The next morning, we ate together, and then left the cave, and went on a fast journey. In the middle of the morning, they arrived at their destination.

This is deep in the jungle of a deep mountain.

The mountain is majestic and straight, surrounded by lush trees. The place where Tang Long and they are now is the lowest mountain area within hundreds of thousands of meters around.

But it's not a valley either.

Around this place, there are hills of continuous size. Around the hills, under the exploration of Tang long, we can find some hidden places in all directions here, with dozens of not very strong breath.

Tang Long turned to look at the moon at his side: "is this the destination?"

"Yes, this is our destination." Hundred Li Wangyue said with certainty that he had a box in his hand.

The box was dark, and there was a slight energy ripple on it.

Tang Long knew at a glance that there was a seal on the box and asked, "what do you do with a box?"

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "this box is the map of the Archean ruins. After you read the map, you will know why I brought you here!"

Tang Long said curiously, "don't you say there are many people in your family here? What about those people? "

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said: "you are also the strength of the nine peaks of the emperor of heaven. You should be able to detect that there are many people hiding around the hidden places."

"I do detect that there are some people hiding around here." Tang Long made a curious look and asked, "are these hidden people the warriors arranged by your family here?"

"Yes." Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he nodded.

Then he opened the box, which contained a dark scroll.

A hundred Li Wangyue took out the scroll and handed it to Tang Long: "you can see for yourself. If you look at this scroll, you will know everything!"

Tang Long took the scroll with a little doubt.

He was always on guard, and the heavy feeling in his heart became more and more obvious.

"I'm sure I'll be in danger here, but it's obviously not here yet!"

"Before now, they didn't want to do it to me."

"But at this time, I can be sure that, no matter what, these people will do something to me. Will they wait for me to untie the boundary here, or when?"

Tang long thought in his mind, the surface does not show the slightest.

The magic art of the sea area spread out, and he carefully explored the surrounding situation within tens of thousands of meters.

Although within the scope of his exploration, there is a strong breath around him, but he is also sure that the people around him absolutely do not have a very strong warrior. At least in this area, no one can really pose a great threat to him.

And it's obvious that the crane never appeared.

"It's impossible that there are so many people with such weak strength in this place. There must be super strong people hiding in the dark. If I don't show my horse's feet now, these people will not appear. They have a very high and hidden purpose in making such a big game!"

"I'll first look at the map on this scroll, first to see if the map is real, to see if there is a real site here!"

He thought in his mind that he had opened the scroll for him to watch the moon for hundreds of miles.

As soon as the scroll is opened, a powerful dark energy is swept out of the scroll directly.

This energy swept to the air 10 meters in front of Tang long, and condensed into a big black and white energy map!

The lines of the energy map are clear, and the terrain on the map is also very clear.

Tang long looked at the map and quickly determined that it was the topographic map of this place.

At this time, at his side, a hundred Li Wang Yue had already said: "this map is the topographic map of the place where we are. Wait a minute. When the map disappears, you will know the role of your coming here."

Tang Long didn't say anything. He held the open scroll in his hand and looked at the dark energy condensation map in front of him. He was always on guard.

At this time, ten meters in front of him, the dark energy condensation map stayed in the air for almost five minutes, then the whole energy map suddenly produced violent distortion.

Then in this twisted map, mysterious dark runes are flying out.

These dark runes flew towards the air ahead, and soon they were in the sky above a mountain 100 meters in front of Tang long, and slowly gathered together.

The runes kept flying from the twisted map to the top of the mountain over there. After about ten minutes, Tang long had seen that there were many dark runes in the sky over the hill one hundred meters ahead.

These dark runes are flying fast in the air and soon form a very strange array pattern."It's a strange method. It's obviously very profound. Ordinary people can't make it. It seems that this map is not fake. It should be an extremely mysterious map left over from the ancient times."

Tang long thought secretly.

At this time, in the front of the hundred meters, on the hill, suddenly the whole circle around the mountain burst out a layer of strong dark energy.

The dark energy rises from the ground on the top of the mountain, forming a dark energy defense boundary.

The higher the energy defense barrier goes, the more it shrinks toward the middle.

Finally, the dark defense boundary formed a semicircular energy defense shield, which completely shrouded the whole mountain in front of it.

Between heaven and earth in all directions, powerful energy is constantly converging towards the dark energy shield.

Tang Long explored and found that the dark energy shield contains more and more energy, and the defense of the shield has become stronger and stronger.

Beside him, a hundred Li Wangyue has already explained: "you see the defensive boundary. If we can't untie the defensive boundary, we can't go to the Archean ruins!"

Tang Long asked, "where are the Archean sites?"

Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "look at the border, there will soon be a door of space."

As soon as the sound of looking at the moon for a hundred miles has just fallen, Tang Long has seen that in the dark energy defense barrier, in the air at the top of the barrier, that space suddenly has a terrible distortion.

In this horrible twisted space, the dazzling golden light burst out.

Golden light in the twisted space, soon is condensed into a diameter of two meters of space door!

Tang Long asked, "is the gate of space the entrance to the Archean site?"

"It should be." Looking at the moon for a hundred miles, he said, "however, although we can see that entrance is right in front of us, we can't get in at all, because the defense of the dark border is very strong, and we can't open it if we blow hard!"

After a pause, he went on: "even if you can use tough means to open the border, it's still completely useless, because if you do this, when the defense barrier is broken by bombardment, the door of space will disappear immediately."

Tang Long explored the dark defense barrier.

After his exploration, he quickly determined that the defensive power contained in this defensive border was indeed powerful and powerful.

He has now sealed his own strength. At present, his strength is only the nine realms of the emperor of heaven. The strength of such a realm can not detect the limit that the defensive boundary can bear!

"It seems that even if they are the warriors of dizu's high-level strength, they certainly can't break the defense barrier to bombardment!"

Tang long thought.

He guessed that the defensive border might be super strong. I'm afraid even if the warriors of Tianzu realm can't smash it here, otherwise, he won't be able to appear here.

After all, there must be a strong Tianzu in the Baili family.

After the end of a hundred months, I see that the defense will disappear. How do you know that the defense will disappear? It's impossible that the defense barrier appears and will never disappear, right? If so, I'm afraid many people would have discovered it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!