"Brother Tang long, let's finish the work here first." Meng Xiaomeng looks at Tang long, with a little bit of tenderness in her eyes. In her cute appearance, there is a little innocence, but also with a kind of unique charm of a girl.

This is really beautiful, a little bit outrageous!

Tang long looked at Meng Xiaomeng, and felt the fire burning. However, he held back for a while.

He knew that this was definitely not the time to think about it.

"I'll spare you for the time being." He looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "my strength has been improved by two levels, reaching the six levels of ancestral realm."

"How wonderful!" Meng Xiaomeng said happily, "I've only raised one level, but it's already very good. I'm very satisfied."

"You can't be satisfied yet. You can't be satisfied until we've finished our work here, and after I've harmed you!" Tang Long put his arm around Meng Xiaomeng and chewed on her pretty face: "OK, let's go out first."

"Bad stock." Meng Xiaomeng's small fist gently hammered Tang Long and left her arms.

Tang Long has already collected the tower of time, and Meng Xiaomeng walked out of the large and large medicine storage room together, and entered the smaller medicine storage room in front of him.

They had been practicing in the tower of time for more than three hours, but they didn't spend much time outside.

Vatian, they are still checking the boxes here, to see if there are still Tiancai Dibao which can enhance the strength of the box!

Unfortunately, there are very few Tiancai Dibao that can improve the strength of the warrior. They have been looking for such a long time here, and they have never found any more.

However, they also found a kind of Tiancai Dibao, which can enhance spiritual power. Even, it is a kind of high-level Tiancai Dibao.

The name of this thing is Shenyun jiutianteng.

Shenyun jiutianteng is a kind of Jiupin elixir that can enhance spiritual power.

Tang Long was very happy to get such a good thing. Moreover, the charm of the nine day vine was not small, more than one meter and five meters long. It was as thick as an ordinary person's arm!

With such a big nine day vine, Tang Long calculated that at least 30 or 40 spiritual elixirs could be refined.

He immediately looked at Meng Xiaomeng and said, "Xiaomeng, let's go to the tower of time again!"

"Well." Meng Xiaomeng agreed happily.

Meng Xiaomeng is also a Dan master, and with the help of Tang long, her Danshi's strength is not weak at this time, so she certainly hopes that her spiritual strength can be further improved.

Moreover, she hopes that Tang Long's strength can have more promotion.

Together, they returned to the largest and empty medicine storeroom. Tang Long summoned the tower of time again. They walked into the tower of time. Tang Long took out the heaven and earth tripod and the heaven tower and began to refine the elixir.

Unfortunately, this time, Tang Long only refined the seven pattern elixir, but not the eight pattern elixir.

Tang Longdao was not disappointed with the result.

The success rate of the eight pattern elixir is very low. Even if it is the level of Tang Long refining the elixir at this time, even if there is the heaven and earth tripod, it is absolutely not easy to refine the eight pattern elixir.

Of course, if his mental strength continues to improve, the success rate of refining the eight grain elixir will also increase accordingly.

A total of 44 Shenyun Jiutian pills were refined from Shenyun jiutianteng.

Then Tang Long and Meng Xiaomeng took the Shenyun Jiutian pill together and began to absorb the medicine.

In a hurry, two hours passed.

At this time, Tang Long's cultivation has been completed, and his spiritual strength has been greatly improved.

Originally, he was already the level of Jiupin Zhenjie Danshen. At this time, he had been promoted to Jiupin xuanjie Danshen. Tang Long was very satisfied with this promotion.

After all, once Danshi's strength has reached the level of nine grades, it is terrible to want to improve that difficulty.

But even so, Tang Long's mental power has been upgraded to a level, which is quite good.

Of course, this is also because Tang long had been the peak of Jiupin Zhenjie Danshen before. Otherwise, he could not reach the level of Jiupin xuanjie Danshen with this immortal pill.

When the strength is improved, he turns to look at Meng Xiaomeng.

Meng Xiaomeng is still practicing.

"This baby girl, I'm afraid it will take another hour to complete the practice." Tang long thought in his mind. He had left the tower of time, and then contacted Mu Qingcheng in his heart: "Qingcheng baby, I'll go back now. I've got the elixir to improve my mental power. I'll give you some back home!"

"Good!" Mu Qingcheng agreed.

Tang Long summoned the gate of wisdom between Mu Qing City and Tang long, which directly appeared in front of Mu Qing City.

Mu Qingcheng is now, of course, in the Tang clan of batian city.She is practicing in a training room.

Tang Long came to Mu Qingcheng, and gave all the remaining magic nine days pills he refined to Mu Qingcheng: "I don't have time to go there now. These spiritual elixirs you can help me give to her, and lie yunshang them."

"Good." Mu Qingcheng nodded and took the elixir handed to him by Tang long.

Tang Long asked, "Qingcheng, how is the situation of Tianba Tiancheng?"

"Not bad." Mu Qingcheng said: "before you were in batian city and some nearby cities, you inspired some people's side effects of blood evil pill. Those who took blood evil pill in evil spirit alliance were in a hurry to get the antidote of blood evil pill. The news of the antidote has been completely spread. So more people who took blood evil pill have concentrated in batian City, but no one dares to make a mistake!"

Tang Long asked: "we have the antidote of the blood demon pill, they no longer doubt it?"

"No Mu Qingcheng said: "now we have a lot of evil spirit alliance or some wandering warriors who used to use blood magic pill. They all took the antidote of blood evil pill and went to Fengdu City, where God bless the mainland. Moreover, these people's strength is still very strong. In the future, their strength will be no small force."

Tang Long asked again, "how much is the demand for the antidote of blood evil pill?"

"It's still big." Mu Qingcheng said: "in the past, the blood God took too many blood demon pills in the whole world. Even if we have more antidotes, it is certainly not enough. Now we can only let those with stronger strength first relieve the side effects of the blood evil pill."

Tang Long also knew that it was impossible for the blood god hall to deal with the blood devil pill for so long.

However, if the problems of the most powerful people who took the blood demon pill are solved, the remaining problems will not be too big. Tang Long also has some ways to settle the weak warriors.

Looking at Mu Qingcheng, he said, "first, we can help some people relieve the side effects of the blood demon pill. Then, if the antidote is not enough, we will arrange those people to settle down in other places in the divine protection continent. We say that we have a way to delay the attack time of the blood Demon power, and will gradually help them relieve the antidote of the blood demon pill, so that they don't have to worry, but also tell him We, only those who fully obey our Tang clan system can give antidote! "

"Good." Mu Qingcheng nodded.

Tang Long's mind moved and took out two space rings: "this is the puppet soul of pig ganghya in recent years, and the antidote of blood evil pill refined by those inferior herbs. Take it."

Mu Qingcheng agreed and took the antidote: "crazy, ling'er and yue'er just come back and go out again!"

"Out again?" Tang Long frowned: "what did you do?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "this time, I let them go out. I heard a few days ago that a very powerful Archean sect was destroyed by the blood god temple. Several strong people fled, but they disappeared. I want them to see the situation!"

"I'm afraid it will be very dangerous." Tang Long frowned.

Mu Qingcheng said: "you don't worry, I told them, their strength is not weak, be careful, it should be nothing."

After a pause, he continued, "there is a reason why I let them go to the destroyed Archean sect."

What's the reason for that

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