As he flew forward, Tang Long displayed his magical skills in the field of the sea, carefully exploring the movements in all directions around him.

He hopes to find the crane.

However, after exploring for a long time, he did not find any other breath around him except them.

At this time, the heavy feeling in his heart became more and more obvious!

"It seems that something is going to happen!"

Tang Long's feeling of uneasiness has increased a lot. Moreover, when he thought of the competition of master Zhen before and the appearance of the scroll of the law in the last level, he felt that the matter was probably related to shining Canglong!

But on the surface, he never showed up at all.

Tang Baiyue seems to have no enmity with Tang Long from time to time. It seems that he has no hostility to Tang Long from time to time.

The party flew forward, and half a day passed.

They passed a small town.

The town is quiet, with few pedestrians. Although there are some shops on the street, most of them are closed.

There is also a small restaurant open for business.

Looking at Tang Long for a hundred miles, he said with a smile: "it's not early. We have to go on our way in the afternoon. Let's have a rest here at noon."

"Good!" Tang Long nodded.

Of course, he also hoped to have a rest here. He felt that such a place was the most likely place for him to see the crane.

If Xiu Li Changhe comes with him, he will surely find a chance to meet him here.

If Xiuli Changhe doesn't show up all the time, Tang Long knows that there will be a big problem this time. Moreover, it is very likely that Xiuli Changhe has already been in danger. I'm afraid he will never be able to see him again.

They all came down from the air and went to the door of the restaurant.

The restaurant is not very big. It seems that the environment is good.

Tang Long and Bai Li Wangyue found a quiet place and sat down at a table. The eight dead men sat at several tables around them.

A shop assistant came up quickly: "what do you want to eat?"

Looking at the moon a hundred miles away, he said, "please bring me the dishes you are good at. Hurry up. After dinner, we have to make our way."

"Wait a moment. The food will be served to you right away." The shop assistant's voice dropped, and he turned and hurried away.

Tang Long and they waited for a while, and the meal was served.

A lot of dishes were served. There were eight dishes. Besides, five or six dishes were served on the tables of the dead men one by one.

Obviously, looking at the moon for a hundred miles is not bad for the dead.

Looking at Tang Long for a hundred Li, he looked very polite: "master Zhou Zhen, let's see if the food is good or not. If it's good, we should eat more. In the afternoon, we need to speed up our journey!"

"When can we get to the place?" Tang Long asked

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "if we drive at such a speed, we will be able to get to the place tomorrow morning. However, we will not be lucky to have a hard journey tonight. We will have a rest in a place."

"That's good!" Tang Long said with a smile: "if it's going on all night, it's really a bit of luck and hardship."

"That is!" Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "I decided to rest where I could rest because I was worried that you would feel too lucky. Anyway, we have arrived here and don't care about half a day."

Tang Long asked, "if we go to the place you said, there won't be only ten of us in all?"

"Of course not!" Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "there are still many people there, but they can't open the entrance of the Archean site. They can only wait for you to go and have a look. I believe that with your understanding of the array, we can certainly open this Archean site!"

"I hope I can open it!" Tang Long said: "if I can open it, we should all get a lot of things this time.

Looking at Tang long, a hundred Li Wang Yue said with a serious assurance: "master Zhou, don't worry. When you get to the place, as long as you can untie the array and take us in, we will never rob you of any good things you get in it."

Naturally, Tang long would not believe his words. He could not believe the assurance of these people in the blood temple, especially those of the Baili family.

But at this time, of course, he would not show that.

He picked up his chopsticks and prepared to eat. Tang long looked at the moon for a hundred miles. He believed him very much: "I believe the city Lord's conduct, otherwise I would not come!"

Although the restaurant is not very big, the food is really good.

Tang Long didn't eat fast.

Besides, while eating, he is still exploring the surrounding activities in the sea, hoping to find the trail of Xiuli long crane.

However, half an hour later, he still did not even find a little."If Xiuli Changhe comes here with us, he can't fail to appear here. He can't change his appearance to another appearance, and try to find a way to let me know that he's here too."

"Although we have two guests in the course of our meal, these two guests are obviously not Xiuli Changhe!"

"It seems that Xiuli Changhe is likely to have an accident!"

Tang long thought silently that he had put down his bowls and chopsticks and looked full.

The moon has already put down the dishes and chopsticks.

He looked at Tang Long and said, "we have just had dinner. Is master Zhou Zhen going to go on his way or take a rest here? I think we'd better take a rest. "

"Good!" Tang Long immediately nodded, and then said, "let's have a ten minute rest, and then we'll start!"

"That's what I mean A hundred miles of moon watching road.

Tang Long asked, "master of hundred Li City, is there no one else who is very proficient in array except me?"

"Of course "To tell you the truth, I'm also good at array, but I'm not as good as you."

Tang Long asked, "after we get to the place, are there any other people who are proficient in the array?"

"Yes!" Looking at the moon, Bai Li said: "all the people of our hundred Li family who are highly proficient in array have been there. However, they have studied for many days, but they have not worked out how to untie the defense barrier there, so they can't get into the ruins!"

Tang long did not say any more. He was silent for a while, and ten minutes passed.

However, he has not yet waited for Xiuli to appear.

He knew that if Hugh left the crane, he would at least give him some hints. He might even come over and say a few words to Wang Yue as a test and notice.

Xiuli Changhe doesn't show up all the time, which makes Tang Long more alert, but on the surface, he doesn't dare to show any.

They walked out of the restaurant, flew back into the air, and continued to fly in a hurry all the way ahead.

At night, they were resting on a disordered rock mountain. The dead men dug a big cave in one part of the mountain. Tang Long ate something in the cave, and then looked at the moon for a hundred miles to practice.

Several dead men also sat not far away to practice.

Although Tang long can easily untie the barrier and walk out of the cave, he certainly will not.

At this time, he felt that something had happened to Xiuli Changhe!

Tang Long also went to the side not far away and sat down cross legged. He began to practice seriously. In a twinkling of an eye, the night had passed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!