At this time, Gongsun Mo'er and Tan Tai Shuya can see from afar that in a large area of Qilin mountain, the ground was originally bombarded with blood red stones. At this time, they were swept up by the powerful energy, and then gathered together and quickly piled up into hills of various shapes.

These hills are not very big, but they are all very strange in style, like magnificent palaces!

Looking at this situation, Tan Tai Shuya and Gongsun Mo'er are also very curious.

Especially Gongsun Mo'er.

She had seen Tang Long set up the Shanshui Tianmen array before, and knew what it might look like.

But what she saw at this time was obviously quite different from the landscape Tianmen array arranged by Tang long that she had seen before.

"Obviously, my husband has made great progress in the array. The landscape Tianmen array looks like a city made of small stones, which is quite different from the previous one."

Gongsun Mo'er hopes that Tang Long's array can solve the monster.

Tan Tai Shuya was also surprised by Tang Long's accomplishments in the array. Looking from afar, he saw the rocks flying, which was so magical that his eyes could not help flashing out a moving brilliance.

It took Tang Long almost three hours to complete his array.

Although the array is not very big, it has been able to give full play to the power of the landscape Tianmen array.

Tang Long is satisfied with the formation of this size.

"With this combination of Shanshui Tianmen array and Zhenwu Tiancheng array, I don't believe that I can't deal with that little monster!"

Tang long thought in his mind, once again explore the surrounding, still did not find any dangerous atmosphere around.

"There's no movement around now. The monster hasn't come back yet!"

He thought in his heart, gathered his energy and flew towards Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shu Ya.

At this time, it was already evening, and it was going to be dark. Tang long had been busy for such a long time, but now he was also a little tired. He needed to have a good rest and eat something.

He knew that there was likely to be a big war tonight.

Tan Tai Shuya and Gongsun Mo'er see Tang Long flying towards them. They all greet each other and find a place to rest.

Tang Long went to practice. Together with Gongsun Mo'er, dantai Shuya took out some meat and other cooking materials they had prepared in advance. They made some food together, and then called Tang long to come. The three of them ate in a hurry and began to wait patiently.

This wait until dark.

At this time, the sky is full of stars, there are light clouds, the evening wind is light, and the air is pleasant.

It's a pity that this place is full of rocks and the environment is not very good.

Tang Long has put the magic power of the sea to the limit, always exploring the movement of all around.

As long as he finds that monster appears, he will immediately go to attract the monster into the array, so as not to cause damage to Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya after the monster rushes over.

Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya are a little nervous.

Although after they arrived here, they inquired about the monster in many ways, but they didn't know what kind of fighting power the monster had.

Waiting like this, in a twinkling of an hour, Tang Long suddenly noticed that his eyes were sharp!

He knew that if his exploration was right, the monster should have come!

He quickly turned his head to look at Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai. Shuya said, "go and fly in the direction of the East and hide thousands of meters away. Before the monster enters the array, you must not approach here."

Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya did not detect a dangerous approach.

However, they all know that Tang Long's exploration ability is much stronger than them, and Tang Long's strength at this time is also much stronger than them.

Although dantai Shuya and Gongsun Mo'er also went to the imperial heaven pool to practice before, and their strength has been improved, but Gongsun Mo'er's strength at this time is only up to the level of nine levels of ancestral realm.

Dantai Shuya is much weaker than Gongsun Mo'er, and only has the strength of five levels of ancestral realm.

Tang Long is now the dual realm of earth and ancestor.

Gongsun Mo'er looked at Tang Long and said, "husband, if the array can't deal with the monster, you'll come out of the array first, and we'll think of another way."

"Don't worry, I'll be OK!" Don Yilong, please go away from me

"Good!" Gongsun Mo'er nodded and flew away to the east of this place according to Tang Long's words. Only when he reached a distance of 1000 meters away, he landed from the air and found a hidden place to hide.

The Tang Dynasty dragon has been exploring the past powerful breath.

There is something wrong with that breath.Under the exploration of Tang long, it is found that there is not only a human breath, but also a strong savage breath!

Even, Tang Long also felt a strong sense of famine!

"It's strange how the breath on this monster is so complicated and chaotic, but it's not very strong indeed!"

In general, if Tang Long detects such a strong breath, he can roughly judge that the combat power of the monsters that appear should be the primary combat power of the ancestral territory, and he can easily deal with it.

However, Gongsun Mo'er and Dan Tai Shuya have already told him that the fighting power of this monster can never be judged by the strength of its breath. It is very powerful.

So now Tang Long is very cautious.

He gathered his energy and was very careful to prepare for the danger at any time.

Soon, he was less than kilometers away from the monster's location, and by this time he had heard a roar from the distance!

This roar is the roar of Warcraft.

Tang Long was sure that this was the roar of the monster, which was approaching Tang Long rapidly.

Not long, Tang Long has seen the monster from a distance.

In the distance above the sky, blood red clouds rolling.

The monster was in the rolling blood red energy cloud. It was about two meters tall and covered with blood red light. There were mysterious blood red runes flying out all over the body.

The monster is indeed covered with a layer of blood red scales. It looks like a human, but it looks like a magic beast.

The horns on the top of the monster are not very long. They are made of red gold. They radiate the light of red gold!

"What the hell is this?"

Tang long looked at the monster. The smell of the monster was strange, and his appearance was also strange. He had never seen this kind of monster before, or even heard of it.

This monster has been flying less than 100 meters from Tang Long!

Obviously, this monster is flying very fast.

Tang Long is well prepared.

At this time, of course, he can't attack the monster. In order to be careful and prevent accidents, he must attract the monster into the array he arranged before, and then he can start to attack the monster.

Seeing that the monster has been flying rapidly, Tang Long condensed the law of thunder and lightning, and suddenly roared.

This roar contains the power of thunder concussion, sweeping towards the monster.

The powerful sound wave concussion force has swept into the monster's eyes in an instant, but it is completely blocked by the powerful blood Demon power erupted from the monster, which can not pose any threat to the monster.

The monster blocked the power of the sound wave concussion, and had already looked at Tang Long's side. There was an extremely fierce murderous air on his body.

Tang Long knows that the monster has noticed himself.

Once again, he roared with thunder and roar, and the power of sound wave concussion swept towards the monster again. Then he suddenly turned around and flew towards the place where he arranged the array.

When the monster saw Tang Long turning around and seemed to run away, he ran after Tang long in a roar!

Tang Long exerted the body method of fantiandun to the limit, and even integrated the power of the space law. The whole person disappeared and flashed in the air, and in a twinkling of an eye, he had already flown a kilometer.

What shocked Tang Long was that his flying speed was slower than that monster, and it was much slower!

In such a short period of time, the monster has been less than 30 meters away from Tang Long! , the fastest update of the webnovel!