"The seal on this box is very strange. There are more than a dozen seal arrays arranged on it. It is extremely rare that the technique is exquisite and the arrangement is strong." Vatian took the box and couldn't help sighing: "if you can't find a way to untie the seal, you can't open the box even if you are a strong man in the peak state of dizu!"

Hearing what vatian said, Tang Long was a little curious: "I didn't expect that man wolf could arrange such a strong seal just now!"

Vatian laughed: "the seal on the box is not arranged by this man wolf. The man wolf should not have the ability to arrange array so deeply. Maybe the man wolf has not been able to open the seal on the box for so many years after he got the box!"

After listening to vatian, Tang Long became more and more interested in the contents of the box.

After they arrived in this passage, they fought incessantly all the way. At this time, although Tang Long's vitality was restored, he had already felt a little tired.

And the king of the abyss also needs a good rest.

Tang Long turned his head and looked at the front left of the hall. There was the entrance of a passage. Tang Long explored the entrance. The entrance was obviously arranged with a barrier.

"It's very safe here now. We can have a rest here. We don't know how many dangers are ahead. In this case, we can recover our strength and physical strength here. We just want to find a way to untie the seal on this box!"

With this in mind, Tang Long also went over and sat down beside vatian. He studied how to untie the seal on the box with vatian and Xuanyuan Tianzhen.

Tang Kuo and Fengyun thunder and lightning, as well as the magic fragrance qingluan, they have been walking in the distance. After a long time, they did not detect any danger of Tang long. Instead, they also entered the hall and joined them.

Go to prepare some food.

After dinner, everyone had a rest. Tang Long and vatian continued to study the seal on the dark box.

After studying for about four or five hours, they finally got a comprehensive understanding of the seals on the box.

After studying for another two or three hours, the seal on the box was finally unraveled by them.

The box is ready to open.

At this time, vatian handed the sealed box to Tang Long: "look at what's in the box. The box feels very heavy, and the material of the box is very special. Maybe there are some good things hidden in it!"

Tang Long took over the box, of course, in his heart very much looking forward to it.

Tang Kuo and their eyes are also looking at the small box in the past, one by one looking at the box, waiting for Tang long to open the box.

Tang Long opened the box.

There is a scroll in the box, but this scroll is obviously not complete, it seems to be only a part of a complete scroll!

"It's a broken scroll

Tang Long was a bit depressed. He thought he had got a good thing, but it turned out to be a broken scroll. From this scroll, there was no trace of power of inheritance.

Obviously, this is just a very ordinary scroll.

The king of the abyss said, "open this scroll and see what is recorded in it."

Tang long curled his lips and picked up the broken scroll. After opening, the scroll was not short. It was half a meter long when it was unfolded!

On the scroll is a picture.

And there is a sentence written on this picture.

However, this sentence is not completed, only half of the sentence is left: Thirty three Dongtian spirit.

After the word "spirit" is the fragmentary part of the scroll. Obviously, it is half of the scroll, or a smaller part. Of course, it may be a larger part. In short, it is incomplete.

Vatian looked at the words on the scroll and the pictures on the scroll, and soon he was sure that it was an incomplete map.

On the scroll, there are a lot of handwriting at the bottom of the map, which clearly records the methods of breaking some arrays!

"It seems that this is a map to go to some place, but unfortunately, this map is broken and only a part of it is left," Vada guessed

"I found this part of the map here, and who knows where the rest is!" A little disappointed, Tang Long rolled up the map and put it into the box.

He reopened the seal on the box.

Put the box into the sky sealing flag, they rest here for a while, and then the light demon in the flag comes out.

Tang Long's eyes had already looked at a door in front of the hall.

The door was closed tightly, and there were isolation and seal on it. However, Tang Long knew that the separation and seal were not difficult to remove.

"We continue to move forward, hoping to find a place to imprison the dragon." Tang Long said, standing up and walking towards the door.Vatian and they followed.

Soon, Tang Long has come to this door, hands closed, constantly changing fingerprints.

With the change of his fingerprints, the golden runes of energy condensation flew out of his hands and flew to the door, and soon disappeared.

There have been layers of energy ripples on the door.

The energy ripple is like a water ripple. It spreads slowly from the middle of the door to both sides. After a short time, the energy ripple on the door disappears completely.

Tang Long stepped forward and pushed the door quietly.

There is still a very long passage ahead, and there are still many large and small holes in the walls on both sides of the passage.

At this time, these holes have swept out a stream of dark devil power.

The power of demons quickly condenses in this channel, and a breath of life spreads out from it. You can see that these demonic forces have condensed into a black dragon with a powerful breath on its body!

The black dragon is more than tens of meters long. It looks very fierce. It roars and rushes towards the Tang dragon.

Tang Long's exploration is to know that these black dragons are very powerful, and they are much stronger than those black giant elephants they met before.

These black dragons have even reached the peak of their ancestral territory.

However, there is still a gap between these dark dragons and dizu's fighting power, which also makes Tang Long feel at ease.

He can deal with such a dark dragon.

The general rushed forward first.

On the general's body, the dark red energy extremely crazy erupts, toward these black giant dragons to launch the extremely fierce attack.

Vartian and others also rushed towards these dark dragons.

Tang Long is certainly not idle.

Because they had already broken through two passes in this passage before, so now, Tang Long has his own preliminary judgment and guess about the situation in front of this channel.

He knew that there might be a more powerful presence in front of this passage!

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