"Devour other people's souls..." You are staring at the big wind He suddenly stood up, took a cold breath, and suddenly looked: "good, good, only this is reasonable!"

After listening to his words, Tang Long was stunned: "what do you mean, master?"

Gale Tianyan sighed: "in fact, I don't doubt that people from the blood demon world have arrived in the world, but in the end, I feel that this is impossible because of the Supreme Lord of the evil spirit sect!"

"The Supreme Lord of the evil spirit sect?" Tang Long curiously said, "what's wrong with the supreme leader of the evil spirit sect?"

Gale Tianyan said: "I once saw the supreme leader of the evil spirit sect some time ago. At that time, he was in another Archean sect. He was discussing what to do with some Archean sects. At that time, I saw that everything was normal, and there was no change in his breath. He took out some very strange medicinal materials and said that those were the refining of blood demon pills He found some important medicinal materials. It is because of this that I believe in the blood evil pill

After a pause, he continued: "the key is that the Supreme Lord of the evil spirit sect took the blood evil pill in public. This will make me believe that the blood evil pill must be OK, because I think that he can not harm himself!"

"It seems that at that time, he was no longer the supreme leader of the evil spirit sect. He should have changed his soul."

Tang Long said: "it is very likely that this person has been changed hundreds of years ago, or even longer ago!"

"Not bad!" Gale Tianyan nodded, said, and frowned fiercely: "if so, then this time the blood demon world attacks the whole world, I am afraid it will be premeditated for a long time. They are powerful, premeditated for a long time, and there are strange means to devour the soul. What should be done?"

Tang Long saw that gale Tianyan was worried at this time. He knew that gale Tianyan had already guessed about the attack of the blood demon Kingdom on the whole world these days, so he didn't seem surprised at this time, just worried.

He looked at the gale and said, "master, it is because of these things in the blood demon world that I want to tell you that I want to explore the situation of your supreme lord, and I want to make sure that his soul is swallowed up!"

Gale day Yan nodded, but looked at Tang Long curiously: "why can you find out these?"

Tang Long said: "this matter, after I have explored the situation of the Supreme Lord, I will tell you in detail."

"Good!" Gale day Yan nodded: "you wait for me here, I'll call him in."

"Pay attention to safety, elder!" Tang Long couldn't help reminding.

"Don't worry!" Gale day has stood up to go to the door, removed the isolation of the training room, and then directly open the door to go out.

Tang long waited here. After less than two minutes, gale Tianyan came back again, and with him came Huang Yufeng Xiong, the Supreme Master of Putuo Tianzong.

Wang Tianlong also came.

People sat down, Huang Yu Feng Xiong looked at the gale Tianyan and asked, "your business is over?"

"Yes." Gale Tianyan nodded, and then said directly: "but now, Tang Long still has to explore your vitality."

"Explore my vitality?" Huang Yu wind male Leng Leng: "what meaning?"

Gale Tianyan said: "this is a rumor about the blood demon pill. Although this is nonsense, in order to let him rest assured, let him explore it!"

Huang Yu Feng Xiong didn't say anything against it. He always looked like an expert in the world. He trusted gale Tianyan very much. At this time, he looked at Tang Long and asked, "little brother, how do you want to explore my vitality?"

Tang Long said: "stretch out your hand!"

"Good!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong nodded and then stretched out his palm.

At this time, Tang Long immediately stretched out a palm and put it against the palm of Huang Yufeng Xiong. Looking at Huang Yufeng Xiong, he already had some feelings in his heart and knew that Huang Yufeng Xiong was probably not a big problem.

The results of the probe also confirmed his feelings.

Huang Yu Feng Xiong really has no problem.

"Putuo Tianzong really has no problem!" Tang Long breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the gale Tianyan and Huang Yu Feng Xiong: "next, I will tell you the whole thing about Qingyun sect."

"What happened to Qingyun sect?" Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan look at each other.

They have heard about the attack of Qingyun sect by the evil spirit sect for a long time, but that's just what they heard. After all, the two sects were far away, and even more, the headquarters of Qingyun sect had been occupied by the evil spirit sect for a long time.

Therefore, after that, they did not have any contact with the people of Qingyun sect.

For this matter, they also have a lot of doubts.

At this time, Tang Long also told gale Tianyan and Huang Yufeng Xiong about some of his experiences in Qingyun Zong and some things about the blood demon world.Wang Tianlong, of course, was listening.

After listening to Tang Long's words, the three people were all sweating and deeply shocked in their eyes!

They did not expect that the world at this time had reached such a dangerous level. The people in the blood demon world had penetrated so seriously. Even the sect of Qingyun sect was occupied directly in a short time!

Tang long, such as gale Tianhan and Huang Yufeng Xiong, finished all the things about Qingyun sect. They looked at each other and saw a deep fear in each other's eyes!

After a long silence, Huang Yu Feng Xiong looked at Tang Long and said, "so, how many of the Archean sect in the world are under the control of the blood demon kingdom?"

Tang Long nodded, followed closely: "but I think, although the blood demon world people have very clever means of penetration, but after all, there are not many Archean sects in the world, and it is obviously not easy to swallow up the spirits of those super strong. Therefore, I think most of the Archean sects should also be safe."

"You're right." Gale Tianyan nodded: "the people in the blood demon world must have two strategies. One is to control some Archean sects in the whole world, and the other is to place some important figures in other Archean sects that can't be controlled temporarily, looking for flaws!"

Huang Yu Feng Xiong agreed: "they must have used such a plan. When they have arranged properly, they will use the Archean sect under their control to attack other Archean sects whose flaws have been found out by them, and use the power of my great world to consume the combat power of my great world!"

"Yes." Tang Long said: "I think so too."

After a pause, he continued: "originally they were doing this thing slowly, and they were still working on the blood demon pill. They had to wait until the critical moment to create more chaos in the world, so as to fish in troubled waters. But now, the plan of the blood evil pill has been destroyed by me!"

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