At this time, Tang long had a comprehensive guess about the whole plan of shining Canglong.

He felt that to shine on Canglong was to use it, then to frame the blame, and then to do meritorious deeds!

This is obviously a great achievement!

"Shining Dragon, if your plan fails this time, I'm afraid you'll be very sad in the future. This time, you have to completely offend all the demonic people who cooperate with you."

"I'll just do it. I won't do anything to you for the time being. But after this incident, I'm afraid the devil people will make you even cry..."

Tang long thought in his mind what would happen next to Guangyao Canglong. After careful consideration, he could confirm one thing.

He knew that the man who possessed the power of demons hidden in the ruins was definitely not lie Qingtian, because he knew him well and even feared him very much.

If the person behind the scenes is strong Qingtian, strong Qingtian will kill him by the fastest means, and won't play with these flowers.

At least strong giant will not leave so many good things here for him, absolutely impossible!

If not strong sky, then another person is possible!

"Smart man!"

"It's Gao Tianye. He likes to show off his intelligence, he likes to calculate others in secret, and he likes to see others at your mercy in your trap These characteristics are similar to those of shining Canglong. "

"Gao Tianye, it seems that I really want to thank you this time!" Tang long thought to himself, "if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't get these good things."

He felt that 80% of the people in the site were Gao Tianye, which was in line with Gao Tianye's character.

And only Gao Tianye is here, shining Canglong can get the biggest benefit!

If it is strong Qingtian here, it is strong Qingtian and Guangyao Canglong to carry out this cooperation. If lie Qingtian shines Canglong, how can Guangyao Canglong control everything? Everything will be controlled by strong Qingtian.

"Guangyao Canglong is very clear about the relationship between Gao Tianye and me. How can we not make use of it?"

Tang Long thinks that only by making the best use of Gao Tianye, can Guangyao Canglong get the maximum benefits if the whole thing is successful.

From these aspects, we can infer that the Tang dragon is basically certain. The person who controls everything in the site must be Gao Tianye, and the person who controls everything outside the site is of course Guangyao Canglong!

Guangyao Canglong not only designed him, but also designed Gao Tianye.

Thinking of these things, Tang Long has walked out of the storage room and into the outside hall. Then he goes to the third door in the hall.

The third door opens and there is a door behind it!

On this door was written some words: "to open this door, please open the other three doors first. This is the last door to be opened!"

"It's quite mysterious to decorate like this!" Tang long thought in his heart, but he also followed what was written on the door.

He went first and opened the fourth door.

When the fourth door opened, Tang Long's eyes were filled with joy and greed: "I'll go. What a big pen I can do here. Haha, the owner of this site, you really make me admire you!"

The expression on his face was, of course, extremely happy.

Even he laughed again.

In front of me is still a not very big storage room, and this is actually a medicine storage room, which put a lot of various herbs!

Although there is no medicine that can enhance the strength of these herbs, and there is no fairy medicine, most of them are precious medicines.

And these herbs are basically used for healing, and are not many in the market.

The value of these herbs is very high!

"This time, I really made a fortune. According to the current market situation, these medicinal materials are worth at least 30 million yuan. It's really a huge harvest."

Tang long looked at the herbs, laughing and talking to himself.

In this medicine storage room around a large circle, and then he did not hesitate to collect all the herbs here into the Fengtian flag.

"Haha, if I can get medicinal materials next, I will go through the ruins no matter what!"

As he spoke, he walked out of the storeroom.

Now there's only one room left.

At this time, in the eyes of Gao Tianye, an open place in the ruins, his eyes also showed a strong joy: "Hey, this Guangyao Canglong is really willing, those herbs are actually very valuable, I got these herbs, and I can make a good profit. When Guangyao Canglong gave these things to me, even I admired him a little To kill Tang long, he is really willing! "

"However, the most gratifying thing is the plan in front of me. Tang long must have been greedy and forgetful at this time, and my plan will be 100% successful."

Gao Tianye's eyes have been full of expectation.He was very clear that everything Tang Long got at this time would eventually be his, and Tang Long was like this. He felt that Tang Long was really like a monkey who was played tricks and was greedy!

He murmured to himself: "shine Canglong, I have already prepared the things for you. When this matter is over and Tang Long is dead, you should have the power of demons!"

"Light of hope, that's a good thing!"


Tang long had already reached the last door.

He always kept his absolute vigilance in mind and thought, "what will be behind this door when it is opened? They know that I am a greedy person, very greedy, especially greedy for money and medicine! "

"I hope they can make me continue to be greedy, even if there is danger!"

The expression on Tang Long's face always seems very happy, very happy, with flame like light in his eyes!

The door opened!

Seeing the situation behind the door, Tang Long couldn't help being stunned!

Behind the door is a not too long passage, in front of the passage there is a door, this door divides the passage, in front of the door is a table, on which is placed a scroll and a box!

"What do you mean by the arrangement here?"

Tang Long's heart is a bit dazed, the expression on his face is also a bit dazed.

However, he was still very vigilant. After a moment's hesitation, he returned to his senses and explored the surrounding area. He did not find that there were attack arrays arranged here, nor did he find any arrays within the seal forbidden area.

Obviously, this place is very safe.

He walked towards the table.

A look at the box on the table, the box is blood red, carved with a lot of mysterious runes, the box is obviously decorated with defense.

Tang long did not immediately pay attention to the box, he first picked up the scroll next to the box.

The scroll is just a very ordinary scroll. Tang Long took a look at it and saw that although it was stored for many years, it was not something ancient.

For some items of identification, Tang Long is also some level.

But he never behaved with anyone in this respect.

"I'm afraid this scroll is from ancient times. I don't know what's recorded on the scroll!" he said

With that, he had opened the scroll.

There are some words on the scroll:

to be able to enter the site and be here proves that you and I are predestined.

As long as you have the ability to break through the level I set, everything in the ruins will be yours.

Being able to get here successfully proves that you are a very powerful person, and also a very smart person, especially you are very proficient in the array. Then, if you are the person I want to find, you will go on step by step, and finally, you will get great benefits that you can't imagine!

The next step is to open the box next to you and refine the herbs in the box into elixir. Remember, you must refine the medicine into elixir, and you can pass this pass!


"there are so many levels here? Is it actually a test of the level of refining elixir? It's a coincidence. Refining elixir is my strong point. It seems that I can easily break through this pass! "

Tang Long said to himself, opening the seal on the side of the box, and then opened the box.

The box opened and there was a piece of paper in it, which blocked the things below!

There are some big words on the paper: "this medicine can refine five miraculous elixirs. If you can refine all these five elixirs into immortal elixirs, you can go to the next level!"

Tang Long picked up the paper and immediately saw the medicine in the box.

Seeing this medicine, Tang Long even thought he was wrong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!