When Tang longcai came into the site, he was sure that it was a trap specially arranged to kill him!

But he really did not expect that there was such a good baby waiting for him in this trap!

"These people set a trap and put such good herbs for me. It seems that they are absolutely sure that they can kill me. They also want to use my method of refining elixir to help them refine some elixirs before killing me!"

"Sure enough, he is good at calculating. If you want to kill me, you should make good use of me before you kill me!"

"I don't know how many elixirs this dark guy will let me refine? This time I can get a lot of benefits

Thinking of this, Tang Long immediately picked up the medicine in the box, and then went to sit down on his knees not far away. He took out his nine heaven Golden Dragon tripod from Fengtian flag.

The last time in the gonghongba file for medicinal materials tasting meeting, Tang Long once took out the Jiutian Jinlong Ding to use.

Now here, he knows that someone is staring at him in the dark, so it is very appropriate to take out the nine Day Golden Dragon tripod to refine the elixir.

And he is also very clear in his mind, here, his own refining elixir can not exert the strongest means, must be restrained.

And the strength of his spirit must also be restrained.

There is a kind of fairy medicine in the box, and it is also a kind of three grade fairy medicine. It is a very rare healing fairy medicine, blood Bodhi.

Tang Long picked up the blood Bodhi and saw that it was under the blood Bodhi. At the bottom of the box, there was also a piece of paper.

On the paper were some words: "when you refine five elixirs and put them in five small holes in the box, you can open the next level."

"I don't know what the next level will be."

Tang long thought, some expectations, hope to see better Tiancai Dibao.

He picked up the paper at the bottom of the box, and he saw that there were five small holes in the bottom of the box.

In addition, there are many mysterious runes depicted in the box. These runes and five small holes connect the city, forming a very strange seal array with the array on the wall and ground around the partition channel.

"This place is well arranged, but it seems that this box and the rune array on the wall are obviously arranged a long time ago. They just borrowed it!"

"Although the formation in the channel is profound, there is no seal prohibition, which is the best situation for me."

Tang long thought, looking at the five small holes in the box, studied the seal array, and immediately determined that after the seal array was untied, he could still get the elixir in the box.

And he was sure that even if the elixir was not refined, the ordinary elixir could still be opened by putting it in these five holes.

The saying that five elixirs must be refined is obviously deceptive.

But now he's willing to be cheated.

Tang Long's face always looked very happy. His eyes had already fallen on the blood Bodhi in his hand: "it's just five pills. It's a piece of cake for me!"

This blood Bodhi is not small. Refining five elixirs is completely possible.

Tang Long has begun to refine the elixir.

At this time, in the open space of the site, he observed Tang Long's Gao Tianye through the spirit and spirit rhyme. When he saw that Tang long had begun to refine the elixir, he also had an obvious pride in his eyes: "Hey, hey, I'm going to get the benefit next!"

"Tang long, I hope you can help me refine some elixir, but I have prepared a lot of precious medicinal materials for you!"

Murmur, Gao Tianye's face, that proud smile becomes more and more obvious.

He has already known the level of Tang Long's Alchemy.

The last time Tang long used the Jiutian Jinlong tripod to refine five elixirs in the medicinal materials tasting meeting of gonghongba file. Gao Tianye of course already knew it clearly.

So this time Gao Tianye has to seize the opportunity to make good use of Tang long before killing him.

Tang Long has begun to refine the elixir.

Gao Tianye saw in the spirit and spirit that Tang Long was serious in refining the elixir, and it was obviously very smooth. Twenty minutes later, Tang long had finished refining five elixirs.

After refining the five elixirs, Tang Long went to the table and carefully put the five elixirs in his hand in the five small holes in the box.

On the elixir, the powerful aura diffused, and soon a dazzling golden light broke out in the box.

In the golden light, mysterious runes flew out of the box and flew toward the wall where the runes were depicted in the passage.

Soon, these golden runes were incorporated into the walls.

"Boom, boom..."

A low voice sounded, and I saw that in front of Tang long, the wall of the isolation channel in front of Tang Long fell down slowly.On the other side of the wall, there is another isolated passage that is basically the same as this one.

There was also a table in that passage. There was a box on the table, and there was a scroll beside the box.

Tang Long quickly picked up the elixir in the box on the table in front of him, put it in the sky sealing flag, and then flashed his body, and quickly went to the front.

In a twinkling of an eye, he has been in the front of the isolated channel.

At this time, behind him, the wall which had fallen down before rose slowly, and finally became a partition wall behind Tang long, isolating Tang long in this small passage.

There is also a partition wall in front of Tang Long and a table in front of it.

"I hope I can get a bigger surprise this time!" He thought to himself that he had come to the table.

Then he picked up the scroll on the table. As like as two peas on the scroll,

's scroll is the same as the one he saw before. It also made him make the medicinal herbs in the box into a fairy.

"First look at the medicine in this box!"

Tang Long soon untied the seal on the box and saw that there was a treasure in the box!

This is actually a kind of Wupin fairy medicine, and it is also a healing medicine!

However, the five grade elixir is obviously not big, can only refine three elixirs, but in the bottom of this box, there are also five holes!

There is also a piece of paper in the box: refine the medicine in the box into three fairy pills, and then you take out the two pills refined before and put them together in the five holes in the box. Open the seal of the box and you can enter the next level! "

after reading these words, Tang Long's face was filled with joy again, and he said to himself," Hey, this harvest is too great, and under such circumstances, it is obviously useless for ordinary people to come to the site, but I just can get all the treasures here! "

Speaking to himself, he took out the nine Day Golden Dragon tripod again and began to refine the elixir.

Gao Tianye, of course, is still monitoring Tang Long with spirit and spirit.

Next, under the surveillance of Gao Tianye, Tang Long has broken through one pass after another, and in a twinkling of an eye, he has passed ten passes.

In the process of breaking through the barrier, Tang Long has refined a total of more than 50 fairy pills, and these herbs are extremely rare and precious medicinal materials.

Most of the elixirs he refined were three pattern elixir, and even some of them were made into four pattern elixir!

Gao Tianye watched Tang Long refine the elixir again and again, and the surprise light in his eyes became more and more obvious.

He knew that these elixirs would be his in the end!

"This time, my harvest is really great. First, I play Tang long as a monkey and use him as a tool to refine elixir. When I have used him, I will kill him and get all his elixirs. Hehe, hehe, hehe..."

Gao Tianye smiles triumphantly, thinking that Tang Long is about to start bleeding and seriously injured, and then he will die miserably. Gao Tianye feels that his whole blood has begun to sing!

That kind of joy, that kind of pride, let him can't help laughing.

He felt that he was too clever!

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