At present, this is also a medicine storage room, but the medicine storage room is not very big, obviously much smaller than the medicine storage room outside before.

There are also many shelves in this storage room. On each shelf are boxes of different sizes.

Obviously, the herbs stored in this storeroom are packed in jade boxes.

Although there are seals on these boxes, it is obvious that some seals are not strong, and even some seals are loose, so that the fragrance of medicinal materials can be diffused.

With a flash of body shape, Vada has arrived at the place where the fragrance is distributed.

There was a large shelf on which there were several blood red jade boxes, one of which had the fragrance he had asked before.

Obviously, the box was opened not long ago.

"The medicine has been taken away, only the fragrance is left." Vatian frowned slightly, but also picked up the box and went to Tang Long: "this should be the box you want most. Open it and have a look."


Tang Long agreed and took a look at the seal on the box.

This seal is obviously not the kind that is very difficult to untie, at least in Tang Long's eyes, such a seal is absolutely impossible for him.

It was very easy for him to untie the seal on the box, and then opened it with expectation.

Didn't let him down. The box wasn't empty.

Inside the box was a half fist sized piece of Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum blood red, crystal clear, send out a strange blood red light, and spread out a very special strange fragrance.

"Hey, I guess it's right. It's Tianbao blood Ganoderma lucidum. Although it's only a little bit, it's absolutely OK to refine two fairy pills!"

Tang Long took out the blood Ganoderma lucidum.

He knew that, outside the door of space where he had entered before, in the collapsed plain, the former warriors of evil spirit sect must still be there.

Even more powerful warriors of the evil spirit sect are likely to be waiting there.

He can leave with huixinmen, but Meng Xiaomeng will be very dangerous if he goes out from here.

So he also hopes to improve his strength before going out.

They turned to look at vatian and said, "in these jade boxes in the storage room, there must be some rare natural materials and treasures hidden in them. You can check them for me. Xiaomeng and I should go to improve our strength immediately."

"Good!" Vatian and others agreed.

Tang Long hugged Meng Xiaomeng and took a comfortable bite on her beautiful face. He said, "honey, let's improve our strength first. When we leave here, we'll find a place to harm each other."

"Fuck you!" Meng Xiaomeng spat low, his man is thinking of bad things again.

Tang Long has moved his mind and summoned the tower of time.

Then, with a flash of his body, he took Meng Xiaomeng's hand and left the medicine storage room directly and went to the larger medicine storage room outside.

At this time, the large medicine storage room has been empty, and the things here have been collected by Tang long before!

When Tang Long arrived here, he directly summoned the tower of time.

His mind moved, and suddenly the tower of time expanded to accommodate several people.

Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng arrived in the tower of time. Then Tang Long summoned the heaven and earth tripod in the tower of time and began to refine the elixir.

He wants to refine two miraculous elixirs.

In ten minutes, he has refined the first elixir.

This is a seven stripe elixir with blood red light.

Next, he began to refine the second elixir. The first seven grain elixir he refined directly gave Meng Xiaomeng. He had to let Meng Xiaomeng improve his strength first.

Meng Xiaomeng takes the elixir and goes to the corner next to the tower of time to sit down and practice. She wants to absorb the medicine of the seven grain elixir and improve her strength.

Tang Long has begun to refine the second elixir.

It was almost ten minutes later. At this time, in the heaven and earth tripod, a miraculous elixir with colorful light was flying out.

What's more, a strange breath of life broke out on the elixir, and even all kinds of mysterious runes flew up on the elixir!

Seeing these mysterious runes, Tang longan suddenly revealed a surprise: "the rune with the brand of life!"

Tang Long knew that if the refined elixir could condense the aura of heaven and earth, condense vitality, and form the life brand rune, then it showed that this elixir would have the most original power of life law!

This is only the quality of eight grain elixir can appear!

At this time, the elixir has been condensing the Dan pattern.

The circle of golden elixir pattern condensed and integrated into the elixir, one circle, two circles, three circlesIn the end, eight circles of Dan pattern were formed!

"Haha, I didn't expect that I had refined an eight pattern elixir this time!"

Of course, Tang Long is very satisfied with the quality of this elixir. Moreover, compared with the seven pattern elixir, the effect has been greatly improved!

Tang Long turns his head and looks at Meng Xiaomeng beside him. The baby girl is still practicing and absorbing elixir. Her strength is gradually improving.

"I have to practice quickly, too. I can't delay."

"Although time in the tower of time has its own rules, it will still consume time."

Tang Long sat down not far from Meng Xiaomeng and took the eight grain elixir. Then he began to practice seriously.

In a hurry, two and a half hours passed.

At this time, Tang Long has completely absorbed the medicinal materials of the eight grain elixir, and his strength has been greatly improved.

Originally, his strength has reached the level of four levels of ancestral realm. At this time, after taking this eight grain elixir and absorbing the energy, his strength has directly increased to two levels, reaching the level of six levels of ancestral realm.

He is very satisfied with this degree.

Looking around, Meng Xiaomeng hasn't finished her cultivation yet, and she is still practicing hard.

Tang long could understand this.

He now has four divine veins, not only the role of energy absorption has been greatly improved, but also the speed of energy absorption has been greatly improved.

Therefore, even though he took the more powerful eight grain elixir, he also quickly refined and absorbed the energy and integrated it into his own Dan yuan.

Tang long waited for about half an hour before Meng Xiaomeng completed his cultivation.

After all, Meng Xiaomeng's natural constitution is also super strong, and the speed of absorbing medicine is much faster than that of ordinary people. Therefore, the speed of absorbing the energy in this elixir is faster than that of ordinary martial artists, and the effect is better.

Seeing that Tang Long has stopped practicing, Meng Xiaomeng immediately asks happily, "brother Tang long, how much has your strength improved?"

Tang Long's eyes were filled with a bad smile: "let me tell you how much my strength has improved, but you must promise me a condition!"

"What conditions?" Meng Xiaomeng asked, looking at Tang Long's picture, her heart was a little fluttering.

Tang Long said: "I'll tell you how much my strength has been improved, but you have to let me do a good harm to you!"

Hearing Tang Long's thick words, she thought that Tang long had said the same thing before and came to hold her. Meng Xiaomeng's pretty face suddenly turned red. She knew that her husband must have moved those ideas again.

Naturally, she was not willing to refuse.

But this place is obviously not good, and the time is not right. , the fastest update of the webnovel!