waterway: "this place is very secret. People outside the family should not have been able to come. Just now that person was beaten away by you, I believe there will be some scruples and dare not come back."

After a pause, he continued, "besides, I'll leave immediately after you leave. It's just that you're not going through the same door of space."

Tang Yun said: "in this case, you go first, I will go, so you are more safe!"

Qiuli Ruoshui saw Tang Yun so concerned about himself, and a touch of red cloud appeared on his pretty face. He felt more and more sweet and happy. He really wanted to get into his arms and give him a good hug, but he finally resisted.

Her eyes light like water, gentle sweet looking at Tang Yun, light voice way: "since you decide so, I listen to you is."

Said, she then nearby not far away, once again summoned out a space door.

Then he turned his head and looked at Tang Yun: "I'm leaving first!"

"Good!" Tang Yun nodded.

Autumn Li if water no longer said, through the door of that space, disappeared in front of Tang Yun.

At this time, the door of space in front of Tang Yun has begun to shake, and the energy is surging. Obviously, the door of space is about to disappear.

Obviously, the existence of the gate of space has a very short time limit.Tang Yun did not dare to hesitate. He flashed through the door of space.

At this time, he has already appeared in the hall where he entered before. Standing in the hall is the owner of the Qiuli family who brought him before: Qiuli mofeng.

Autumn Li Mo Feng saw Tang Yun come out, and a satisfied look appeared on his old face.

But he didn't say much or ask.

"Follow me!"

He simply vomited out three words, that is to turn around and go out.

Tang Yun did not say much.

He followed Qiu Li and Mo Feng, and soon left the hall. He knew that at this time, the childe of the blood god temple who had just entered the place with him had not yet come out and was still undergoing various tests in it.

He was the first to come out.

"I don't know where the water is now."

He thought secretly, thinking of autumn Li Ruoshui that beautiful appearance, think of her bright and happy smile, think of her gentle eyes, he can not help but a burst of intoxication.

He never thought that he would like a girl in such a short time, and like it so strongly.

But now he knows that he likes autumn Li Ruoshui very much!

"I must go through the meeting successfully."

He made a decision in his heart.

With the autumn Li Mo Feng, did not say a word, soon is to reappear in the big square.

Many of the big families in the square were watching the singing and dancing on the high platform, chatting and saying some words. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Autumn Li Mo wind with Tang Yun, is directly toward the high platform.

On the stage, there were originally several men and women. They were very attentive in the interpretation of a well arranged love story. When they saw the autumn Li Mo Feng coming, they immediately stopped the interpretation.

At this time, the people under the stage saw the autumn Li Mo Feng and Tang Yun.

Seeing Tang Yun, people's eyes are full of all kinds of eyes. They know that Tang Yun has successfully passed the three passes set by Qiuli family.

Now, the last level is about to start!

Tang Kuo, when they saw Tang Yun, they were all relieved.

Although the purpose of their coming here is to talk with Qiuli family, they also hope that Tang Yun can achieve a good thing here.

And before that, they all heard from Beigong Xianer and Dongfang binger that Tang Long told them that the autumn Li Ruo water was very good.

They certainly believe in Tang Long's vision.

On the stage, autumn Li Mo Feng's eyes have looked at a place in the past.

There were eight people sitting there.

These eight are the people of the Baili family. One of them is a very handsome young warrior. It is this time that he comes to propose a marriage. The eldest son of the Baili family: Baili Dengfeng!

Baili Dengfeng is highly valued in the Baili family.

He is not only very strong, less than 2000 years old has been the emperor's peak strength, but also very smart.

In the Baili family, many important things are solved by Baili Dengfeng.

However, among the younger generation of Baili family, the strength of Baili Dengfeng is not the strongest. This time, five of the people he brought in were very strong.

These five people are much older than him, almost 3000 years old!

The five of them are called Baili five tigers in the Baili family!

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