Tang long looked around and asked, "where is this? Where are the monsters that have disturbed your dantai family during this period of time

Dan Tai Shuya said: "this is Qilin city. The monster is in Qilin mountain. Qilin mountain is not far away from here."

Tang Long asked, "what's the monster you're talking about?"

Dan Tai Shuya said: "this monster is a human shape, but its whole body is covered with blood red scales, and there are a pair of horns on its head. The whole body is red with blood. It is tall and tall. Its hands and feet are human shaped and covered with hard scales. It looks very strange!"

After a pause, she continued: "the most important thing is that this monster is extremely vicious. Every day, she will go to kill everywhere in Qilin mountain. After killing, she will go back to Qilin mountain!"

Tang Long said: "listen to Mo'er, the people here suspect that it was who became the monster of Qilin mountain after practicing and being possessed by demons?"

"Yes." Dan Tai Shuya said, "I heard people here say that when the monster came, it seemed like he was crazy. He seemed to have lost his mind completely. He only knew how to bombard, but he had no purpose. When he got tired of the bombardment, he flew away and didn't rob anything!"

Tang Long asked, "what is the strength of this monster?"

Dan Tai Shuya said: "the strength of the monster is very strong, but its momentum is not very strong. It seems that there is a very special seal force on his body, and he also bursts out a strong savage breath, which is similar to the spirit of beasts, but also has the flavor of human beings!"

Tang Long asked, "is this monster using the power of blood demons?"

Dan Tai Shuya nodded: "it's really the power of blood demons, and the power of blood demons is extremely strong. It's slightly different from the power of blood demons practiced by ordinary people. It's very powerful."

"Such a monster Tang Long was curious and asked, "will this monster come here today?"

"It's hard to say." Dan Tai Shuya said: "the monster's fighting power is very fierce, but it won't come to the same place every time. I heard from people in this city that this monster has been here four or five times and has caused great damage to Qilin city."

Gongsun Mo'er followed: "some cities around Qilin mountain have been destroyed by this monster, and two cities are about to be destroyed. Relatively speaking, the situation of Qilin city at this time is relatively good!"

After listening to tan Tai Shuya and Gongsun Mo'er, Tang Long was puzzled and said, "listen to you, the place this monster goes to every day is not fixed. Where can we find this monster?"

Gongsun Mo'er said: "we heard that the monster usually returns to Qilin mountain at night."

Tang Long said: "so, as long as we go to Qilin mountain, we will find this monster?"

"Yes." Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

After a pause, she looked at Tang Long and said nervously: "Tang long, I know your strength is very strong, but the fighting power of this monster is also very strong. The most important thing is that the breath of the monster does not match the fighting power of the monster itself. I am afraid you may not be able to get rid of this monster!"

Tang Long laughs and looks at Dan Tai. Shuya says, "don't worry. It's not so difficult to get rid of this monster. We just need to know where the monster often appears, and then we can go there and arrange an array to attract the monster in."

"Without delay, we'll go to Qilin mountain to see the situation, and then find a suitable place to arrange the array in Qilin mountain."

"Good!" Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

She thinks that Tang Long's method should be the most sure way, and Tang Long's ability to arrange arrays is very strong, which she also knows.

After discussing the matter, the three people went out to have dinner together and flew away in the direction of Qilin mountain.

Qilin mountain is still a long way from Qilin city. Tang Long and Tang Long flew out of Qilin city. Tan Tai Shuya and Gongsun Mo'er were in charge of leading the way. It took them more than an hour to reach their destination.

Seeing the appearance of Qilin mountain at this time, Tang Long knew that the monster that Dan Tai Shuya said was indeed a little unusual. He was probably really a madman.

At this time, the whole Qilin mountain is covered with gravel in all directions, and the whole mountain is full of horror cracks.

Such a large Qilin mountain has a height of more than km, covering a range of tens of thousands of meters. However, in such a large area, the whole place has not been in good condition!

Everything was shattered by the bombardment.

Tang long looked at Dan Tai Shuya and asked, "how long has this monster appeared?"

Dan Tai Shuya said: "I heard that this monster appeared only a month ago. In such a short period of time, it has made the surrounding area look like this, and has also harmed many cities nearby. Before that, some strong men came to kill this monster, but they have never come back."

"It seems that this monster is really powerful, but I don't know what kind of fierce monster it is!" Tang Long turned his head and looked around.

Then, looking at Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya, he said, "you two, go to the distance and wait. I'll arrange an array here. After that, I'll try to attract the monster into the array and get rid of it if it comes this evening.""Good!" Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya nodded.

Then, they were about to turn around and fly away towards the distance, but suddenly they were stopped by Tang long.

Tang Long suddenly remembered that he still had a lot of Kirin pills made before!

Kirin pill can improve the growth speed of the beast.

Gongsun Mo'er and Zhong Li Xueyan have been in the blood demon world for a long time. Tang Long thinks that if the fighting power of their supernatural beasts can be improved a little, their safety can also be guaranteed.

He took out five Qilin pills and gave them to Gongsun Mo'er: "Mo'er, this Qilin pill is just made by me. You and Xueyan each have two magical beasts. Take this Qilin pill and give it to your beast. It should improve the fighting power of your beast!"

After a pause, she went on to say, "the other one is for Shuya. Isn't she also a beast?"

"Good!" Gongsun Mo'er nodded and took the elixir from Tang long.

Tang Long still has 14 Unicorn pills left here. He plans to take them back to Mu Qingcheng and ask them to give them to Ye Qingling.

Then Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya flew away towards the distance. Tang Long stayed here alone.

He took a serious look at the terrain here, and then the vast sea of territory out to explore the surrounding movement.

He did not find any dangerous atmosphere around him. Tang Long was relieved: "it seems that the monster should not be here now. I just came to set up the array, hoping to solve the problem here easily."

He thought to himself that he was busy at once.

In order to be safe, he plans to arrange a mountain and water Tianmen array here, and in this array, he also wants to integrate Zhenwu Tiancheng!

The Shanshui Tianmen array integrated with Zhenwu Tiancheng will be much more powerful.

"In such an array, even if the monster's combat power can reach the peak of dizu, I believe I can definitely deal with it!"

Tang Long displays the wild ancient array of heavenly spirits, summons ghosts, and uses the skill of earth escaping to arrange the array.

It's not necessary to arrange a large array of mountains and rivers and Tianmen array here. As long as the power of the array can be exerted, after all, there is only one monster that Tang Long has to deal with.

Gongsun Mo'er and dantai Shuya had already flown thousands of meters away, stopped together, and then turned to look at the place where Tang Long was.

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