"These doors are obviously decorated with strong barriers, which must be the treasure of this Archean site!"

Tang Long murmured to himself, in his eyes emerged a very obvious expectation, it seems that he can't wait, and walked towards one of the doors.

He seems happy on the surface, but he is always cautious in his heart.

He knew that no matter what he saw or found here, it was not the original existence in the Archean site, but was deliberately set by someone.

"I don't know what will be behind these four doors!"

He thought to himself, and soon he came to a door and looked at the seal on the door.

This seal is obviously not very difficult to untie, at least for Tang long, to untie such a seal is a very easy thing.

It took him less than two minutes to untie the seal on the door in front of him.

Then he went up and pushed the door open.

Originally, Tang Long was very cautious and prepared to deal with all kinds of dangers, but to his surprise, after the door opened, there was no danger in front of him!

He was still very careful. Looking forward from the door that opened the door, he saw a small storage room in front of him.

There is a large, golden coffin in the storage room!

Tang Long walked into the storage room carefully.

He first explored the situation around him, and found that there was no prohibition or boundary, no special seal, or even any danger. He relaxed a little.

There are many ways he can get out of this environment.

"First look at the golden coffin!"

He soon went to the golden coffin and looked at it carefully. The coffin was obviously made of a very rare kind of glauconite.

The value of glauberite is very high, and the material is very hard.

Not to mention anything else, it's just that the value of this coffin is more than 100000 Yuan Stone!

The length of the coffin is a little more than 2.5 meters, and the width is more than 60 centimeters. It depicts many mysterious runes.

Tang Long checked these runes and immediately determined that the runes were arranged as a seal array.

This seal array can not defeat Tang long.

It took Tang Long five minutes to untie the seal, and then he was very careful to open the golden coffin.

There are no dead bones, no clothes in the coffin. Some of them are all kinds of rare pearl treasures from the whole coffin.

Among them, there are even rare blood jade!

"I didn't expect that there were so many valuable things in this coffin!" When Tang Long saw what was in the coffin, his eyes immediately showed a very obvious joy.

At this time, the expression on his face was extremely happy.

He seemed to have been unable to stop the love in his heart. He burst into laughter with infinite greed in his eyes: "Wow, ha ha ha, I didn't expect that there was a treasure room here. The contents in the coffin were worth at least 10 million yuan stone!"

After laughing for a long time, he stopped smiling.

Then he was in this coffin to look at, every time see a good thing, he is to laugh for a while.

At this time in this site, in the open place where Gao Tianye is located, Gao Tianye saw Tang Long's appearance through the spirit and spirit charm, and his eyes also showed a slight contempt.

He knew that Tang Long was greedy and greedy.

This time, he set a trap here to deal with Tang long, and he made good use of Tang Long's greed.

"Be happy. When you are extremely happy and sad, you will feel the horror of despair only when you suddenly know that you have no hope of living."

"Of course, before you despair, I will make you very satisfied, and everything you get will eventually come to my hand. I must make good use of you and play a good trick on you before you die!"

"Then, I will let you watch your beast be killed head on end!"

"In the end, I will let you die slowly in anger, and in despair and pain!"

Gao Tianye looks at Tang Long's happy and crazy appearance in the spirit rhyme. His eyes are full of a very proud light.

Tang Long was happy for a long time, and then directly put the golden coffin into the flag.

There's just one coffin in this storage room.

However, the coffin has a lot of things, Tang long felt very satisfied.

"Next, let me go and see what will be in the other doors. Haha, it won't let me down any more!"

With a triumphant smile, he turned and walked out of the storeroom.

Soon, he was in front of the second golden door in the hall. It took him less than a minute to open it easily.This door opens, appear in front of Tang Long is still a storeroom.

Everything in this storage room is weapons.

There are all kinds of precious weapons here. There are high-quality and high-quality artifact. Even Tang Long has found two kinds of very good wild artifact!

In addition, there is a top-grade artifact of Dan Ding, a very good style of Dan Ding.

"I really didn't expect that I could still have such a harvest here, which really surprised me!" Tang long thought in his mind, feeling that he was wrong, is this really a trap?!

If this ancient site is really tampered with by people, if who really set up a trap to deal with him, how can we put so many good things here for him?!

However, he thought about it carefully and thought that his guess should be right.

He still believes it's a trap.

Not to mention that Xiuli Changhe never appeared before, but just before he entered the site, the masked man in black suddenly appeared in the first hall, and let him know that all these were traps!

How can such a masked man in black emerge from such an ancient site?!

"What do these people think of in order to get so many things here for such a trap? Is it to let me die in joy? "

At this time, Tang Long's heart was very curious about the mind of the man who designed the trap secretly.

He couldn't guess who the people were hiding in the ruins.

However, he can be sure that the planner of the whole thing must be Guangyao Canglong. At least, Guangyao Canglong was involved and played an important role.

He felt that Guangyao Canglong was definitely not in the site.

Tang Long also had a little guess about the motive of Guangyao Canglong's arrangement of the trap.

He felt that it was not just him who Guangyao Canglong wanted to deal with!

"Guangyao Canglong must be waiting outside the ruins now, waiting for me to die in the ruins. What will Guangyao Canglong do when I am killed in this place? How can he get the most out of it? "

Tang long thought secretly, the expression on his face always seemed very happy.

He collected all kinds of artifact and other things in the storeroom into the sky sealing flag. He thought to himself, "if I just take the things and run away, what will the people in this room feel like? At that time, the expression on this guy's face will be very wonderful

At this time, although Tang Long's heart is so thinking, but he did not intend to leave like this.

There are two doors in the main hall outside that have not been opened. It is possible that there are good things behind the two doors. How could he leave like this?!

Moreover, he really wants to see who is behind the scenes in this site!

"The purpose of glorifying Cang Long is obvious. He has always wanted to get my Danshi League. In order to get my Danshi League smoothly, he will definitely get rid of the relationship completely and even make a contribution to himself!"

"How can he get a great credit in this matter?"

"Of course, the best credit is to avenge me, but even so, it is extremely difficult for him to get the Danshi League. The best way is to borrow the high-level of the blood temple to help him. In this way, he must also make a great contribution in the blood temple, let the blood Temple come forward to support him, and he also has to ensure that he has a great voice in this matter!"

Thinking of this, Tang Long's heart immediately guessed a lot: "what a brilliant Canglong, good cunning mind, it's such an abacus!"

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