"After passing through this passage, I don't know what it will be."

Tang long thought secretly.

He knew that no matter what might be more serious ahead, the first thing to do was to clean up the dark dragon in the passage.

He can also get some harvest after cleaning up these black dragons.

Because, every time he kills a black dragon, he still can get a black bead, and because these black dragons are very powerful, the energy contained in these black beads is also very strong.

Tang Long and VA Tian, while bombarding the dark dragon in the passage, slowly pushed forward.

It's a long passage.

More than an hour has passed since they attacked forward in this way.

After such a long time of fighting, Tang Long and they were all very tired, and their energy was almost exhausted.

Even though Tang long had displayed the wild ancient array of Tianmei, summoned ghosts, the wolf of purple fire, and even offered a magic weapon to seal the sky flag and summon the totem of twelve constellations, it was already at the end of its strength!

There are many dark dragons in this passage.

Tang Long bombarded a huge black dragon in front of him and said to the crowd, "hold on for a while. If we can't reach the end of the passage, we can only go back and have a rest before we continue to rush forward!"

Next, they continued to attack for a while, when everyone was almost unable to carry them and were ready to retreat back to the hall for rest, they finally reached the end of the passage.

There is also a door at the end of the passage.

It's a flashy dark door.

On the dark door, there are also strong isolation and seal junctions.

The dark dragons in the passage were under the attack of Tang Long and Tang Long finally solved these black dragons. At this time, they were very tired.

"Take a rest, and then open the seal on the front door!" Tang Longdao.

They will not object to Tang Long's decision at this time, and they will not say more about it. All the energy life bodies such as cutting the sky directly return to the sky sealing flag of Tang long to recover their strength. In the flag, their strength can be recovered much faster.

The generals and ministers have sat down to practice not far away.

The hell lion was taken back by the generals.

Tang Long immediately sat down, but he summoned all his eight beasts.

Although at this time, the fighting power of his eight mythical beasts could not keep up with his fighting power, they were not very weak either.

Tang Long asked the eight animals to protect his Dharma and prevent accidents.

He first took two pills to recover his vitality, and then he began to practice seriously.

After practicing for more than half an hour, his vitality was completely restored.

"If I can find a few more divine veins to merge, my recovery speed will be very terrible. Unfortunately, I was a little late in Fengyun Shenzong last time, and the God vein sealed there was robbed by the blood god temple!"

Some things happened in Fengyun city before Tang Dynasty.

However, at the same time, he also had some expectations. He expected that shidaokong, who was practicing in the tower of time, would bring him any surprise after the completion of his cultivation and the recovery of his strength.

"After taking the antidote of blood evil pill, Shi daokong recovered in my time tower, and soon he could come out. He said before that there was a place called Huangtian Shengchi. In sum, he has practiced in the time tower for many days. After he comes out, he can take me to Huangtian holy pool."

Thinking of this, Tang Long suddenly remembered that he had not made arrangements for the emperor's holy pool.

Shidaokong had told him that many people could go to the holy pond at the same time. Of course, Tang Long didn't want to miss such a good opportunity. He should make good use of this opportunity!

"I have to let anyone who has the possibility to go!"

Thinking of this, Tang Long immediately contacted Mu Qingcheng with huixinmen: "Qingcheng, tell you something!"

"What's the matter?" Mu Qingcheng asked.

Tang Long said: "you immediately arrange for linger and linger to come back recently. After shidaokong is out of the pass, we are going to the emperor's holy pool!"

"Oh, I see." Mu Qingcheng agreed, followed closely for: "but, linger, they have already gone out!"

"Where have they been?" Tang Long asked

Mu Qingcheng reminded: "you forget that you arranged to help the people of Tianya Haige to deal with the evil spirit sect together, and to cause another heavy damage to the people of the evil spirit sect!"

"Yes, I forgot about it!" Tang Long frowned fiercely.

Mu Qingcheng told Tang long before that Tianya Haige, an archaic sect in the world, had a big war with the evil spirit sect not long ago. Because Tianya Haige noticed some situations in advance and prepared for it, it caused heavy damage to the evil spirit sect.The evil spirit sect was severely damaged by Tianya Haige. With the strength of the evil spirit sect now, of course, it will not suffer the loss in vain.

Therefore, Tang Long guessed that the evil spirit sect would certainly send a large number of strong men to attack Tianya Haige again. He must want to wipe out Tianya Haige all at once. He made an arrangement in advance to help Tianya Haige deal with the evil spirit sect's attack.

For this matter, the strong people in batian city and the strong people in LingXiao palace have already set out together. They have already set out.

Tang Long asked Mu Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, who did linger and Yueer go to Tianya Haige with?"

Mu Qingcheng said: "this time, we have tried our best. All the strong Tianzu states in Lingxiao temple, Fengyun Shenzong and Putuo Tianzong's Tianzu realm, plus the two Fengling clan's Tianzu realm's strong ones have gone!"

Tang Long frowned fiercely and said: "so many people have gone, and the evil spirit sect has not begun to attack Tianya Haige. It seems that they are afraid that it will be too late for the matter of emperor heaven and holy pool."

He knows that the affairs of Tianya Haige are very important.

If these strong people can go to the imperial heaven holy pool to practice, they will certainly improve their strength a lot.

However, Tang Long also knows that once the strength has reached the level of Tianzu, it is very difficult to improve the strength with the help of external forces.

To enhance the strength of the strong in Tianzu realm, in addition to self-cultivation, to a large extent, it also needs to have a strong understanding. With the help of the understanding of the power of law, we should deeply understand the nature of heaven and earth, and understand the profound meaning of the existence of heaven and earth.

It's just that the strong ones of Tianzu can't come back. What about ye Qingling and xuelinyue?

How can Tang long be willing to let these two precious girls miss the chance when they have such a good chance to practice in Huangtian Shengchi?!

"I'd better ask ling'er and her first to understand the situation there, and then the preparation should be done in advance." Tang Long made a decision and first said to Mu Qingcheng: "Qingcheng, you go back to the heaven soul world, tell Ziyi, let him go to Ouyang qianer, prepare for the rapid fortress standby, and let tiger arrange the things in their hands!"

"I see. I'll go to the heaven and soul world immediately." Muqingcheng road.

Tang Long asked, "how is batian city recently?"

"The situation in batian city is not bad recently." Mu Qingcheng said: "there are still many people who have taken the blood demon pill to batian City, but they are all arranged by us to go to the divine land, but the antidote is still in short supply."

Tang Long asked, "did Yuzhu get those herbs again?"

"Yes, after you come back, you need to refine these herbs into antidotes. This time, Yuzhu purchased a lot of herbs, which should be able to solve the urgent problem."

When he heard the news from Mu Qingcheng, Tang Long was also relieved. In fact, he had been worried about the lack of antidote for blood evil pill.

Then he asked about other things about batian City, and then he cut off the spiritual connection with Mu Qingcheng.

Closely following him, he contacted Dongfang bing'er in his heart.

He asked Dongfang bing'er and Beigong Xianer to arrange the things in their hands. When the time came, they would go to the imperial heaven pool together. Moreover, the tiannv of Tangmen would also go there.

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