The two mysterious warriors around Guangyao mountain were covered in a big red cloak with ghost masks on their faces, which completely blocked their appearance and made them invisible to others.

They even wore blood red gloves on their hands.

Only one pair of eyes of the two men showed up, and their eyes were full of strange blood red light.

These two mysterious people are the secret strongmen in the blood temple, and they are a group of confidants on the blood temple.

It's not a very important thing. The God of blood will not send his subordinates out.

These two warriors with blood red cloaks are very strong, and both have reached the realm of Tianzu.

In addition, the elder Tian of the law enforcement department of the two blood god temples around Guangyao mountain are also strong in Tianzu realm. When they saw the man wolf really appeared in this place, and saw the man wolf flying out of the door of the golden space, a surprise appeared on their faces.

They have been investigating this case for a long time, especially the case of the man wolf who broke out evil power.

They know that the venerable of the blood Temple attaches great importance to and cares about the human wolf, especially the man wolf with Demon power.

If they can find out the relevant important clues here, they know that they will surely make a great contribution to go back to the blood temple.

Of course, the biggest credit for today's events is obviously due to the glory family.

Among the two elders, one of the elder Tian looked at Guangyao mountain and said, "I didn't expect that there were wolves in this place. What's going on?"

Guangyao Yunshan said with a smile: "this is the credit of Cang Long. He has found a message before that he found that the gods and men in Gaofu were mysterious, and that he had contact with some mysterious people. So he kept an eye on it."

On this day, the elder heard the words of Guangyao Yunshan, and his eyes were frozen and he said in a deep voice: "do you mean that Gao Fu has a deep connection with those wolves? But isn't that man wolf's business related to strong giant? "

another Tian long way: "we have been secretly investigating Gao Fu during this period of time, and did not find any abnormalities in them. Moreover, the last thing about the star God blood is obviously the victim of Gao Qiang, who was used by the strong and the strong. Many of the people in Gao Fu were also among the spirits, and several of them died. The house of Shigao was completely entrapped by strong giant! "

Guangyao Yunshan said with a smile: "Cang Long has investigated some evidence. It is possible that the people of Gaofu are closely related to that strong Qingtian. Everything you found in Gaofu before may be just the hard work of Gaofu. Gaofu wants to get rid of the responsibility."

One of the two warriors with blood red cloaks said in a deep voice: "but during this period of time, we have been paying close attention to Gaofu in secret, and have not found any abnormality!"

Guangyao cloud mountain said: "that's what they covered up. Today, we should be able to get conclusive evidence."

On the day before he said, "no matter what, we must make a good investigation today, and at least we must catch a few wolves, so that things can have a major breakthrough."

They were now flying fast forward, and they were about to reach the top of the mountain.

A fierce battle has begun on the top of the mountain!

In this fierce war, the man wolf was surrounded by hundreds of warriors of Guangyao family. At this time, the man wolf was extremely powerful. He bombarded in all directions, and the devil's power broke out continuously. Actually, one man blocked the attack of hundreds of warriors of Guangyao family!

"What a man wolf Guangyao cloud mountain flew over and looked at the man and Wolf and said, "it seems that we have to fight to ensure that the man wolf is captured alive!"

His voice had just dropped. Beside him, two terrible momentum, containing the power of incomparable blood demons, had suddenly burst out and flew towards the wolf.

These two figures are the two mysterious people who are covered in the blood red robe, and they are the two confidants of the blood god hall.

The two men flew forward like lightning, flying towards the wolf, and the blood Demon power on their bodies had been swept out in a frenzy.

But at this time, when they rushed to the wolf to catch the wolf, the wolf's body suddenly burst out of the ferocious force of the devil.

And in this demon power, a mysterious black Rune burst out of the wolf.

The strong breath of life flew out of this dark Rune!

"No, this man wolf is going to blow himself up!"

After finding out such a situation, the distant shining Canglong's eyes suddenly showed a touch of tension.

Although he felt that there must be more man wolves in the ruins, there was only one man wolf outside now, which was probably a very important man wolf. Therefore, he felt that he must catch the man wolf alive no matter what.

This is absolute evidence. If we catch this man wolf, we may find out a lot of things.

After all, what if there is no man wolf in the site now? The man wolf is obviously very important!More importantly, what if this man wolf is Gao Fu's?!

"You want to blow yourself up, hehe!"

Just when Guangyao Canglong was nervous and worried, and when he was worried that the wolf was going to explode, a deep sneer came from the sky.

The two blood robed men turned into two blood red lights and flew towards the wolf like lightning, and a terrible and powerful force burst out from them.

The power of this sudden explosion force is so powerful and shocking!

Under the influence of such a powerful force, hundreds of warriors of the shining family, including the man wolf who was about to explode, suddenly fell down from the sky.

One by one by the powerful force of bombardment pressure, fell on the ground actually can not move!

The dark mysterious rune that erupted from the wolf seemed to be sealed by mysterious energy and stagnated in the air completely motionless.

Even the place where the man wolf is located, the space within a few meters around it is completely solidified. The man wolf has been controlled by a strong energy and can't get up on the ground at all!

The black energy burst out of the man wolf is also completely solidified, and the original self explosion is actually sealed at this time!

"What a powerful means!"

Guangyao Canglong looked in the distance, his eyes showed a touch of shock.

He didn't expect that the two mysterious men had such a tyrannical means. Before they passed, they could use such terrible means to knock down all the warriors of hundreds of glorious families to the ground. What's more, they could not move the man wolf who was exploding.

The man wolf's self explosion has been stopped.

The two warriors with blood red cloaks were flying towards the wolf.

But at this time, when the two cloaks fighters saw that they were flying in front of the man wolf and were about to seize the man wolf, a force of space suddenly burst out from the door of the glittering space above.

In front of the door of space, a large space has produced a very strange twist!

And then in this extremely strange twist, a head of fierce man wolf, directly is to fly out together.

There are five of them in all.

And these five wolves have burst out of a powerful demon power.

Five wolves in the air, formed a pentagonal array, and then on them, the dark devil power swept the rolling blood Demon power, which contained the most powerful breath of life, burst out together.

"Woo hoo, woo woo..."

The five wolves roared together, and the dark and mysterious runes were flying out constantly. This is obviously the brand of life contained in the spirit.

The brand of life is swept by the power of demons, and there are countless cracks, which are all about to be broken!

"No, these five wolves are going to blow themselves up!"

Guangyao Canglong explored such a situation, his eyes suddenly showed a touch of horror!

He turned and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing this situation, many warriors turned around in a hurry to escape towards the distance. Even the two soldiers with blood red cloaks did not care about the man wolf controlled on the ground, and rushed to the distance.

The five wolves who were about to explode in the sky were very powerful and all reached the level of dizu.

The most important thing is that the self explosion of the five wolves is obviously arranged as an extremely terrible destruction array, which is a taboo array circulated in the high-level of the blood temple! , the fastest update of the webnovel!