"It seems that the chaos of the whole world is imminent!" said the gale

Huang Yu Feng Xiong looked at Tang Long and said, "what is the situation of Qingyun Zong and Lingxiao temple now?"

Tang Long said: "they are trying to contact some suitable Archean sect. They should be prepared in advance, so as not to wait for the people in the blood temple to launch an attack. Everyone is caught off guard!"

After a pause, he continued: "my guess is that the blood demon pill incident broke out. Now the people of the evil spirit sect and the dark god sect must have reported the news. The high-level of the blood god hall must have been studying. Do you want to attack the whole world immediately?"

"The people from the blood Temple report to the top, and then the people above them make strategies. This is a short time gap!" "We have to take advantage of this period of time, take the initiative to take action!"

"But how can we take the initiative to take action? We are too passive now. People in the blood demon world can devour souls. We don't even know who is the enemy and who is the friend! "

"It's a big problem indeed!" Huang Yu Feng male frowns.

Wang Tianlong then looked at Tang Long and said, "master Tang, why did you cultivate the power of the blood devil? Are you also taking the blood demon pill

"My situation is very special. I was once captured by the people of the blood demon world and went to the space to devour the soul, but there were some problems when swallowing the soul. My soul was not swallowed up!" Tang Long said: "and after that time, I can still cultivate the power of blood demons!"

"It's such a thing!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan look at each other.

Wang Tianlong asked, "why hasn't your soul been swallowed up?"

"Maybe it's a coincidence that I got the help of an elder master. He is an energy life body. His name is vatian. He is a super character tens of millions of years ago." Tang Long said, pause, continued: "in short, I have been able to cultivate the power of blood demons, and have a blood demon world identity."

He couldn't say about Xuanyuan Tianzhen, so as not to reduce the trust. At this time, he could only say that he was cutting down the sky.

"Your status is very important!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong looked at Tang long very seriously and said: "after all, I am a person from all over the world. At present, you are the only one who can mix in the blood temple!"

Looking at Huang Yufeng Xiong, Tang Long said, "master, I come to you this time to solve the internal problems of Putuo Tianzong as soon as possible, and let you know that the Tangmen I founded in batian city is a very special sect!"

Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan look at each other.

Both of them realized what Tang Long said about the special status of Tangmen.

Should be for the present Tang long, has a blood demon world background, in the most dangerous time, should be able to play a very big use!

The Tang clan founded by Tang long will certainly play a special role in that time!

But at this time, they were not sure how much the Tangmen could play in the war.

Huang Yu Feng Xiong looked at Tang Long and said, "you mean, let's not aim at Tangmen after the war, but try to protect Tangmen, right?"

Tang Long said: "I do mean that, but I have another meaning!"

"What else do you mean?" Huang Yu Feng Xiong asked.

Tang Long said: "I also mean that Tangmen can be used as a place for you to surrender in the future. Of course, this is the worst plan!"

"The place of surrender!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan looked at each other, and both of them showed a touch of essence in their eyes!

They finally understood the meaning of Tang long.

Tangmen is an umbrella for the future. It is a last place to preserve and accumulate strength at the most dangerous time in the future. It can make the war between the great world and the blood demon world go to a dead end and give the great world a chance of life.

However, it is obviously very difficult for Tangmen to achieve such a thing at that time!

Huang Yu Feng Xiong looked at Tang Long and worried: "how can you let Tangmen exist in such a special situation?"

Tang Long said: "I have some plans in mind, which are going on step by step, and there are many powerful families in the blood demon world behind me. When those powerful families come forward, there should be no big problems for Tangmen!"

After a pause, he said seriously, "of course, these things will break down completely, which requires me to handle a lot of things carefully."

Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan of course understood the meaning of the four words "complete rupture". They looked at each other and nodded solemnly together.

What they don't know is that Tang Long has a deeper meaning in his heart!

This meaning, Tang Long still needs to investigate, confirm!

Tang Long said: "before, the side effects of the blood evil pill broke out in this area. The first thing to detect the outbreak of the side effects of the blood evil pill is, in addition to the evil spirit alliance, of course, you Putuo Tianzong. Therefore, I think that the next thing the evil spirit sect has to deal with must be your Putuo Tianzong!"Huang Yu Feng Xiong worried: "my Putuo Tianzong is very close to the evil spirit sect, and I still have good friendship with some archaic sects. The evil spirit sect should have made a lot of arrangements for us. If the blood evil pill incident breaks out, they will definitely come to deal with us!"

Wang Tianlong immediately said: "because of this, we need to go back to zongmen immediately and let Tang Long help me solve the internal problems first!"

"Good!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan looked at each other and nodded at the beginning.

They also know that the situation is urgent at this time. This matter must be carried out immediately without delay. Otherwise, the whole Putuo Tianzong will be destroyed!

"Let's go back now!" The wind is burning and the voice is deep.

"Good!" Huang Yu Feng Xiong nodded seriously.

Of course, Tang long will not object.

Gale Tianyan thought for a moment, looked at Wang Tianlong and said, "Tianlong, you and Tang Shaoxia can have a night's rest in this manor. We'll go back first. When we're ready, you'll arrive."

"Good!" Wang Tianlong nodded.

Gale Tianyan and Huang Yufeng Xiong don't say much. They leave in a hurry and return to Putuo Tianzong overnight. The first thing is to gather all the important figures of Putuo Tianzong and check the situation!

They have their own special means to do it.

Tang Long knew that it was unnecessary for him to go to Putuo Tianzong with them now, and he felt that it would take a long time for them to prepare for this.

What's more, their preparations must not be found by those who are lurking in the blood demon world of Putuo Tianzong.

At this time, it was very late, and Tang Long went to the room where ye Qingling and Xue linyue were.

In a hurry all night, it's dawn in a twinkling of an eye.

Tang Long and Wang Tianlong got up early in the morning, cleaned up and went to have breakfast with two soldiers of Putuo Tianzong. They had a rest in the manor until noon. Then they went to Putuo Tianzong with Wang Tianlong.

At this time, Tang Long still looks like No. 3 Tang long in Linghai.

Ye Qingling and Xue Lingyue are still women's men's clothes. They follow Wang Tianlong to Putuo Tianzong. It's half an afternoon.

Putuo Tianzong looks very quiet and everything is in order. When Tang Long sees this situation, he is completely relieved. He knows that gale Tianyan and Huang Yufeng Xiong are very cautious in doing things. As expected, there is no disturbance in Putuo Tianzong.

With Wang Tianlong in person, Tang long, ye Qingling and Xue linyue were in Putuo Tianzong. Of course, there would be no obstruction, but Tang Long never saw Huang Yu Feng Xiong and gale Tianyan!

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